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研究生(外文):Chang, Chia-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Meso-scale Heat Exchangers with Magneto-hydrodynamic Pumps
指導教授(外文):Wang, Pei-Jen
外文關鍵詞:Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD)MHD PumpHeat Exchanger
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習知的電子裝備主要係依靠被動式之熱交換器進行散熱,以避免溫度過高而引起損壞;如今因積體電路之功率密度不斷提高,傳統的被動式熱交換器受限於空間及重量的限制,將無法提供所需的冷卻功率。有鑒於此,本論文提出一種應用磁流動力學理以推動導電性冷媒之熱交換器,並經由相關的理論分析與實驗結果獲得驗證。基於理論分析方向,由假設之穩態、不可壓縮之完全發展層流條件下,推導出導電性流體於羅倫茲力作用下的統御方程式,進而使用有限差分法求數值近似解,定量化評估熱交換器之冷卻能力。另於實驗方向,進行磁流動力泵及其熱交換實驗裝置之設計製作,以驗證冷媒於羅倫茲力推動下的流動速率及其所產生的總冷卻容量,由實驗結果得知,當外加磁通密度為0.41特士拉及外加電流為3安培時,所測得之流速為1.09×10-1 米/秒;經進一步分析實驗數據後得知,此熱交換器能夠以1微瓦特之輸入電功率,輸出約1瓦特之等效冷卻功率。故由本論文之理論分析與實驗驗證得知,應用磁流動力學理之熱交換器具有高效率之節能優勢,對於高發熱量之電子產品散熱相關應用具有極佳之發展潛力。
Electronic devices have been mainly relying on passive heat exchangers to transfer heat away for preventing catastrophic thermal problems in the past. Nowadays, passive heat exchangers no longer provide ample cooling efforts due to stringent spatial limitations of high power-density systems. In this dissertation, a novel heat exchanger system, based upon magneto-hydrodynamic theory for pumping electrically conducting coolant, has been studied and experimentally verified in details. Governing equations of electrically conducting fluid driven by the Lorentz forces were first derived by assuming steady state, incompressible and fully developed laminar flow conditions. Then, numerical simulations were conducted via the explicit finite-difference method to evaluate the performance of the heat exchanger. Finally, an experimental apparatus was built for measuring the coolant flow-velocity and the total cooling capacity. Nominal flow velocity of 1.09×10-1 m/s at 3 Ampere of electric current was observed while the magnetic flux density was maintained at 0.41 Tesla. The experimental results concluded that the heat exchanger could provide equivalent cooling power of 1 Watt per 1 micro Watt of input electric power; hence, this high efficiency magneto-hydrodynamic cooling system is very promising for the cooling applications in future power electronic products.
摘 要
1.1 Challenges of Electronic Cooling 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Scope of Study 6
2.1 Cooling Techniques for Electronic Equipment 9
2.1.1 Passive Cooling Techniques 10
2.1.2 Active Cooling Techniques 11
2.2 MHD Engineering Applications 16
2.2.1 Electromagnetic Processing of Molten Metals 17
2.2.2 MHD Micro-pumps 22
2.2.3 Heat Removal Applications 24
2.3 MHD Theoretical Analysis 25
2.4 Concluding Remarks 29
3.1 Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory 37
3.2 One-dimensional MHD Flow Analysis 39
3.2.1 Inviscid Flow with Incompressibility 39
3.2.2 Viscous Flow with Incompressibility 41
3.2.3 Equivalent Circuit Models 46
3.3 Two-dimensional MHD Flow Analysis 53
3.4 Simulation Results and Discussions 56
3.4.1 Flow Rate Predictions 56
3.4.2 Effects of Channel Geometry 58
3.4.3 Experimental Verifications 59
4.1 Introduction of CAE Systems 73
4.2 MHD Pump Design 76
4.3 Analysis of Magnetostatic Field 80
4.4 Analysis of Electrostatic Field 82
5.1 Experimental Setups 99
5.1.1 Hydrostatic Measurement 100
5.1.2 MHD Pump Measurement 101
5.1.3 Heat Exchanger Measurement 103
5.2 Results and Discussions 105
5.2.1 Flow Velocity Measurements 106
5.2.2 Pump Efficiency Determination 107
5.2.3 Cooling Measurements 110
6.1 Conclusions 124
6.2 Future Works 125

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