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研究生(外文):Chin-Yuan Chien
論文名稱(外文):Sodium Laser Generation from a PPLN Singly Resonant Ring Resonator Performing Simultaneous OPO, SHG, and SFG
指導教授(外文):Yen-Chieh Huang
外文關鍵詞:PPLNring cavity
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為了產生鈉黃光的波長,我們提出三段串接週期性反轉鈮酸鋰晶體(periodically poled lithium niobate, PPLN)來完成。我們採用一種光參數振盪的方法來達成,同時搭配上環形共振腔的架構來產生589 nm的波長。為了產生1767 nm三階諧頻的訊號,除了原先的光參數振盪器之外,我們又加上了倍頻產生器(second harmonic generation, SHG)與和頻產生器(sum frequency generation, SFG)。而這三段相位匹配的晶體週期分別為30.67 �慆、23.93 �慆與9.73 �慆。晶體的相位匹配溫度在OPO及串接的SHG與SFG分別被被設計在170.55 oC與176.57 oC。在此種的設計之下,我們計算出來在晶體內的雷射腰身約為80 �慆。當我們假設單一的共振波長1767 nm與1 %的腔體損耗時,計算出來的閥值約為0.4 W。當我們操作在三倍大的閥值時,其三段串接晶體的轉換效率約為10 %。

在這論文中,我們驗證了以脈衝式的Q調製雷射來取代連續式的雷射來當幫浦雷射,且同時在環形共振腔中的架構下完成此實驗。此Q調製雷射的脈衝寬度為13 ns,重複率為6 KHz。實驗中的幫浦閥值約為8.35 �寙,此整體的589 nm的轉換效率約為0.02 %.
We present a three-stage PPLN nonlinear optical process for producing sodium D1, D2 wavelengths, 589.6 nm and 589.0 nm. For the purpose of producing the 589-nm wavelength, we adopt 1064-nm pumped bow-tie ring cavity optical parametric oscillation (OPO), oscillating at its signal wavelength, 1767 nm. In order to obtain the third harmonics of the 1767 nm OPO signal, another PPLN crystal, containing a second harmonic generation (SHG) section, a sum frequency generation (SFG) section, and a dispersion compensation section, was installed in the same OPO cavity. The quasi-phase-matching periods of the OPO, SHG, and SFG PPLN sections are 30.67 �慆, 23.93 �慆, and 9.73 �慆, respectively. The phase matching temperatures of the OPO and cascaded SHG and SFG PPLN crystals are 170.55 oC and 176.57 oC. The lengths of the OPO, SHG, and SFG sections are 5 cm, 1 cm, and 1cm, respectively. The total cavity length is 53 cm. Based upon our cavity design, the calculated mode sizes at the OPO PPLN and the cascaded SHG and SFG PPLN crystals are both ~ 80 �慆. Theoretical calculation indicates that the continuous-wave oscillation threshold is 0.4 W if the power loss of the 1767-nm wave is 1 %. When the 1064-nm pumping power is 3 times above the oscillation threshold, the overall up-conversion efficiency is ~ 10 % from the 1064-nm power to the 589-nm laser power.

In this dissertation, instead of continuous-wave operation, we demonstrate pulse operation by pumping the bow-tie ring cavity with a Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser. The Nd:YVO4 laser produces laser pulses with 13-ns pulsewidth at a 6-kHz repetition rate. The pumping threshold energy is 8.53 �寙 and the conversion efficiency from 1064-nm to the sodium line was around 0.02 %.
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