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研究生(外文):ChenKun Chuang
論文名稱(外文):The high speed transmission for multimedia in third generation cellular system
指導教授(外文):Prof. ChienHwa HuangProf. ChingYao Huang
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Providing multimedia services, like web browsing or video streaming, is very important in third generation cellular system. In wireless environment, high error rates are commonly regarded as the problem of transmission. However, TCP, which is the transport layer protocol used by majority of the applications on the internet, is designed for the wireline network. Therefore, other mechanisms are proposed to solve the transmission problem over the wireless links. RLP first came out in IS-95 in order to recover errors before TCP senses them. However, in third generation cellular system, RLP seems to be inadequate to solve the problem of TCP over wireless links As a result, MAC retransmission is proposed to help TCP performance even more in the order of mega bit per second (Mbps). In this paper, we studied the relationship between MAC retransmission and transmission rate. We found that at very high speed transmission rate (2Mbps), the MAC retransmission performances better than lower rate (0.5Mbps). Besides, we also found that the smaller packet duration is suitable for MAC retransmission.
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