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研究生(外文):Chia-Wei Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):The effects of dietary supplement of potassium diformate on the growth, survival and body composition of cobia, Rachycentron canadum and white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei
指導教授(外文):Shyn-Shin Sheen
外文關鍵詞:K-diformateCobiaRachycentron canadumWhite shrimpLitopenaeus vannameiFatty acidHepatopancreas
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本論文分成二組實驗:(一) 飼料中添加不同K-diformate含量(0、0.5、1、1.5 g/kg);(二) 飼料中添加不同K-diformate含量(0、3、6、9 g/kg),探討K-diformate 對海鱺成長、活存與體組成的影響。
實驗一魚體初重 6.9±0.1g,以魚粉為主要蛋白源,鱈魚肝油/玉米油 (2:1)為油脂來源,配製成4組不同K-diformate含量之實驗飼料。海鱺經餵食實驗飼料8週,各處理組在成長和活存並無統計上的差異,但以餵食含0.5 g/kg K-diformate 飼料處理組有最佳的成長及FCR。海鱺肌肉組織之水分、灰分、粗蛋白與粗脂質在各處理組並無差異,肝臟粗脂質則隨著飼料K-diformate 含量增加而增高的趨勢。海鱺肌肉中性油脂脂肪酸主要以16:0、18:1與18:2為主,18:1的含量有隨K-diformate增加而降低的趨勢;肌肉極性油脂脂肪酸主要以13:0、16:0、18:1、22:6n-3為主;肝臟中性油脂脂肪酸主要以16:0、18:1為主,18:1、20:5n-3含量有因添加K-diformate而增高;肝臟極性油脂脂肪酸主要以16:0、18:1為主,22:6n-3含量有著飼料K-diformate含量增加而增高的趨勢。
實驗二魚體初重 28±1g,以魚粉為主要蛋白源,鱈魚肝油/玉米油 (2:1)為油脂來源,另添加K-diformate,配製成4組不同K-diformate含量之實驗飼料。海鱺經餵食實驗飼料4週,各處理組在成長與活存並無統計上的差異,但以餵食含3 g/kg K-diformate 飼料處理組有最佳的成長及FCR,以9 g/kg處理組最差。海鱺肌肉組織之水分、灰分、粗蛋白與粗脂質在各處理組並無差異,肝臟粗脂質則隨著飼料K-diformate 含量增加而增高的趨勢。


本論文分成二組實驗:(一) 飼料中添加不同K-diformate含量(0、0.5、1、1.5 g/kg);(二) 飼料中添加不同K-diformate含量(0、3、6、9 g/kg),探討K-diformate 對白蝦成長、活存與體組成的影響,重複實驗二次。
實驗一白蝦初重 0.018±0.001g,以魚粉為主要蛋白源,鱈魚肝油/玉米油 (2:1)為油脂來源,配製成4組不同K-diformate含量之實驗飼料。白蝦經餵食實驗飼料9週,以餵食含1.5 g/kg K-diformate 飼料的白蝦成長最好,與0 g/kg處理組有顯著差異,但與其他處理組無顯著差異。0.5 g/kg處理組有最高的活存率(96.7 %),以0 g/kg處理組活存最低(85 %),白蝦肌肉組織之水分、灰分、粗蛋白與粗脂質在各處理組並無差異。
實驗二白蝦初重 0.007±0g,以魚粉為主要蛋白源,鱈魚肝油/玉米油 (2:1)為油脂來源,配製成4組不同K-diformate含量之實驗飼料。白蝦經餵食實驗飼料6週,各處理組在成長並無統計上的差異,以餵食含6 g/kg K-diformate 飼料處理組有最佳的成長,9 g/kg 處理組成長最差。3 g/kg處理組有最高的活存率(100 %),以9 g/kg處理組活存最低(92 %),白蝦肌肉組織之水分、灰分、粗蛋白與粗脂質在各處理組並無差異,肝胰臟粗脂質含量以3、6 g/kg處理組較高。白蝦肌肉中性油脂脂肪酸主要以13:0及16:0為主,EPA及DHA含量有隨飼料中添加K-diformate含量增加而增高的趨勢;肌肉極性油脂脂肪酸主要以16:0、18:1、20:5n-3及22:6n-3為主;肝胰臟中性油脂脂肪酸主要以13:0、16:0、18:1n-9及18:2n-6為主;肝胰臟極性油脂脂肪酸主要以13:0、16:0、18:1n-9為主,EPA及DHA含量有隨飼料中添加K-diformate含量增加而增高的趨勢;重複此實驗,白蝦初重 0.006±0.001g,經餵食實驗飼料9週,各處理組在成長並無統計上的差異,以餵食含3 g/kg K-diformate 飼料處理組有最佳的成長,9 g/kg 處理組成長最差。各處理處理組活存率在83.3~91.7,白蝦肌肉組織之水分、灰分、粗蛋白與粗脂質在各處理組並無差異。

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of K-diformate on the weight gain, survival and chemical compositions of muscle and liver of cobia, Rachycentron canadum.
In the first trial, triplicate groups of cobia (6.9±0.1g initial body weight) were fed diets including four supplemental K-diformate levels (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 g/kg). Fish meal was used as a dietary protein and the mixture of 2:1 cod liver oil/corn oil used as a dietary lipid. No significant differences were found among the weight gain and survival of cobia fed different experimental diets in the 8-week feeding period. However, cobia fed a diet containing 0.5 g/kg K-diformate had the best weight gain (878 %) and food conversion ratio (2.56). The moisture, ash, crude protein and crude lipid content of cobia muscle were no significant difference among all treatments, but the crude lipid of liver of cobia was increased with increasing dietary K-diformate level. The neutral lipid of muscle of cobia contained high levels of 16:0, 18:1 and 18:2; the 18:1 decreased with increasing dietary K-diformate level. The major fatty acids of polar lipid of muscle of cobia were 13:0, 16:0, 18:1 and 22:6n-3. The neutral lipid of liver of cobia fed diets containing K-diformate had high concentration of 18:1 and 20:5n-3 . The 22:6n-3 of polar lipid of liver of cobia were increased with increasing dietary K-diformate level.
In the second trial, triplicate groups of cobia (28±1g initial body weight) were fed diets including four supplemental K-diformate levels ( 0, 3, 6 and 9 g/kg) . Fish meal was used as a dietary protein and the mixture of 2:1 cod liver oil/corn oil used as a dietary lipid. No significant differences were found among the weight gain and survival of cobia fed different experimental diets in the 4-week feeding period. However, cobia fed a diet containing 3 g/kg K-diformate had the best weight gain (110 %) . The moisture, ash, crude protein and crude lipid content of cobia muscle were no significant difference among all treatments, but the crude lipid of liver of cobia was increased with increasing dietary K-diformate level.


Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of K-diformate on the weight gain, survival and chemical compositions of muscle and hepatopancreas of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei.
In the first trial, triplicate groups of white shrimp (0.018±0.001g initial body weight) were fed diets containing four supplemental K-diformate levels (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 g/kg). Fish meal was used as a dietary protein and mixture of 2:1 cod liver oil/corn oil used as a dietary lipid. White shrimp fed diets containing 0.5, 1, 1.5 g/kg K-diformate had significantly higher weight gain than the diet without K-diformate supplemented in the 9-week feeding period. Survival of white shrimp fed the diets containing 0.5, 1, 1.5 g/kg K-diformate were above 90%. The moisture, ash, crude protein and crude lipid content of white shrimp muscle were not significant difference among all treatments.
In the second trial, triplicate groups of white shrimp (0.007±0g initial body weight) were fed diets containing four supplemental K-diformate levels (0, 3, 6 and 9 g/kg). No significant differences were found among the weight gain of white shrimp fed different experimental diets in the 6-week feeding period. However, white shrimp fed a diet containing 6 g/kg K-diformate had the highest weight gain. Survival of white shrimp fed treatment groups were above 90%. The moisture, ash, crude protein and crude lipid content of white shrimp muscle were not significant difference among all treatments. The neutral lipid of muscle of white shrimp contained high levels of 13:0, 16:0 and 18:2 in experiment 1 and 2. The 20:5n-3(EPA) and 22:6n-3(DHA) levels of neutral lipid of muscle of white shrimp were increased with increasing dietary K-diformate level in experiment 1 and 2. The major fatty acids of polar lipid of muscle of white shrimp were 16:0, 18:1, EPA and DHA in experiment 1 and 2. The neutral lipid of hepatopancreas of white shrimp contained high levels of 13:0, 16:0, 18:1 and 18:2 in experiment 1and 2. However, polar lipid of hepatopancreas of white shrimp contained high levels of 13:0, 16:0 and 18:1 in experiment 1 and 2. The EPA and DHA levels of polar lipid of hepatopancreas of white shrimp were increased with increasing dietary K-diformate level in experiment 1 and 2.
To reconfirm the result of the second trial, triplicate groups of white shrimp (0.006±0.001g initial body weight) were also fed diets containing four supplemental K-diformate levels (0, 3, 6 and 9 g/kg). There were not significant differences among the weight gain of white shrimp fed different experimental diets in the 9-week feeding period. However white shrimp fed a diet containing 3 g/kg K-diformate had the highest weight gain. Survival of white shrimp fed the diets containing 0 and 3g/kg K-diformate were above 90%. The moisture, ash, crude protein and crude lipid content of white shrimp muscle were not significant difference among all treatments.
------------目 錄-----------

一、 海鱺之分類--------------------------------------------------------3
二、 海鱺之生態特性--------------------------------------------------3
三、 海鱺的繁、養殖--------------------------------------------------4
四、 有機酸--------------------------------------------------------------6
一、 實驗動物-----------------------------------------------------------8
二、 實驗系統-----------------------------------------------------------8
三、 實驗條件-----------------------------------------------------------8
四、 實驗飼料之配製--------------------------------------------------9
五、 魚體組織樣品的處理--------------------------------------------9
六、 分析項目----------------------------------------------------------10
1. 一般成分分析-----------------------------------------------10
2. 脂肪酸組成的測定與鑑定--------------------------------11
七、 統計分析----------------------------------------------------------13

------------目 錄-----------

一、 白蝦之分類--------------------------------------------------------3
二、 白蝦之生態特性--------------------------------------------------3
三、 白蝦的繁、養殖--------------------------------------------------4
一、 實驗動物-----------------------------------------------------------6
二、 實驗系統-----------------------------------------------------------6
三、 實驗條件-----------------------------------------------------------6
四、 實驗飼料之配製--------------------------------------------------7
五、 蝦體組織樣品的處理--------------------------------------------8
六、 分析項目-----------------------------------------------------------8
1. 一般成分分析------------------------------------------------8
2. 脂肪酸組成的測定與鑑定---------------------------------9
七、 統計分析----------------------------------------------------------11

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