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研究生(外文):Chan-Chang Liao
論文名稱(外文):Assessment Concrete Durability For Different Mineral Admixture Contant By Using Acceleration Chloride Migration Test
指導教授(外文):C. C. YangR. Huang
外文關鍵詞:chloridedurabilitymineral admixturereplacement
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本研究利用加速氯離子穿透試驗(accelerated chloride migration
The accelerated chloride migration test (ACMT) was used to investigate the effect of mineral admixtures on the resistance of chloride ion penetration in concrete. Testing variables include the content of fly ash/ground granulated blast-furnace slag and water/binder ratio. Cylindrical specimens with a dimension of 10x20cm were cast for compressive strength test and chloride penetration test. Chloride ion flux and the chloride ion migration coefficient were evaluated using the test data and Nernst-Planck equation.
It was found that partial replacement of fly ash/slag for Portland cement in concrete is beneficial for resistance of chloride ion penetration. The optimum percent of replacement is 25% for fly ash and 45% for slag, respectively. Slag replacement is better than fly ash replacement as far as migration coefficient is concerned. And, there is no definite relationship between compressive strength and flux (or chloride migration coefficient).
摘 要
第一章 緒論
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究目的
1-3 研究方法與流程
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 礦物摻料之探討
2-1-1 飛灰
2-1-2 水淬爐石
2-2 孔隙結構
2-2-1 添加礦物摻料之孔隙結構與滲透性
2-3 氯離子於混凝土中傳輸擴散機理
2-3-1 加速氯離子穿透試驗(ACMT)
2-4 溫度效應影響
第三章 試驗計劃
3-1 試驗變數
3-2 試驗材料性質
3-3 試驗配比設計與配比編號
3-4 試驗方法與儀器設備
3-4-1 加速氯離子傳輸試驗(ACMT)
3-4-2 氯離子濃度量測(Metrohm Basic IC)
3-4-3 萬能材料試驗機(抗壓強度)
第四章 結果與討論
4-1 前言
4-2 氯離子傳輸過程
4-2-1 氯離子穿透速率
4-2-2 飛灰混凝土穿透速率
4-2-3 氯離子穿透係數
4-2-4 飛灰混凝土穿透係數
4-2-5 飛灰配比之抗壓強度
4-3 探討爐石用量與水膠比之關係
4-3-1 爐石混凝土之穿透速率
4-3-2 爐石混凝土之穿透係數
4-3-3 爐石配比之抗壓強度
4-4 礦物摻料之穿透係數與抗壓強度比較
第五章 結論與建議
5-1 結論
5-2 建議
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