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研究生(外文):Chun-Chieh Chang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of repaired concrete durability by using accelerate chloride test
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本研究係利用加速氯離子穿透試驗(accelerated chloride migration test, ACMT)與快速氯離子滲透試驗(ASTM C1202-97, RCPT),探討混凝土試體經70%極限強度預壓後使內部產生微裂縫後對氯離子滲透性影響,及以使用三種不同機理之修復材料,對預壓後之試體進行修復,並探討其對混凝土氯離子滲透性之助益,藉以模擬外在非主結構建築物因承受外力而產生的微裂縫,及對抵抗氯離子滲透的影響,並且找出快速有效的修複微裂縫方式。
This research mainly aims at the reuse of stone material sludge resulted from the stone material processing. The method is to use the stone material sludge resulted from the stone material processing to be stuff of the cement instead of sand in cement, then proceed the feasibility study with the concrete workability (slump test), the mechanical properties (compressive strength test) and the durability (AASHTO T259). The stone material sludge is about 20 % water content after dewatering. It is needed to process to be OD condition and than grind it into fine powder sieve out #200. The research selected the stone material sludge powder, which was sieved by 200# and use that for continuing the experience. After computing the amount-needed sand, then add 10%、20% 、30%、40% of the fine powder #200 replaced the same percent of the sand sequentially.

After the experiment, as far as the concrete workability, there are slighter influences for the concrete mixed with the stone material sludge, which is with higher water cement ratio (w/c=0.55, 0.65). The experience also shows that there is no significant influence for the concrete unit weight when mixing the stone material sludge and the concrete. When the substitution proportion of stone material sludge powder is above 20%, both the concrete mechanical properties and the durability have the phenomenon of decreasing progressively. The decrease phenomenon is obviously with increase of the water cement ratio (w/c=0.65). According to the conclusion of this study, the highest proportion of substitution cannot be more than 20% when w/c=0.45, 0.55, and the highest proportion of substitution can not be more than 10% when the w/c=0.65.

In this study, whether F.M. conforms with (complies with)the specifications has direct influences on the result of the experiment. It proves the importance of gradation to concrete properties. Although the stone material sludge is wastes, the reuse of it may reduce the cost. When it is used in practice, the increase on the cost owing to operation steps as drying, ground to powder and sieving at preposition period must be considered.
Keywords:ponding test、stone material sludge、AASHTO T259、
Diffusion coefficient
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究目的: 2
1-3 研究方法: 3
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 前言 5
2-2 混凝土中氯離子傳輸擴散機理 5
2-3 氯離子外加電場法 7
2-3-1 快速氯離子滲透試驗(RCPT) 8
2-3-2 加速氯離子穿透試驗(ACMT) 9
2-3 混凝土孔隙結構 12
2-4 礦物摻料 13
2-4-1 爐石粉 14
2-4-2 飛灰粉 15
2-4-3 礦物摻料對混凝土孔隙結構及滲透性影響 16
2-5 混凝土噴塗保護材 16
2-5-1 滲透式塗封劑(penetrating sealer) 17
2-5-2 塗封劑(sealer) 17
2-5-3 表面封層(coating) 18
第三章 試驗計畫 20
3-1 試驗變數 20
3-2 試驗材料及配比設計 20
3-3 試驗設備 31
3-4 試驗方法 35
3-4-1 試片前處理 35
3-4-2 快速氯離子電量試驗 (rapid chloride permeability test, RCPT)(電流法) 38
3-4-3 加速氯離子穿透試驗 (accelerate chloride migration test, ACMT)(濃度法) 40
3-4-4 氯離子濃度量測(離子層析法) 41
第四章 結果與討論 43
4-1 抗壓強度 43
4-2 氯離子傳輸過程 44
4-2-1 氯離子穿透速率( ) 45
4-2-2 氯離子穿透係數( ) 69
4-2-3 穿透係數( )與水膠比(W/B)間關連性 78
4-2-4 穿透係數與礦物摻料間關係 80
4-2-5 預壓前後對穿透係數之影響 81
4-2-6 DPS改質後對穿透係數之影響 84
4-2-7 奈米塗料塗封後對穿透係數之影響 87
4-2-8 防水材塗封後對穿透係數之影響 90
4-3 RCPT 6小時總累積電量 93
4-3-1 水膠比影響 95
4-3-2 溫度效應影響 96
第五章 結論與建議 106
5-1 結論 106
5-2 建議 108
參考文獻 109
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