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研究生(外文):Ting-Pang Chu
論文名稱(外文):Applications of Fuzzy Theory to Determine Repair Rankings for Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridges
指導教授(外文):Ming-Te LiangRan Huang
外文關鍵詞:damage evaluationrepair rankingfuzzy theorymembership grade
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本研究的主要目的在於應用模糊理論決定既有鋼筋混凝土橋樑之維修排序。首先,以比較矩陣構造法估算21項橋樑構件的重要性,並以簡單的海明距離法針對基隆市轄區內十座既有鋼筋混凝土的橋樑損傷程度加以排序,維修排序的結果為:富民 觀音 武德 東勢 中山 中正 光華 尚仁 龍門 中和。其次,為了解決既有鋼筋混凝土橋樑維修排序問題而提出了多級模糊模式識別評估法,並找出橋樑損傷程度在每個等級的最佳相對隸屬度,引用台灣省轄區內五座既有鋼筋混凝土橋樑做為算例,排序結果為:頭前溪橋→大津橋→林邊橋→中彰大橋→雙園大橋,並與D.E.R評估法評估結果相互比較。最後,我們引用AHP法求評價因素權重集結合模糊綜合評判法針對既有鋼筋混凝土橋樑進行維修排序的評估,並以寬界法對相同的5座橋樑進行評估。結果表明兩種方法的排序結果相同。

In this article, the principal propose was applying the concept of fuzzy mathematics to determining the repair ranking for existing reinforced concrete (RC) bridges. Firstly, both the comparison matrix method and the D.(degree) E.(extent) R.(relevancy) evaluation method were provided for finding the weighting value and ranking of damage evaluation for ten existing RC bridges in Keelung, Taiwan. The evaluated repair ranking result obtained from the proposed method is: Fuh-min, Guan-in, Wuu-der, Jong-san, Jong-jeng, Shang-ren, Long-men, Jong-her bridges. Secondly, we proposed the multi-pole fuzzy pattern recognition evaluation method to find the optimal relative membership grade of an evaluated bridge attributed to any grade. Five existing RC bridges in Taiwan are adopted as an illustrative example. The repair ranking is the Tou-chyan-shi, Dah-jin, Lin-bian, Jong-jang and Shuang-yuan bridges. The predicted result is compared with the result obtained by the D.E.R. evaluation method. Finally, we proposed the fuzzy synthetic evaluation method, which is used the analytic hierarchy process for determining a factor weight vector, to assess the repair ranking of existing RC bridges. The predicted result is compared with the result obtained by the wide bound method. The predicated results obtained from both the proposed and wide bound methods had the same repair ranking. The present study results indicate that the proposed methods based on the fuzzy mathematics are reasonable, feasible and reliable. The results presented in this research work can be used as a crucial reference of engineering decision making for repair, strengthening or demolition for existing RC bridges.

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
符號說明 XIV

第一章 緒 論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究方法 2
1-4 研究內容 4
第二章 比較矩陣構造法求多評價因素的權值及排序 5
2-1前言 5
2-2理論分析 7
2-2.1建立方案集S 7
2-2.2建立評價因素集 C 7
2-2.3建立權重集w 7
2-2.4建立決策特徵值矩陣X 8
2-2.5模糊相對隸屬度矩陣R 8
2-2.6模糊綜合評判:哈明權距離法 9
2-3比較矩陣構造法 9
2-4實例分析 10
2-5討論 15
2-6結論 23
第三章 多級模糊模式識別評估法在既有鋼筋混凝土橋樑 25
3-1 前言 25
3-2 D.E.R.評估法 26
3-3 橋樑系統決策多級模糊模式識別理論與模型 30
3-4 實例分析 39
3-5 討論 47
3-5.1 加權距離法 47
3-5.2 多級模糊模式識別評估法 51
3-5.3 D.E.R.評估法 52
3-6 結論 56
第四章 橋樑檢測結合模糊綜合評判 58
4-1 前言 59
4-2 失效模式 61
4-2.1 抗壓強度 61
4-2.2 碳化深度 62
4-2.3 氯離子濃度 63
4-2.4 腐蝕電位 65
4-3 理論分析 66
4-3.1 建立評價因素集C 66
4-3.2建立評價因素權向量集W 67
4-3.3 建立評價集V 67
4-3.4 建立模糊隸屬函數 67
4-3.5進行單因素模糊評判,建立模糊關係矩陣R 71
4-3.6模糊綜合評判 73
4-3.7 評判指標的處理 73
4-4 實例分析 74
4-5 討論 77
4-6 結論 80
第五章 結論與建議 82
5-1 結論 82
5-2 建議 84
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