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研究生(外文):Nai-Chin Chen
論文名稱(外文):The investigation of watershed time of concentration equations and kinematic-wave based geomorphic instantaneous unit hydrograph
外文關鍵詞:Time of concentrationKW-GIUHchannel widthchannel roughnessrainfall intensity
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The objective of this study is to investigate the adequacy of the time of concentration (Tc) equations frequently applied in Taiwan. Series numerical tests were used to investigate the applicability of the Tc equations from the hydraulic viewpoint. The results show that the Kadoya equation can, in general, provide a reasonable estimation for the time of concentration. However, the Kirpich equation and the Rziha equation always give a lower estimate, and the Soil Conservation Handbook equation (1996) usually yields a higher estimate. The V-shaped kinematic wave Tc equation is also applied in this study for analysis. The results indicate that the V-shaped kinematic wave Tc equation can adequately account for the watershed hydrologic and geomorphic conditions, because the runoff process has contained the overland-flow state and the channel-flow state, and the equation includes the factors of watershed geometry, roughness condition, and rainfall intensity. Therefore, the time of concentration obtained by the V-KW equation was closer to that obtained by the correlation analysis.
Since channel width and channel roughness used in the KW-GIUH model (Lee and Yen, 1997) couldn’t adequately reflect watershed characteristics, and the model couldn’t well simulate runoff resulting from concentrated heavy rainstorms, the assumptions adopted in the KW-GIUH model were examined. A linear variation of the channel width from upstream to downstream adopted in previous model was changed to a power function of the watershed contributing area. Since the bed load diameter of the channel was usually decrease from upstream to downstream, variation of the channel roughness coefficient was set to relate to the local slope of the channel reach. The way of choosing the temporal rainfall intensity to generate the IUH was revised based on the concept of the watershed time of concentration. The rainfall-runoff simulation results from the revised KW-GIUH model showed better simulations than the original model.
摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iii
表錄 v
圖錄 vi
第一章 導論 1
1.1 研究目的 1
1.2 前人研究 1
1.2.1 集流時間之相關研究 1
1.2.2 運動波-地貌瞬時單位歷線理論之相關研究 4
1.2.3 河寬與糙度係數之相關研究 6
1.3 研究方法 8
第二章 集流時間計算公式之檢討 10
2.1 集流時間之定義 10
2.2 集流時間公式 11
2.2.1 集流時間經驗公式 11
2.2.2 集流時間理論公式 14
2.3 數值試驗分析 18
2.3.1 數值試驗條件 18
2.3.2 逕流平均速度檢視 20
2.4 集水區水文紀錄驗證 22
2.4.1 相關分析法之集流時間推求 22
2.4.2 研究集水區地文特性與水文分析 23
2.4.3 結果分析 24
2.5 結果與討論 25
第三章 運動波-地貌瞬時單位歷線模式之檢討 27
3.1 地貌瞬時單位歷線理論 27
3.2 運動波-地貌瞬時單位歷線理論 30
3.2.1 考慮河川網路之逕流運行時間 30
3.2.2 河寬推求方式之檢討 34
3.2.3 渠流糙度係數值推求方式之檢討 35
3.2.4 降雨強度修正方式 36
3.3 模式應用與結果分析 37
3.3.1 研究集水區地文特性分析 37
3.3.2 河寬之推求方式對逕流模擬的影響 37
3.3.3 糙度係數之推求方式對逕流模擬的影響 38
3.3.4 降雨強度之修正對逕流模擬的影響 38
3.3.5 結果與討論 39
第四章 結論與建議 40
4.1 結論 40
4.2 建議 40
參考文獻 41
附表 48
附圖 57
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