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研究生(外文):Yu-Yuan Lin
論文名稱(外文):Free Vibrations of Non-Homogeneous Circular Membranes with Radial Constraints
指導教授(外文):Deng-How Tsaur
外文關鍵詞:non-homogeneous circular membranesradial constraintsfree vibrationscollocation method
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本文主要是研究密度徑向分佈非均勻薄膜的Helmholtz 特徵值問題,其中密度函數是以多項式來表示,因此它的控制方程式會是一個二階變係數的微分方程,文中利用Frobenius 法來求解。本文求解的薄膜形狀分別有扇形、環扇形以及含徑向線束制圓形,前二者是利用分離變數法及Frobenius 法求得其勢函數的表示式,再代入邊界條件後,求解其自然頻率及振動模態;後者依線束制的位置又可分為單邊、雙邊以及中間徑向線束制圓形薄膜等三種,而求解的方法是利用領域媒親法(field-matching method),將整個領域分割成圓形與環形兩個領域,其中每個領域勢函數的表示式,先各別以分離變數法及Frobenius 法求得,再採用選點法在兩個領域的交界處上,建立聯立方程組,以其求解自然頻率與模態。本文亦利用Bessel函數與Frobenius 法來分別求解均勻薄膜的自然頻率與模態,兩者互相比對的結果相當吻合。
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the Helmholtz eigenvalue problems for the non-homogeneous membrane with a radial density distribution. The radial density function is expressed as a polynomial form. The governing equation is a second-order, variable coefficient, differential equation. It will be solved by means of the Frobenius method. The sector membranes, annular-sector membranes and circular membranes with radial constraints are considered in this thesis. In the first two ones, the method of separation of variables and the Frobenius method are employed to obtain the expressions of potential functions. Then by applying the boundary conditions, the natural frequencies and mode shapes are determined. In the third one, three types of constraints respect to their relative positions are also discussed, including a single edge constraint, two opposite edge constraints and an internal constraint. All of these, problems are then solved by using the field-matching method. At first step, the whole domain is divided into circular and annular sub-regions. Secondly, the expressions of potential functions are acquired again by utilizing separation of variables and the Frobenius method. Thirdly, the point collocation is adopted to construct the coupling equations from the border between these two sub-regions. Finally, the natural frequencies and mode shapes can be determined. For homogeneous membranes, the numerical results obtained by the Frobenius method are found in fairly good agreement with that using the Bessel function.
中文摘要 i

英文摘要 ii

目錄 iii

表目錄 vi

圖目錄 viii

第一章 緒論 1

1 - 1 前言 1

1 - 2 文獻回顧 2

1 - 3 研究動機、目的及方法 4

1 - 4 研究內容與架構 5

第二章 理論分析 7

2 - 1 緒論 7

2 - 2 物理問題與控制方程式 10

2 - 3 二階變係數微分方程式的級數解 11

2 - 4 求解問題的型式與邊界條件 17

第三章 非均勻扇形和環扇形之薄膜 18

3 - 1 扇形薄膜 18

3 - 1 - 1 模態沿x軸呈對稱 19

3 - 1 - 2 模態沿x軸呈反對稱 22

3 - 2 環扇形薄膜 25

3 - 2 - 1 模態沿x軸呈對稱 25

3 - 2 - 2 模態沿x軸呈反對稱 29

第四章 含徑向線束制非均勻圓形薄膜 33

4 - 1 單邊徑向線束制圓形薄膜 33

4 - 1 - 1 模態沿x軸呈對稱 33

4 - 1 - 2 模態沿x軸呈反對稱 40

4 - 2 通過圓心的單邊徑向線束制圓形薄膜 44

4 - 2 - 1 模態沿x軸呈對稱 44

4 - 2 - 2 模態沿x軸呈反對稱 50

4 - 3 雙邊徑向線束制圓形領域 51

4 - 3 - 1 模態沿x軸呈對稱 51

4 - 3 - 2 模態沿x軸呈反對稱 56

4 - 4 中間徑向線束制圓形薄膜 57

4 - 4 - 1 模態沿x軸呈對稱 57

4 - 4 - 2 模態沿x軸呈反對稱 62

第五章 數值計算例和討論 63

5 - 1 非均勻扇形與環扇形問題之計算例 63

5 - 1 - 1 扇形薄膜 64

5 - 1 - 2 環扇形薄膜 65

5 - 2 含有徑向線束制非均勻圓形薄膜之計算例 66

5 - 2 - 1 單邊徑向線束制圓形薄膜 66

5 - 2 - 2 雙邊徑向線束制圓形薄膜 67

5 - 2 - 3 中間徑向線束制圓形薄膜 69

第六章 結論 71

參考文獻 72

附表 74

附圖 129

謝誌 231

作者簡歷 232

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