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研究生(外文):Chun-Jen Huang
論文名稱(外文):On-Site Tests on the Permeability of Infiltration Gutters
指導教授(外文):Chao-Hsien Liaw
外文關鍵詞:infiltration gutterBMP'sgreen buildingrainwater utilizationecological engineeringurban flood
  • 被引用被引用:5
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本研究以紅磚型與透水磚型滲透側溝為研究對象,利用現地試驗的方法量測不同水深穩定狀態下之最終入滲流量,並藉由圓柱形滲透井滲透理論之探討,建立兩種滲透側溝滲透能力之研究方法。現地試驗包括流動穩態滲透試驗、非流動穩態側面、底面與三面滲透試驗,本研究將最終入滲流量 除以飽和土壤水力傳導度 定義為比滲透面積 ,並以單位長度比滲透面積 當作滲透能力之比較基準。由迴歸分析結果得知,紅磚型與滲透磚型側溝非流動穩態側面與三面滲透試驗單位長度比滲透面積均與水深呈線性相關;非流動穩態底面滲透試驗單位長度比滲透面積與水深的0.75次方呈線性相關;此外,利用試驗結果建立單位長度比滲透面積與水深、側溝寬度之迴歸方程式,不僅可輕易求得不同側溝寬度在不同水深穩定狀態下之單位長度最終入滲流量,亦可應用於其他不同土壤條件之基地上當作設計滲透側溝之實用工具。
Due to the rapid economic growth, people are moving into the urban areas. According to the UN's prediction, in 2010, over 51﹪ population of the world in 2010 will live in the urban areas. Urbanization will induce some problems toward hydrologic cycle such as the increasing of water resource and energy demand, pollutant expansion, heat island effect intensification, ecological environments deterioration, urban flood, etc. Many developed countries have adopted rainwater storage and infiltration facilities as the means to solve urbanization problems.
The purpose of this research is to study the characteristics of infiltration gutters. Two different ways of analyses based on the theory of circular infiltration well are used. On-site tests include flowing steady infiltration test, non-flowing steady two-side test, non-flowing steady bottom test and non-flowing steady three-face infiltration test. This study defines the specific infiltration area as the final infiltration flow divided by hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil , and uses specific infiltration area per length as the criterion for comparison. From the results of experiments, the correlations among and water depth of non-flowing steady two-side and three-face infiltration tests are all linear dependent for both red-brick type and permeable-brick type infiltration gutters. The correlations among and of non-flowing steady bottom infiltration tests are also linear dependent for both red-brick type and permeable-brick type infiltration gutters. Furthermore, the final infiltration flows per length of different water depths and widths(W)of infiltration gutters can be easily obtained from the equations among , and . These equations can also put in use as the practical tools for designing infiltration gutters in other sites of different soil conditions.
摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅲ
表目錄 Ⅴ
圖目錄 Ⅵ
第一章 前言 1-1
1.1 都市化問題與對策 1-1
1.2 研究目的與方法 1-4
第二章 文獻回顧 2-1
2.1 滲透設施之構造型式與用途 2-1
2.2 滲透設施性能之影響因素 2-5
2.3 飽和土壤水力傳導度之推估方式 2-8
2.4 其他 2-12
第三章 現地調查與試驗模型建置 3-1
3.1 現地調查 3-1
3.1.1 土壤調查與試驗 3-1
3.1.2 飽和土壤水力傳導度(Ksat)之推估3-4
3.2 試驗模型建置 3-9
3.2.1 滲透側溝之建造材料與構造方式 3-11
3.2.2 滲透側溝試驗用水配置方式 3-15
3.2.3 三角堰板流量與水深關係之率定 3-16
3.2.4 調速馬達與沉水泵出水流量之測定 3-20
第四章 試驗規劃與理論探討 4-1
4.1 試驗規劃 4-1
4.1.1 流動穩態滲透試驗方法與步驟 4-1
4.1.2 非流動穩態滲透試驗方法與步驟 4-6
4.2 理論探討 4-15
第五章 試驗結果與分析 5-1
5.1 流動穩態滲透試驗結果與分析 5-1
5.2 非流動穩態滲透試驗結果與分析 5-8
5.2.1 側面滲透試驗結果與分析 5-8
5.2.2 底面滲透試驗結果與分析 5-11
5.2.3 三面滲透試驗結果與分析 5-15
5.3 紅磚型側溝各項滲透試驗之比較 5-19
5.4 透水磚型側溝各項滲透試驗之比較 5-25
第六章 結論與建議 6-1
6.1 結論 6-1
6.2 建議 6-2
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