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研究生(外文):Zen-Huei Liao
論文名稱(外文):Application of Fuzzy Theory on Estimating the Properties of Concrete
外文關鍵詞:Fuzzy theoryconcretePozzolans materialDurabilityforecase moduleequivalent factor
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  本研究目的為探討應用模糊理論於建立對含有卜作嵐材料矽灰(silica fume)、飛灰(fly ash)與含有爐石粉(slag)之混凝土特性預測模式;包括(1)28天抗壓強度(compressive strength: ,MPa),(2)氯離子通過電量(total charge passed: ,coulombs),(3)氯離子擴散係數(chloride ion diffusion coefficient: ,cm2/sec)。
The aim for this study is to establish the forecast module for concrete properties which consist of Pozzolans silica fume, fly ash and slag in the application of Fuzzy Theory. And it comprise the following items(1)28 days compressive strength: (MPa)(2)Total charge passed for chlorine ion: (coulombs)(3)Chloride ion diffusion coefficient: (cm2/sec).The equivalent factors have been added into three variables as equivalent water-to-binder ratio of supplementary cementing materials, equivalent paste/aggregate and sand ratio to establish the forecast module in this investigation; however, the analytical result from the program shown that the convergence for the database of the Fuzzy algorithm numbers, stability of the forecast module and highly- correlation with the forecast result. After that, extensive simulations will show the impact result of foresaid 3 factors (28 days compressive strength, total charge passed for chlorine ion and chloride ion diffusion coefficient) to the Concrete Mixture Proportioning Design. At the end of the conclusion show that the well performance for application of Fuzzy Theory for forecasting concrete properties. And it shall give a good reference for the concrete mixed design in the future.
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的與範圍 2
1-3 研究流程 3
1-4 本文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧
2-1 混凝土耐久性 6
2-2 混凝土組成材料對耐久性之影響 6
2-3 混凝土中氯離子滲透之預測模式 12
2-4 模糊邏輯 14
2-5 模糊理論應用於混凝土之預測特性影響實例 15
第三章 模糊理論分析原理與數據蒐集
3-1 問題分析 19
3-2 理論基礎 20
3-3 模糊邏輯 33
3-4 模糊系統 35
3-5 模糊資料庫與模糊推論 40
3-5-1 模糊規則資料庫 40
3-5-2 模糊推論 41
3-6 解模糊化 42
3-7 混凝土試驗數據蒐集 42
第四章 預測模式之建立
4-1 前言 45
4-2 預測目的 45
4-3 變數控制 46
4-3-1 材料變數 46
4-3-2 參數空間距離變數 49
4-4 試驗資料組數與形狀函數 51
4-4-1 試驗數據組數 51
4-4-2 形狀函數 53
4-5 模糊規則資料庫建立 55
4-6 預測模式建立 56
4-7 抗壓強度、加速氯離子通過電量與氯離子擴散係數
預測 56
第五章 實力探討與分析
5-1 前言 60
5-2 預測模式之建立 60
5-2-1 抗壓強度 60
5-2-2 加速氯離子通過電量 67
5-2-3 氯離子擴散係數 72
5-2-4 預測模式中參數分析 77
5-3 預測分析 78
5-3-1 抗壓強度預測分析 78
5-3-2 加速氯離子通過電量預測分析 83
5-3-3 氯離子擴散係數預測分析 87
第六章 結論與建議
6-1 結論 93
6-2 建議 94
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