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研究生(外文):Ya-Fu Chang
論文名稱(外文):Purification and Characterization of Malic Enzyme from Tilapia Muscle
指導教授(外文):Pen-Hsing Tung
外文關鍵詞:purificationmalic enzymetilapia
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吳郭魚肌肉中有一種對NADP+輔酶具有特異性的蘋果酸酶存在。經55~75%飽和硫酸銨分化,DE-52離子交換層析、2’5’-ADP-Sepharose 4B親和性層析以及Sephacryl S-300H膠過濾等純化步驟後,可將其纯化。此蘋果酸酶以L-malic acid 和D-malic acid為基質,相對活性分別為100%以及6 %。以Native-PAGE求得分子量為230kDa,具有四個次單元,次單元分子量為56 kDa。蘋果酸酶的最適酸鹼值為7.8,在酸性環境下較不安定。在酸鹼值為7.8時,氧化蘋果酸的最適溫度為50℃;但在45℃,儲存30分鐘後會失去67%之活性。對蘋果酸及NADP+之最大反應速率(Vmax)分別為32.36、23.04 μmol NADPH/min,Km值分別為0.26、0.0069 mM;此酵素活化能為10.66 cal/mole。蘋果酸酶可以被Zn2+、Hg2+、Al3+、Fe2+、Co2+、Cd2+等離子所抑制;也會被iodoacetic acid、NBS等所抑制,顯示SH基可能影響活性中心反應,此外一些類黃酮物質(rutin、morin)亦會抑制蘋果酸酶之活性。

Malic enzyme (L-malate: NADP+-oxidooreductase(oxaloacetate decaboxylating), EC has been purified from tilapia muscle over 1880-folds by ammonium sulfate fractionation, DE-52 ion exchange chromatography, 2’,5’ ADP-Sepharose 4B affinity chromato-graphy, and Sephacryl S-300HR gel filtration chromatography. The enzyme requires a coenzyme, NADP+, and catalyzes the decarboxylation of L-malic acid or D-malic acid. Its relative activities towards L-malic acid and D-malic acid were 100% and 6%, respectively. Molecular weight of the malic enzyme determinated by Native-PAGE method was 230 kDa. The enzyme consisted of four identical subunits with molecular weight of 56 kDa. The optimum pH for L-malic acid decarboxylation was found to be 7.8. In acidic pH, the enzyme was unstable. It’s optimum temperature was 50℃, and lost activity gradually at temperature higher than 35℃. Vmax for L-malic acid and NADP+ were 32.36、23.04 μmol NADPH/min, Km for L-malic acid and NADP+ were 0.26、0.0069 mM, respectively. The enzyme was inhibited by Zn2+、Hg2+、Al3+、Fe2+、Co2+、Cd2+. It was also inhibited by iodoacetic acid, suggesting presence of free sulfhydryl group near by the active site. Some kinds of flavonoid (rutin and morin) also inhibited malic enzyme activity.
中文摘要.................................................... 1
英文摘要.................................................... 2
壹、前言..................................................... 3
貳、文獻整理................................................. 5
一、蘋果酸酶的發現、分類與分佈............................ 5
二、蘋果酸酶的生理機制與調控............................. 6
三、蘋果酸酶的特性....................................... 10
1.生化特性.......................................... 10
2.結構上的研究...................................... 12
四、魚類對碳水化合物之利用情形........................... 14
1.胰島素方面........................................ 15
2.糖解酵素.......................................... 16
五、魚體內脂肪酸的合成.................................. 17
參、材料與方法............................................... 18
1.實驗材料.......................................... 18
2.藥品與儀器........................................ 18
3.緩衝溶液.......................................... 20
4.蘋果酸酶性測定法.................................. 22
5.活性單位.......................................... 22
6.蛋白質的定量...................................... 22
7.粗酵素液的製備.................................... 23
8.飽和硫酸銨分劃.................................... 23
9.DE-52 離子交換樹脂層析法......................... 24
10.2’,5’ ADP-Sepharose 4B 親和性層析法................ 25
11.Sephacry S-300 HR膠過濾層析法..................... 26
12.純度的鑑定....................................... 26
13.活性染色法....................................... 28
14.分子量的鑑定..................................... 29
15.次單元的鑑定..................................... 31
16.酵素動力學常數Km及Vmax的決定.................. 33
17.基質特異性....................................... 33
18.最適酸鹼度....................................... 33
19.酸鹼度的安定性................................... 34
20.最適溫度......................................... 34
21.活化能的決定..................................... 34
22.熱安定性......................................... 35
23.金屬離子的影響................................... 35
24.抑制劑的影響..................................... 36
25.核苷酸的影響..................................... 36
肆、結果.................................................... 37
一、酵素的純化.......................................... 37
1.粗酵素液.......................................... 37
2.硫酸銨分劃........................................ 37
3.DE-52離子交換樹脂管柱層析........................ 38
4.2’,5’-ADP Sepharose 4B親和性管柱層析................ 39
5.Sephacryl S-300HR膠過濾層析....................... 39
二、蘋果酸酶的均質度.................................... 40
三、蘋果酸酶的生化特性.................................. 40
1.分子量............................................ 40
1.1不連續膠體電泳法................................ 41
1.2膠過濾層析法.................................... 41
1.3次單元的鑑定.................................... 41
2.酵素動力學常數Km與Vmax的決定.................... 42
3.基質特異性......................................... 43
4.最適酸鹼度......................................... 43
5.酸鹼度的安定性..................................... 43
6.最適溫度........................................... 44
7.活化能的決定....................................... 44
8.熱安定性........................................... 44
9.金屬離子之影響..................................... 44
10.抑制劑的影響...................................... 45
11.核苷酸的影響...................................... 45
伍、討論..................................................... 46
一、純化過程............................................. 46
二、生化特性............................................. 46
1.純度之鑑定........................................ 46
........2.分子量及次單元.................................... 47
........3.酵素動力學常數Km及Vmax......................... 48
........4.基質特異性........................................ 51
........5.最適酸鹼度與酸鹼安定性............................ 51
........6.最適溫度,熱安定性與活化能......................... 52
........7.金屬離子與抑制劑.................................. 53
8.核苷酸的影響...................................... 54
陸、參考文獻................................................. 56
圖1. ....................................................... 67
圖2. ....................................................... 68
圖3. ....................................................... 69
圖4. ....................................................... 70
圖5. ....................................................... 71
圖6. ....................................................... 72
圖7. ....................................................... 73
圖8. ....................................................... 74
圖9. ....................................................... 75
圖10. ...................................................... 76
圖11. ...................................................... 77
圖12. ...................................................... 78
圖13. ...................................................... 79
圖14. ...................................................... 80
圖15. ...................................................... 81
圖16. ...................................................... 82
圖17. ...................................................... 83
表1. ....................................................... 84
表2. ....................................................... 85
表3. ....................................................... 86
表4. ....................................................... 87
表5. ....................................................... 88
表6. ....................................................... 89
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