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研究生(外文):Shan-Ju Tai
論文名稱(外文):The effects of lactoferrin on growth and immune responses in juvenile grass shrimp, Penaeus monodon
指導教授(外文):Shi-Yen Shiau
外文關鍵詞:lactoferringrass shrimpgrowthimmune responses
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乳鐵蛋白(lactoferrin, LF)為與2個鐵離子結合之單鏈醣蛋白,LF具有促進陸上動物免疫 (immunity)的能力,但對水產動物至今無相關研究。本研究目的為探討乳鐵蛋白對草蝦稚蝦成長及免疫反應之影響。草蝦基礎飼料中分別添加0, 100, 300, 700, 1,000, 2,000及5,000 mg LF/kg diet,共七個實驗組,分別餵予平均初重0.15 ± 0.01 公克草蝦,每組三重複,每日餵食量為蝦體濕重之8%,實驗為期八週。草蝦餵予≧ 2,000 mg LF/kg之蝦體增重百分率顯著(P< 0.05)高於≦ 700 mg LF/kg組;飼料效率及蛋白質效率以2,000 mg LF/kg組最高,其次為5,000 mg LF/kg組,最低為≦ 700 mg LF/kg各組。草蝦存活率在各組之間則無差異。餵予1,000 mg LF/kg組之蝦體肌肉鐵濃度顯著高於≦ 300及5,000 mg LF/kg各組。草蝦血淋巴液中血球細胞數目以700 - 2,000 mg LF/kg各組顯著高於≦ 100 mg LF/kg各組。血球細胞超氧陰離子產率以300 - 2,000 mg LF/kg各組顯著高於100及5,000mg LF/kg兩組。酚氧化酵素活性及超氧歧化酵素活性是以≧ 300 mg LF/kg之各組顯著高於未添加組。由本研究結果顯示,餵予2,000 mg LF/kg可促進草蝦稚蝦之成長,餵予700 - 2,000 mg LF/kg則可提高其免疫機能。
This study was conducted to elucidate the effects of lactoferrin (LF) on growth and immune responses in juvenile grass shrimp, Penaeus monodon. Basal diet supplemented with seven levels (0, 100, 300, 700, 1,000, 2,000, 5,000 mg/kg diet) of LF were each fed to triplicate groups of shrimp (initial weight 0.15 ± 0.01 g) for 8 weeks. Shrimp fed diets supplemented with ≧ 2,000 mg LF/kg had significantly (P< 0.05) higher weight gain than shrimp fed diets with ≦ 700 mg LF/kg. Feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio were highest in shrimp fed diet with 2,000 mg LF/kg, followed by shrimp fed diet with 5,000 mg LF/mg, and lowest in shrimp fed diets with ≦ 700 mg LF/kg. Higher muscle iron concentration was observed in shrimp fed diet with 1,000 mg LF/kg than shrimp fed diets with ≦ 300 and 5,000 mg LF/kg. Total haemocyte count was higher in shrimp fed diets supplemented with 700 - 2,000 mg LF/kg than shrimp fed diets supplemented with ≦ 100 mg LF/kg. Intracellular superoxide anion production ratio were higher in shrimp fed diets with 300 - 2,000 mg LF/kg than shrimp fed diets with 100 and 5,000 mg LF/kg. The phenoloxidase activity and superoxide dismutase activity were higher in shrimp fed diets with ≧ 300 mg LF/kg than shrimp fed the unsupplemented control diet. These results suggest that the dietary LF concentrations for better growth and immune responses in P. monodon are 2,000 mg LF/kg and 700 - 2,000 mg LF/kg, respectively


表六、草蝦稚蝦餵食不同乳鐵蛋白含量之飼料八週後之 增重百分率、存活率、飼料效率及蛋白質效率......35
表七、草蝦稚蝦餵食不同乳鐵蛋白含量之飼料八週後之 蝦體組成......................36
表八、草蝦稚蝦餵食不同乳鐵蛋白含量之飼料八週後其 肝體比及肝胰臟、肌肉中鐵含量............37
表九、草蝦稚蝦餵食不同乳鐵蛋白含量飼料八週後之蝦 淋巴液內血球細胞數目及超氧陰離子產率........38
表十、草蝦稚蝦餵食不同乳鐵蛋白含量飼料八週後之細 胞間酚氧化酵素活性及超氧歧化酵素活性........39
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