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研究生(外文):Tzyy-Ching Lin
論文名稱(外文):Inhibition of Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme and Purification of peptide from Hot Water Extract and Protein Hydrolysates of Shellfish
外文關鍵詞:ACEFreshwater clamHydrolysateOysterPeptide
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一、以本省產之黃金蜆為原料,將生鮮蜆肉以熱水抽出法或將剩餘蜆肉經由凍乾成粉末後,利用蛋白酶Protease N(PN)、Protamex(PX)於50℃進行一次或二次(Flavourzyme)水解,探討熱水抽出物與蛋白酶水解物對血管升壓素轉換酶(ACE)之抑制。由熱水抽出法得到蜆肉之抽出物其可溶性蛋白質含量為85 mg/g,胜肽含量為84 mg/g。而對ACE之抑制IC50值為1.95 mg/ml。蜆肉粉末水解物中可溶性蛋白含量以Protease N一次水解2小時者(PN2)最高,為635 mg/g。胜肽含量以Protease N一次水解五小時再經Flavourzyme二次水解0.5小時者(PN5F0.5)最高,為348 mg/g。對ACE抑制能力而言,蜆肉粉末以Protamex一次水解5小時(PX5)者最佳,IC50值為0.043 mg/ml。另一方面,PX5水解物與Captopril 分別屬於混合型抑制劑與競爭型抑制劑,其Ki值分別為0.032 mg/ml 與0.0067 μg/ml。將蜆肉粉末水解物(PX5)以G-25膠體層析法進行劃分,可得到四個主要波峯,其中以分子量介於420至380 Da間之劃分物具有最強的ACE抑制活性,其有效抑制百分比為1314.7%/mg/ml。PX5之劃分收集物主要波峰D1及D2,經鑑定序列分別為Val-Lys-pro及Val-Lys-Lys。

二、以本省產之牡蠣為原料,將生鮮牡蠣以熱水抽出法或將剩餘牡蠣經由凍乾成粉末後,利用蛋白酶Protease N(PN)、Protamex(PX)於50℃進行一次或二次(Flavourzyme)水解,探討熱水抽出物與蛋白酶水解物對血管升壓素轉換酶(ACE)之抑制。由熱水抽出法得到牡蠣粉末之抽出物其可溶性蛋白質含量為244 mg/g,胜肽含量為238 mg/g。而對ACE之抑制IC50值為0.95 mg/ml。牡蠣粉末水解物中可溶性蛋白含量以Protease N一次水解2小時者(PN2)最高,為438 mg/g。胜肽含量以Protease N一次水解五小時再經Flavourzyme二次水解0.5小時者(PN5F0.5)最高,為474 mg/g。對ACE抑制能力而言,牡蠣粉末以Protamex一次水解2小時者再經Flavourzyme二次水解0.5小時者(PN2F0.5)最高最佳,IC50值為0.16 mg/ml。而以不具苦味之水解物(PX5F0.5)以G-25膠體層析法進行劃分,可得到四個主要波峯,其中以分子量介於450至390 Da間之劃分物具有最強的ACE抑制活性,其有效抑制百分比為364.6%/mg/ml。以PX5F0.5水解物餵食原發性高血壓老鼠八週後其收縮壓與舒張壓分別較控制組下降18.6及19.6 mmHg。
1.The muscle of golden freshwater clam was extracted using hot water. The residual muscle was freeze dried then hydrolyzed by Protease N (PN) or Protamex (PX) as primary hydrolysis followed by a secondary hydrolysis (Flavourzyme, F) at 50℃. The effects of hot water extracts and hydrolysates on inhibitory activity against angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) were investigated. The soluble protein and peptide content of hot water extracts was 85 and 84 mg/g, repectively. The IC50 on ACE was 1.95 mg/ml. The highest value in soluble protein (635 mg/g) and peptide content (348 mg/g) of hydrolysate were obtained from PN hydrolysis for 2 hr or PN hydrolysis for 5 hr followed by F hydrolysis for 0.5 hr, respectively. However, the lowest IC50 of hydrolysate on ACE (0.043 mg/ml) was obtained by PX hydrolysis for 5 hr (PX5). The kinetics of the hydrolysate on ACE-inhibition indicated that PX5 and Captopril produced mixed inhibition and competitive inhibition, respectively. Their Ki values were 0.032 mg/ml and 0.0067 μg/ml, repectively. The hydrolysate of PX5 was fractionated by gel permeation chromatography with Sephadex G-25. The fraction D with molecular weight 420-380 Da showed the highest inhibitory efficiency ratio being 1314.7 %/mg/ml. The amino acid sequences of PX5 main peak of D1 and D2 were Val-Lys-Pro and Val-Lys-Lys, respectively.
2.The muscle of oyster was extracted using hot water. The residual muscle was freeze dried then hydrolyzed by Protease N (PN) or Protamex (PX) as primary hydrolysis followed by a secondary hydrolysis (Flavourzyme, F) at 50℃. The effects of hot water extracts and hydrolysate on inhibitory activity against angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) was investigated. The soluble protein and peptide content of hot water extracts was 244 and 238 mg/g, repectively. The IC50 of ACE was 0.95 mg/ml. The highest value in soluble protein (438 mg/g) and peptide content (474 mg/g) of hydrolysate were obtained from PN hydrolysis for 2 hr or PN hydrolysis for 5 hr followed by F hydrolysis for 0.5 hr, respectively. However, the lowest IC50 of hydrolysate on ACE (0.16 mg/ml) was obtained by PX hydrolysis for 2 hr followed by F hydrolysis for 0.5 hr (PX2F0.5). No bitterness was obtained by PX hydrolysis for 5 hr followed by F hydrolysis for 0.5 hr (PX5F0.5). The hydrolysate of PX5F0.5 was fractionated by gel permeation chromatography with Sephadex G-25. The fraction C with molecular weight 450-390 Da showed the highest inhibitory efficiency ratio being 364.6 %/mg/m. Oyster hydrolysate (PX5F0.5) was orally administrated to spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). After 8 weeks oral administration of hydrolysate, the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure of SHR were significantly reduced by 18.6 and 19.6 mmHg, respectively.
目 錄
中文摘要.................................................. Ⅰ
英文摘要.................................................. Ⅲ
貳、文獻整理............................................... 1
一、台灣重要經濟貝類....................................... 3
1.台灣蜆.............................................. 3
(1)蜆之介紹.......................................... 3
(2)蜆養殖情況........................................ 3
(3)蜆之成分分析...................................... 4
(4)蜆之加工及保健機能................................ 4
2.牡蠣................................................ 5
(1)牡蠣之介紹........................................ 5
(2)牡蠣養殖情況...................................... 6
(3)牡蠣之成分分析.................................... 6
(4)牡蠣之加工及保健機能............................... 6
二、蛋白質水解產物......................................... 7
1.蛋白質水解產物之簡介................................ 7
(1)分類.............................................. 7
(2)特性及應用........................................ 7
(3)苦味性............................................ 9
2.蛋白質水解方式...................................... 10
3.影響酵素水解蛋白質之因子............................ 12
(1)酵素種類......................................... 12
(2)pH值與溫度....................................... 12
三、高血壓之定義與分類.................................... 13
1.定義................................................ 13
2.分類................................................ 14
(1)原發性高血壓...................................... 14
(2)續發性高血壓...................................... 15
四、血管升壓素轉換(ACE)之生化特性....................... 15
1.ACE的生化特性....................................... 15
2.ACE的抑制原理....................................... 17
五、ACE抑制劑之來源....................................... 18
1.水產物蛋白水解物中的ACEI............................ 18
(1)沙丁魚............................................. 18
(2)鹽漬乾燥鮪魚肉..................................... 19
(3)烏賊............................................... 19
(4)鰹柴魚............................................. 19
(5)鰹魚內臟........................................... 20
(6)貝類............................................... 20
六、原發性高血壓老鼠簡介................................... 21
参、實驗材料與方法........................................ 23
一、實驗材料.............................................. 23
二、實驗方法.............................................. 23
1.蜆肉熱水抽出物與蜆肉粉末酵素水解物的製備............ 23
2.牡蠣粉末熱水抽出物與牡蠣粉末酵素水解物的製備........ 24
3.產製率的測定........................................ 24
4.可溶性蛋白質含量的測定............................... 25
5.胜肽含量的測定....................................... 25
6.ACE抑制能力之測定................................... 25
7.IC50值的測定......................................... 26
8.水解物對ACE抑制類型之評估及Ki之測定................ 26
9.水解物主要胜肽之收集................................. 27
10.劃分收集物對ACE抑制活性之測定...................... 27
11.水解物主要胜肽之純化、鑑定.......................... 28
12.胺基酸組成分析...................................... 28
13.胺基酸序列分析...................................... 29
14.動物飲液的製備...................................... 29
15.實驗動物飼養條件及實驗項目.......................... 29
16.老鼠血壓之測定...................................... 29
17.統計分析............................................ 30
肆、結果與討論............................................. 31
一、蜆..................................................... 31
(一) 不同蛋白酶與水解時間對蜆肉粉末水解物性質之影響.... 31
1.苦味性及可溶性固形物............................... 31
2.可溶性蛋白質與胜肽含量.............................. 31
3.分子量分佈.......................................... 32
(四)蜆肉粉末水解物之胺基酸組成分析...................... 33
1.蜆肉粉末水解物之劃分收集物的胺基酸組成分析........... 34
(五)蜆肉粉末水解物之劃分收集物主要胜肽的純化分離........ 34
(七)抑制物之IC50值,抑制常數及抑制類型.................. 35
二、牡蠣................................................... 36
(一)不同蛋白酶與水解時間對牡蠣粉末水解物性質之影響...... 36
1.苦味性及可溶性固形物................................ 36
2.可溶性蛋白質與胜肽含量............................... 36
3.分子量分佈........................................... 37
(四)牡蠣粉末水解物之胺基酸分析.......................... 39
(六)牡蠣粉末水解物對原發性高血壓老鼠的影響.............. 40
1.飲液、飼料攝取量..................................... 40
2.收縮壓的變化......................................... 41
3.舒張壓的變化......................................... 41
4.收縮壓增加量......................................... 42
5.心跳速率............................................. 42
6.體重................................................. 42
伍、結論................................................... 43
陸、參考文獻............................................... 44
圖表...................................................... 53
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