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研究生(外文):Yue-Dong Wang
論文名稱(外文):Optimality studies of fish-gel prepared from frozen threadfin bream surimi
指導教授(外文):Ming-Sheng KongCheng-Ming Chang
外文關鍵詞:threadfin bream surimisettingdifferential scanning calorimetry(DSC)gelationtexture
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實驗結果發現,進口SA級魚漿品質優劣性差異極大,經以DSC測試證實不同製備或儲運所造成的魚漿蛋白質凝聚變性,應是最可能導致魚漿品質劣變的原因。兼併地利用DSC和TSRM來測試在靜置處理過程中魚漿之肌動凝蛋白(AM)的變化,可證實正常之金線鰱加鹽擂潰魚漿的AM為自由態的肌動蛋白(A)和肌凝蛋白(M),而經5 ℃及25 ℃靜置的魚漿AM會分別轉化成AM複合體和TGase酵素催化的AM架橋複合體而獲致蒸煮凝膠強度的改善,對應之5 ℃靜置20小時可有效地令魚漿膠強度由無靜置的644 ±15 g-cm提升至791 ±8 g-cm;25 ℃靜置6小時更進一步將魚糕膠強度提升至2200 ± 32 g-cm。
調整配方所生產的魚糕與市販魚丸和魚板產品進行質感比較,發現未經靜置處理者,含水率78 %wc之配方產品與市販一般魚板相似,而水分提高至80 %wc之配方質地近似一般魚板而更具彈性,在高水分之84 %wc配方可得一般市販魚丸。對在蒸煮前有經25 ℃靜置6小時操作者,在廣泛的低含水率76-82 %wc配方範圍均產製出膠強度超越市販高級魚板的強軔質感,僅有在含水率高於80 %wc的配方能獲得與市販高級魚板相同品質的產品。澱粉添加至各含水率所生產之煉製品,穿破力隨水分增加而提高,但變形度並無明顯影響。超過7.5 %添加時,魚糕質地變粗糙而劣化。
The purpose of this research was to survey quality stability of imported frozen threadfin bream surimi, and studies on optimization of setting treatment conditions and mechanism of salt-soluble protein changes in the fish-gel preparation as well as the additives, moisture and potato starch, affection on surimi gel properties.
On stable qualities difference is great were found in surveying on the most SA grade surimi. The low grade surimi was evidence most possibility to be the partial denature due to the improper processing on store. Monitor the major salt-soluble protein, AM changes during setting by DSC and TSRM, it was evidence the AM in free A and M forms was converted to an AM complex and a TGase promote cross link type AM complex to benefit the final fish gel strength during setting. It was found the performing of a 5 oC/20 h setting treatment could improve the gel strength from 644 ±15 g-cm to 791 ±8 g-cm ; 25 oC/6 h setting could result an even phenomenal improve on the product gel strength up to 2200 ±32 g-cm, respectively.
To evaluate the changes of gel product qualities as effected by additives, with comparable to commercial fish ball and kamaboko, for gels prepared without setting treatment additives, kamaboko type product were resulted at a lower moisture content 78 %, resemble kamaboko type product were resulted at 80 % wc, fish ball type product were resulted at a higher moisture content 84 %. For gels prepared with a 25 oC/6 h setting treatment prior to cooking, gel properties tougher then high grade kamaboko was resulted for gels contenting any moisture content between 76-83 %, gels possessing exactly similar properties to high grade kamaboko could only be result at high moisture content between 80-84 %. Addition of potato starch could only increase the breaking force and could not significantly affected the deformation at break, higher then 7.5 % level of starch addition would result gel with unfavorable sandy texture.

封面內頁 頁次
目錄 i
中文摘要 v
英文摘要 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 文獻整理 2
1.3.1 肌肉蛋白質之組成 2
(1)肌漿蛋白質 2
(2)肌原纖維蛋白質 2
(3)基質蛋白質 7
1.3.2 魚漿凝膠作用及影響因子 7
(1)Transglutaminase催化反應 7
(2)靜置處理 8
1.3.3 不同肌肉蛋白質之熱分析 9
(1)肌肉態 10
(2)魚漿態 11
(3)單離態 12
1.3.4熱掃描剛性測定儀對魚漿的探討 13

第二章 實驗材料與方法 15
2.1 材料 15
2.2 儀器設備 15
2.3 方法 15
2.3.1 pH值測定 16
2.3.2 水分含量測定 16
2.3.3 魚漿煉製品之製備 16
2.3.4 魚漿煉製品之靜置處理操作 17
2.3.5 添加澱粉之魚糕操作 17
2.3.6 魚漿凝膠製品物性品質測定 17
2.3.7 示差掃描熱分析 18
2.3.8 熱掃描剛性靜置凝膠分析 18

第三章 結果與討論-壹 20
壹、進口冷凍SA級金線鰱魚漿品質調查及兩類型魚漿之發現 20
3.1 未靜置處理 20
3.2 靜置處理 21
3.2.1 低溫5 ℃靜置處理 21
3.2.2 常溫25 ℃靜置處理 21
3.3 結論 22

第四章 結果與討論-貳 24
貳、兩類型SA級魚漿本質差異及凝膠機制研究 24
4.1 兩類型魚漿本質之差異 24
4.1.1 碎肉魚漿 25
4.1.2 加鹽魚漿 26
4.2 兩類型魚漿靜置凝膠機制之探討 27
4.2.1 熱描剛性測定儀 28
(1)低溫5 ℃靜置處理 29
(2)常溫25 ℃靜置處理 29
4.2.2 示差掃描熱分析儀 30
(1)低溫5 ℃靜置處理 31
(2)常溫25 ℃靜置處理 32
4.3 結論 33

第五章 結果與討論-參 34
參、水分及澱粉添加對魚糕成品品質的影響 34
5.1 水分對魚糕成品質感之影響 34
5.1.1 未經靜置與市販品比較 35
5.1.2 有經靜置與市販品比較 36
5.2 不同水分及澱粉添加對魚糕成品質感之影響 36
5.2.1 未經靜置與市販品比較 37
5.2.2 有經靜置與市販品比較 37
5.3 結論 38

第六章 總結 39


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