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研究生(外文):Yen-lian Lee
論文名稱(外文):Rheological properties of Brasenia schreberi Gmel mucilage solution and its application on cosmetic
指導教授(外文):Rong-Huei Chen
外文關鍵詞:Brasenia schrebericosmeticrheology
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本研究之目的在探討蓴菜(Brasenia schreberi)膠質物質水溶液之流變性質受不同濃度、剪速率、溫度、氯化鈉添加量、pH值、剪力作用時間之影響,並將其加入活力滋潤霜與濕潤面膜中,做為保濕劑,探討對活力滋潤霜與濕潤面膜之流變性質、保濕能力等之影響。以了解將其應用在上述兩種化妝品中之可行性。結果如下:
蓴菜膠質物質水溶液為非牛頓型假塑性流體,隨蓴菜膠質物質濃度上升有較顯著的剪稀性質(shear thining),不同濃度的蓴菜膠質物質水溶液表面黏度隨溫度上升而有顯著下降的趨勢。隨溶液中NaCl濃度增加,其表面黏度有明顯下降之趨勢。隨pH值上升,其表面黏度有增加之趨勢。隨剪力作用時間增加,蓴菜膠質物質水溶液之表面黏度並無明顯之變化。
The objectives of this study are to explore the effects of shear rate, solute concentration, solution temperature, NaCl concentration, solution pH and shearing time on the rheological properties of different concentrations solution of the mucilage of Brasenia schreberi and to explore the effects of using the mucilage solution to replace moisture agents in moisture mask and vital moisture cream formula on rheological properties, water holding capacity of moisture mask and vital moisture cream thus prepared. The results obtained are as follows:
The rheological behavior of the mucilage solution of Brasenia schreberi are pseudoplastic fluids. Increasing the solute concentration enhanced shear thinning properties of the mucilage solution. The apparent viscosity of different concentrations solution of the mucilage of Brasenia schreberi decreased with increasing solution temperature, also decreased with increasing NaCl concentration in the solution. The apparent viscosity increased with increasing solution pH. Effect of solution pH on the apparent viscosity decreasing rate magnified with increasing the concentration of mucilage solution used. The apparent viscosity of the mucilage solution didn’t change with shearing time.
Increasing in shear stresses and the apparent viscosity decreasing rates of moisture masks and vital moisture cream magnified with increasing the concentration of mucilage solution. The safety tests resulted in no erythema based on the Daize score test. The products pH are between 6.0-6.4.The ability of water holding capacity of moisture mask and vital moisture cream increased with the increasing concentration of mucilage solution of Brasenia schreberi used and are better than control.
目 錄

一 前言………………………………………………………1
二 文獻整理…………………………………………………2
1. 蓴菜的多醣組成…………………………………………2
2. 蓴菜多醣在藥理上的作用………………………………2
3. 多醣類的萃取與劃分……………………………………3
3.1. 多醣類的萃取…………………………………………3
3.2. 多醣類的劃分…………………………………………3
4. 多醣類之功能特性與其在醫藥化妝品之應用…………5
5. 皮膚保濕機制……………………………………………6
6. 保濕劑種類………………………………………………8
6.1. 保水性之保濕劑………………………………………8
6.2. 吸濕性之保濕劑………………………………………9
1. 材料…………………………………………………….10
2. 方法…………………………………………………….11
2.1. 蓴菜水溶液抽出物之製備………………………….11
2.2. 一般組成份測定…………………………………….11
2.3. 蓴菜膠質物質水溶液流變性質之測定(應用於一般食品及化妝品等)………………………………………………………….12
2.3.1. 濃度與剪速率效應……………………………….12
2.3.2. 溫度效應………………………………………….13
2.3.3. 氯化鈉添加效應………………………………….13
2.3.4. pH效應…………………………………………….13
2.3.5. 剪力作用時間效應……………………………….13
2.4. 含蓴菜膠質物質水溶液之活力滋潤霜之試製…….14
2.5. 含蓴菜膠質物質活力滋潤霜之品質……………….15
2.5.1. 安定性測試……………………………………….15
2.5.2. 黏度測定………………………………………….15
2.5.3. 安全性測定……………………………………….16
2.5.4. 有效性測試……………………………………….16
2.6. 含蓴菜膠質物質濕潤面膜之製備………………….17
2.7. 含蓴菜膠質物質濕潤面膜之品質………………….17
2.7.1. 安定性測試……………………………………….18
2.7.2. 黏度測定………………………………………….18
2.7.3. 安全性測定……………………………………….19
2.7.4. 有效性測試……………………………………….19
四 結果與討論…………………………………………….21
1. 蓴菜膠質物質之一般組成份分析…………………….21
2. 蓴菜膠質物質水溶液流變性質之測定……………….21
2.1.1. 濃度與剪速率效應……………………………….21
2.1.2. 溫度效應………………………………………….22
2.1.4. pH效應…………………………………………….23
2.1.5. 剪力作用時間效應……………………………….23
3.1. 活力滋潤霜之品質特性…………………………….24
3.1.1. 黏度……………………………………………….24
3.1.2. 顏色……………………………………………….24
3.1.3. 皮膚保水性……………………………………….25
3.1.4. 產品安定性……………………………………….25
3.1.5. 皮膚敏感性……………………………………….26
3.2. 濕潤面膜之品質特性……………………………….26
3.2.1. 黏度……………………………………………….26
3.2.2. 皮膚保水性……………………………………….26
3.2.3. 產品安定性……………………………………….27
3.2.4. 皮膚敏感性……………………………………….27
五 結論…………………………………………………….28
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