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研究生(外文):Chia-Ling Lee
論文名稱(外文):Levels of sennoside A and B in the tea bag of senna leaves and effect of extracting temperature and time
指導教授(外文):Deng-Fwu Hwang
外文關鍵詞:senna leavessennoside Asennoside Bmelanosis coliaccelerated solvent extraction
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摘 要
本研究為利用高效液相層析儀系統分析市售番瀉葉茶包中sennoside A、B的含量。層析條件為管柱 : Hypersil C18 (5 μm, 4.6 mm × 250 mm);移動相 : acetonitrile和1% acetic acid solution (pH 2.6)採梯度沖提;偵測波長 : 270 nm。實驗結果發現pH對sennoside A、B滯留時間影響不大。Sennoside A在番瀉葉中的回收率為101.06-102.56%,Sennoside B為95.83-106.10%。在檢測濃度4-12 ppm間,Sennoside A、B之標準曲線均呈直線性關係,Sennoside A之線性迴歸方程式為y = 36.232x – 5.328 (R2 = 0.9996),Sennoside B為y = 35.185x – 4.738 (R2 = 0.9997)。另外分析市售11件番瀉葉茶包樣品, 得知sennosides含量為每包1.48-29.72 mg。我國衛生署規定食品級番瀉葉茶包中sennosides含量不得超過12 mg,由檢測結果顯示,市售不合格率為36.36% (4/11)。以100℃、90℃、85℃、65℃ 和25℃ 共五組不同溫度的水溶液浸泡番瀉葉茶包不同時間,在浸泡5分鐘時,發現以100℃之sennoside A、B溶出量為最高,浸泡15分鐘至1小時,則以90℃ 之溶出量為最多,90℃浸泡1小時之sennosides溶出量為其茶包sennosides總量之30%。同時sennosides之溶出量會隨浸泡時間增長而增加。其次得知sennosides在高溫 (80℃ 以上) 環境下非常不安定,其中sennoside B對熱的安定性較sennoside A差,同時衰退率隨著溫度的提高與時間的增長而增加。
A rapid HPLC method was developed for determination of sennoside A and B in the tea bag of senna leaves. Chromatographic condition consisted of column : Hypersil C18 (5 μm, 4.6 mm × 250 mm); mobile phase : acetonitrile and 1% acetic acid solution (pH 2.6) by gradient; detector wavelength : 270 nm. The pH value of mobile phase did not affect the retention time of sennoside A and B. The recovery was 101.06-102.56% for sennoside A and 95.83-106.10% for sennoside B, respectively. The linear standard curve was obtained and the detective range of sennoside A and B was 4-12 ppm. The standard curve of sennoside A was y = 36.232x – 5.328 (R2 = 0.9996), and that of sennoside B was y = 35.185x – 4.738 (R2 = 0.9997). After analyzing 11 tea bag samples of senna leaves sold in the markets, the contents of sennosides ranged from 1.48 to 29.72 mg per bag. According to the regulation of Department of Health, the content of sennosides for food grade must be less than 12 mg. The illegal rate was 36.36% (4/11) . Furthermore, the tea bag samples were separately soaked at 100℃、90℃、85℃、65℃ and 25℃. Although the extracted content of sennoside A and B was the highest at 100℃ for 5 min, others it was the highest at 90℃ for 15-60 min. The extracted content of sennosides was 30% when tea bag sample was soaked at 90℃ for 1 hour. The longer the soaking time was, the more sennosides the tea bag sample released. Also, sennosides was found to be unstable at high temperature (especially for over 80℃). Among both components, sennoside B was less stable than sennoside A. The decomposed rates of sennosides were increased as soaking temperature and time increased.
目 錄
謝辭 IV
中文摘要 1
英文摘要 3
前言 5
第一章 文獻整理 7
壹、 番瀉葉的介紹 8
貳、 番瀉葉主成份之生理作用機制 13
参、 番瀉葉之潛在危害 14
肆、 我國對番瀉葉的使用之相關規定 16
伍、 番瀉葉主成分之分析檢驗方法 17
陸、 分析樣品的前處理方法 - 加速溶劑萃取法 19
第二章 市售番瀉葉茶包中sennoside A、B之檢測法及其含
量與浸出溫度、時間的影響 22
壹、 前言 23
貳、 材料與方法 26
参、 結果與討論 33
結論 41
參考文獻 42
圖表 45
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