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研究生(外文):Pei-Ju Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Demographics and Psychographics on Internet Experience and Shopping Attitudes:The Case of College Students
指導教授(外文):Kuen-Hung Tsai
外文關鍵詞:InternetInternet experienceshopping attitudes
  • 被引用被引用:18
  • 點閱點閱:1987
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隨著全球網際網路使用人口逐漸增加,網際網路已逐漸成為現代人們生活的一部分,藉由網路進行交易的量也隨之不斷增加,網際網路市場成長迅速,業者也愈來愈重視網路上的行銷活動。緣此,無論在行銷管理學術或實務上,有關網路行銷的論述逐漸普遍。由於市場區隔是行銷上重要的主軸。因此,有關網路消費者之人口統計或心理統計的調查研究數量也逐漸增加。然而,以往相關研究的樣本大小(sample size)偏少、樣本組成蓋括層面過廣,而且偏重於描述性的探討,使得研究結果對實務或理論的貢獻都受到限制。因此,本研究主要目的在嘗試從理論出發,建構人口統計、心理統計與網路經驗及網路購物態度的假設性關係(hypothetical relationships),並進一步檢視這些假設性關係(假說)。
本研究選定的觀察對象為國內大學生,主要理由是:一者,將觀察集中一個特定對象,可以避免產生混合的偏誤(pooling bias),且可增加觀察的樣本大小;二者,國內大學生是上網最普遍,也是最具有潛在購買力的一群。三者,台灣近年來經濟高度發展,所得水準提昇,商業活動蓬勃發展,促使消費趨勢不斷改變,而目前大學生知識水準提高,個人主義濃厚,且較易接受外來文化衝擊,有其獨特的消費趨勢。是以,知道這群潛在顧客的特性,對業者在行銷策略上有實質的意義。由於大學生人數相當多,本研究在樣本取得上將採多階段集群抽樣法(multi-stage clustering sampling)。本研究主要貢獻為:一者,對實務來說,本研究觀察對象為國內最具有潛在購買力的一群,資料調查的描繪對業者在行銷策略的擬訂上相當具有參考價值。二者,就行銷理論而言,本研究著重在人口統計、心理統計與經驗及態度理論關係的檢視,對消費者行為相關理論的一般性(generalization)可以強化或提供重新醒思的價值。
Along with the rapid growth of Internet users, enterprises are paying more and more attention to Internet marketing. A lot of studies have explored the issues related to Internet market. Most of these studies focused their themes on the demographics and psychographics of Internet users. However, the past studies, in essence, are exploratory or descriptive types rather than empirical examinations and the sample sizes in these analyses usually are small. Both the practical and theoretical benefits coming such studies thus are limited. Therefore, this study aims to take an empirical viewpoint to establish the theoretical framework among demographics, psychographics, Internet experience, and shopping attitudes and further examine these relationships.
Three main reasons turn college students into an interesting field of examination. First, a specific research sample can avoid pooling bias and cover a larger number of samples. Second, the Internet usage of college students is higher than among other age groups, and college students also have rather high potential purchasing power. Third, Taiwan’s economy has become highly developed in recent years. Income levels have risen, and vigorous commercial activity has changes consuming trends. College students are highly educated, highly individualistic, and more receptive to outside cultures. Therefore, to know their consumption behavior is substantially meaningful to marketing practice.
This study adopts multi-stage clustering sampling. The data were collected from college students in eighteen colleges using a structured questionnaire. A total of 1400 respondents are surveyed, and 1283 questionnaires are used to examine the research hypotheses. Both the multiple regression analysis and ordinal regression method are used here. Four findings are revealed: (1) Gender has a significant effect on Internet experience. (2) There are significant psychographic effects on Internet experience and shopping attitudes. The data on psychographic characteristics suggest that Internet usage and online shopping are appealing to novelty seeking, self-confident, and time conscious consumers. (3) Internet users willing to engage online shopping take a relative positive view of the security, reliability, convenience, and wide variety of search methods available for online shopping. (4) The more Internet experience college students have, the more likely they become the online buyers.
誌 謝…………………………………………………………………...v
目 錄……………………………………………………………………vi

第壹章 緒論…………………………………………………………….1
第一節 研究動機…………………………………………………...1
第二節 研究問題與目的…………………………………………...2
第三節 章節安排…………………………………………………...3
第貮章 文獻探討……………………………………………………….4
第一節 理論觀點…………………………………………………...4
第二節 相關實證…………………………………………………..25
第三節 文獻評述…………………………………………………..32
第參章 研究方法………………………………………………………34
第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………..34
第二節 研究假說…………………………………………………..35
第三節 定義與衡量………………………………………………..46
第四節 問卷設計…………………………………………………..50
第五節 抽樣設計…………………………………………………..55
第六節 資料蒐集方法……………………………………………..56
第七節 資料分析方法……………………………………………..57
第肆章 資料分析………………………………………………………60
第一節 樣本結構…………………………………………………..60
第二節 基本分析…………………………………………………..66
第三節 實證結果…………………………………………………..72
第四節 討 論…………………………………………………..75
第伍章 結論與建議……………………………………………………79
第一節 發現與涵意………………………………………………..79
第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………..82
第三節 後續研究方向……………………………………………..82
附錄一 問卷內容……………………………………………………….95
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