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研究生(外文):Yan-Jen Su
論文名稱(外文):LOD Volume Rendering of FEA Data
指導教授(外文):Shyh-Kuang Ueng
外文關鍵詞:volume renderinglevel-of-detailfinite element analysisscientific visualizationcomputer graphics
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Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a powerful scientific computing method. However, FEA produces large data sets. To post-process FEA data, it relies on computer-aided visualization tools to extract meaningful information hidden inside the data. Among the visualization techniques, volume rendering is a popular method. By generating semi-transparent images, volume rendering allows users to explore the distribution of function values in 3D domains.
In this paper, a new volume rendering method for FEA data is proposed. Our algorithm is a multiple-resolution visualization method. It composes of three stages: To visualize a FEA data set, a Gauss point adjacency graph is constructed to replace the original FEA mesh at the first stage. At the second stage, a Level of Detail (LOD) structure is created by traversing the adjacency graph and merging the vertices. At the third stage, a level of the adjacency graph is selected and rendered by using a splatting method.
1. 緒論.........................13
1.1. 前言............................13
1.2. 相關研究..........................15
1.3. 研究動機..........................16
1.4. 研究方法..........................16
2. 有限元素分析資料格式.................17
2.1. 有限元素法.........................17
2.2. FAST的資料格式......................18
3. 多層次精細度的建造..................20
3.1. 高斯積分點.........................20
3.2. 高斯積分點的相鄰圖形....................22
3.3. 多層次精細度........................22
3.3.1. 頂點的影響範圍.....................23
3.3.2. 化簡的條件.......................23
3.3.3. 新頂點的產生......................24
3.3.4. 搜尋方式........................24
4. 濺射塗色法......................26
4.1. 濺射演算法.........................26
4.1.1. 原理..........................26
4.1.2. 核心函數與足跡函數...................27
4.1.3. Billboarding技巧....................28
4.2. 影響範圍的應用.......................29
4.3. 擴散的應用.........................30
4.4. 梯度的應用.........................31
5. 實做與分析......................34
5.1. 實做............................34
5.1.1. 資料結構........................34
5.1.2. 顏色表.........................35
5.2. 測試............................37
5.2.1. 測試環境與測試資料...................37
5.2.2. 結果與分析.......................40
6. 結論與未來發展....................51
7. 附錄.........................52
7.1. 問題1...........................52
7.2. 問題2...........................54
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