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研究生(外文):Ten-Kuon Huang
論文名稱(外文):CMOE-initialized CMRLS RAKE Receiver
指導教授(外文):S. H. Chang
外文關鍵詞:CMACMOERAKE Receivers
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摘  要

傳統的耙型接受器(RAKE receiver)利用了分集(diversity)的技巧收集不同延遲信號的能量並以提昇訊雜比(signal to noise ratio:SNR)並降低位元錯誤率(Bit Error rate:SNR),但其效能會飽和而使得分集效果不彰。定模數法則耙型接收器(CMA RAKE receiver)已經證明其在BER之效能確實比D-RAKE較為佳。然而,CMA RAKE接收器卻由於其演算法的影響而容易在衰落的通道環境下造成了錯誤的收斂。因此本論文提出應用最小輸出能量法則之定模遞迴最小平方耙型接收器(CMOE-initialized CMRLS RAKE receiver)使用限制最小輸出能量法則(constrained minimum output energy:CMOE)來做為濾波器估測子的初始設計並結合定模數法則與遞迴最小平方演算法(recursive least-squares algorithm:RLS)應用在耙型接收器上。多重路徑衰落的環境下比較CMOE-initialized CMRLS RAKE接收器和CMA-RAKE接收器,前者不僅擁有收斂快速的優點且於位元錯誤率上有進步,另一方面更不會因為環境的影響而造成錯誤的收斂。經模擬證實本論文提出之CMOE-initialized CMRLS RAKE接收器確實在訊雜比與位元錯誤率的效能上優於CMA-RAKE接收器。


Conventional RAKE receiver exploits the diversity technique to gather signal energies at different delays to improve the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR), but its performance is poor. The bit error rate (BER) performance of constant modulus algorithm RAKE (CMA RAKE) receiver is shown to be better than that of the decorrelating RAKE (D-RAKE) receiver. However, the CMA RAKE receiver is susceptible to misconvergence in the fading channel environment due to its multimodal cost surface. In this paper, we propose a RAKE receiver with an initialization scheme for the CMA RAKE receiver by using the solution form the minimization of the constrained minimum output energy (CMOE) criterion, and which combined with constant modulus recursive least square (CMRLS) algorithm called CMOE-initialized CMRLS RAKE receiver. The RAKE receiver we proposed owns faster convergence speed and better BER performance, furthermore it is not susceptible to misconvergence. Simulations confirm the CMOE-initialized CMRLS RAKE receiver we proposed is superiority over the CMA RAKE receiver in terms of the performance of SINR and BER.
Keyword:CMA、CMOE、RAKE Receivers.
第一章 序論……………………………………………………… 1
1.1. 引言………………………………………………… 1
1.2. 各章節內容概述…………………………………… 3

第二章 分碼多重進接系統與時變多重路徑衰弱通道……… 4
2.1. 分碼多重進接系統簡介…………………………… 4
2.2. 時變多重路徑衰弱通道…………………………… 8
2.2.1. 通道衰落效應的分類………………………… 9
2.2.2. 通道統計模型………………………………… 16

第三章 適應性濾波技術………………………………………… 20
3.1. 線性適應性濾波技術……………………………… 20
3.2. 盲蔽式適應性濾波技術…………………………… 21
3.3. 最小均方演算法…………………………………… 22
3.4. 遞迴最小平方演算法……………………………… 24
3.5. 定模數演算法則…………………………………… 27
3.5. 限制最小輸出能量法則的應用…………………… 30

第四章 盲蔽式適應性耙型接收器……………………………… 32
4.1. 定模數法則耙型接收器…………………………… 33
4.2. 限制最小輸出能量法則初始化之定模遞迴最小平方耙型接收器……………………………………… 36

第五章 模擬結果與分析………………………………………… 41
5.1. 參數與環境設定…………………………………… 41
5.2. 實驗模擬與結果分析……………………………… 46

第六章 結論與未來展望………………………………………… 54

參考文獻…………………………………………………………… 55

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