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研究生(外文):Chun-An Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Radio Frequency Transmitter and Receiver Integrated Circuit Design
指導教授:劉萬榮吳 渝
指導教授(外文):Wan-Rone LiouAdam Yu Wu
外文關鍵詞:Radio FrequencyTransmitterReceiver
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本論文主要係設計一CMOS 射頻發射機與接收機前端電路。其中接收機電路包含了低雜訊放大器和降頻轉移混波器。而發射機電路則包含了功率放大器、昇頻轉移混波器和電壓控制振盪器。全部的射頻接收機與發射機系統電路係用台積電公司的高頻模型設計。 於射頻接收機研究方面,在低雜訊放大器電路上我們使用電感匹配、帶通濾波器和電容以達成節省在信號的路徑上之電力消耗,並達到低雜訊和高增益之效果。在混波器的研究方面, 我們將平方律的混波器及共源級輸出緩衝器整合在一起,其不只確定最佳化元件的大小,並達成減少全部電路功率的消耗,且提供高線性度的性能。在發射機研究方面,其中兩級差動功率放大器不僅得到足夠的輸出功率,並具有良好的線性度。而昇頻轉換混波器係用Gilbert種類的混波器,四相輸出的壓控振盪器則用以做為發射機的本地振盪器。本論文亦以0.18-μm CMOS 製程設計一個鎖相迴路,其可振盪出信號操作頻率高達5-GHz。最後我們設計一個電流控制電路,其經由不同的負載調整最佳化的輸出電流來解決電磁干擾的問題。
This dissertation presents the design of a CMOS RF transmitter and receiver front end. The receiver contains a low noise amplifier, a down conversion mixer, and a voltage control oscillator. While the transmitter consists of a power amplifier, an up conversion mixer, and a voltage control oscillator. All the components were designed with the TSMC CMOS high frequency models. These models were specially implemented for RF receiver and transmitter design. In receiver design, we used the inductance matching skill, band pass filter, and the DC isolation capacitance to improve the system performance. We could get less power loss along the signal path, lower overall noise, and higher gain in the low-noise amplifier circuit design. For mixer circuit design, a single square-law mixer and common source output buffer were implemented at the same time. The mixer design was focused in optimizing device size, decreasing the total circuit power consumption, and providing high linearity performance. For transmitter design, a two-stage differential power amplifier was implemented to obtain enough output power and good efficiency. A Gilbert-type mixer was used for up-conversion mixer. A local oscillator is implemented with a voltage control oscillator, and provides a quadrature output. A phase locked loop (PLL) was designed with 0.18-μm one-poly-six-metal (1P6M) TSMC CMOS process. It generated a clock signal and the operating frequency up to 5-GHz. Finally, a current control circuit was designed by varying the loads to adjust the optimum driver current. This design can help us to solve the electro-magnetic interference (EMI) problem.
Dedication I
Acknowledgements II
Abstract III
Contents VI

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Background and Motivation 1
1-2 Thesis Organization 6

Chapter 2 RF CMOS Receiver 8
2-1 Introduction 8
2-2 Low Noise Amplifier 9
2-3 Down-Conversion Mixer 26
2-4 Conclusion 34

Chapter 3 RF CMOS Transmitter 37
3-1 Introduction 37
3-2 Power Amplifier 38
3-3 Up-Conversion Mixer 48
3-4 Voltage Control Oscillator 52
3-5 Conclusion 70

Chapter 4 RF CMOS Phase Locked Loop 73
4-1 Introduction 73
4-2 Voltage Control Oscillator Circuit 75
4-3 Divider Circuit 77
4-4 Phase Detector and Charge Pump Circuit 86
4-5 Conclusion 87

Chapter 5 Electromagnetic Interference solution 90
5-1 Introduction 90
5-2 Circuit Analysis 92
5-3 Simulation Results 95
5-4 Experimental Results 100
5-5 Conclusion 105

Chapter 6 Conclusion 107
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