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研究生(外文):kai-peng chu
論文名稱(外文):The Characterization and Fabrication of Pyroelectric Infrared image Sensor
指導教授(外文):chun-chen chan
外文關鍵詞:Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3remanent polarizationcoercive electric fieldpyroelectric coefficientvoltage responsespecific detectivity
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在鈣鈦酸鉛薄膜方面,經由焦電係數、最大偵測率及XRD繞射等實驗得知,鈣鈦酸鉛薄膜為鈣鈦礦的結構及退火溫度在650度15分鐘時,特性較佳。特性測量方面,其殘餘極化量為25.3 mC/cm2和矯頑電場為52.65 KV/cm。而焦電係數在300℃為4.13×10-4 C/m2K。
在元件特性方面,在單一感測器,於0.3Hz頻率可得最大感測元件電壓感度為468.98V/W,元件最大特定偵測率為8.28×106 cmW-1。
利用以上的結果,我們製作二維8 × 8 的焦電式紅外線影像感測元件。此影像陣列已在本實驗中用來作熱影像研究。

In this paper, the integrated Pyroelectric Infrared image Sensors have been made using a Ca-Modified Lead Titanate (Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3, PCT) thin films by RF sputtering method on silicon substrate. In addition, the etching technology is used to increase the sensitivity of the device. According as the technology, we can fabricate PIR image array to study the distribution of thermal image.
The deposited PCT thin film is the perovskite structure and the PCT thin film at annealed 650℃for 15 minutes can obtain the better performance. From the hysteresis loop, its remanent polarization (Pr) is 25.3 mC/cm2 and the coercive electric field is 52.65 KV/cm. Its pyroelectric coefficient is 4.13×10-4 C/m2K at 300℃. For the PIR performance measurement, the voltage response of the single PIR sensor is 468.98 VW-1 and the specific detectivity is 8.28×106 cmW-1 at 0.3 Hz.
In addition, we use these results to fabricate 2-D 8x8 element PIR image sensors. The sensor has been used for thermal image test in this experiment.
Chapter 1 Preface.....................1
1-1 Introduction and Research Motion............1
1-2 Thesis Outline....................6
Chapter 2 Theories of Pyroelectric Infrared Image Sensor....7
2-1 Review of Infrared.................7
2-2 Theory of Pyroelectric Coefficient.........8
2-3 Pyroelectric Effect..................9
2-4 The Pyroelectric Materials.............10
2-5 Structure and Properties of and PbCaTiO3.....12
2-6 The Performances of PIR Image Sensor.........13
2-6.1 Responsivity.................14
2-6.2 Noises...................16
2-6.3 Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) and Specific Detectivity (D*)....................18
2-6.4 Merit of Figures...............19
Chapter 3 The Fabrication Process of Pyroelectric Infrared Image Sensor ....................21
3-1 Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3Detection Layer...........21
3-2 V-groove Structure of PIR image Sensor for TMAH etching.21
3-3 The Process of PIR image Sensor array Fabrication.....22
Chapter 4 Experimental Measurement Results.........24
4-1 Thin Film Characterization..............24
4-1.1 SEM Photograph ..............24
4-1.2 XRD Result ................26
4-2 Electric Measurement Result..............27
4-2.1 Dielectric Parameters of Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 and Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 Thin Film............27
4-2.2 P-E Loop Hysteresis analysis ..........29
4-2.3 Pyroelectric Coefficient Measurement ......31
4-2.4 Figures of Merit Behavior...........32
4-3 The Performance of PIR Image Sensor .........34
Chapter 5 Application of the Thermal Image.........37
5-1 Introduction....................37
5-2 Experimental...................37
5-3 Results and Discussion................38
Chapter 6 Conclusion...................40

Table and Figure Captions
Table1-1 Physical properties and Figures of merit........51
Fig.2-1 The wavelength versus the intensity of radiation at different temperature..................52
Fig.2-2 The configuration of measurement of pyroelectric coefficient...................52
Fig.2-3 Electron spontaneous polarization in pyroelectric ceramic with the temperature changes...........53
Fig.2-4 The relationship between spontaneous polarizations...53
Fig.2-5 The frequency dependence of voltage response and current response....................54
Fig.3-1 (a)The top of V-groove structure and (b)the cross section of V-groove structure.................55
Fig.3-2 The mask diagram of PIR image array.........56
Fig.3-3 The fabrication steps of PIR image sensor.......57-59
Fig.3-4 The Top view of the PIR image array device.......60
Fig.4-1 Measurement system of the pyroelectric infrared....61
Fig.4-2 The surface morphology of Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si
substrate at annealed 650℃ for 15 minutes.......62
Fig.4-3 SEM cross section of Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si.....63
Fig.4-4-(a) The surface morphology of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si
substrate at annealed 550℃ for 15 minutes......64
Fig.4-4-(b) The surface morphology of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si
substrate at annealed 600℃ for 15 minutes......64
Fig.4-4-(c) The surface morphology of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si
substrate at annealed 650℃ for 15 minutes......65
Fig.4-4-(d) The surface morphology of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si
substrate at annealed 700℃ for 15 minutes......65
Fig.4-4-(e) The surface morphology of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si
substrate at annealed 750℃ for 15 minutes......66
Fig.4-4-(f) The surface morphology of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si
substrate at annealed 650℃ for 15 minutes with thickness of 260nm...................66
Fig.4-4-(g) The surface morphology of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si
substrate at annealed 650℃ for 15 minutes with thickness of 500nm...................67
Fig.4-4-(h) The surface morphology of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si
substrate at annealed 650℃ for 15 minutes with thickness of 745nm...................67
Fig.4-5 SEM cross section of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si....68
Fig.4-6 The XRD pattern of Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 thin film on Pt/Ti/Si substrate annealed at 650℃ for 15 minutes.69
Fig.4-7-(a) The XRD pattern of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film on Pt/Ti/Si substrate annealed at 550℃ for 15 minutes......70
Fig.4-7-(b) The XRD pattern of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film on Pt/Ti/Si substrate annealed at 600℃ for 15 minutes......71
Fig.4-7-(c) The XRD pattern of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film on Pt/Ti/Si substrate annealed at 650℃ for 15 minutes......72
Fig.4-7-(d) The XRD pattern of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film on Pt/Ti/Si substrate annealed at 700℃ for 15 minutes...... 73
Fig.4-7-(e) The XRD pattern of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film on Pt/Ti/Si substrate annealed at 750℃ for 15 minutes...... 74
Fig. 4-8 The FWHM on the Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3/Pt/Ti/SiO2 substrate as a function of annealed temperature..........75
Fig.4-8 The relative dielectric constant of Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 dielectric material at annealed 650℃ for 15 minutes........76
Fig.4-9 The relative dielectric constant of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 dielectric material at annealed 550℃ ~ 700℃ for 15 minutes...77
Fig.4-10 The loss tangent versus frequency of Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 dielectric material at annealed 650℃ for 15 minutes...78
Fig. 4-11 The loss tangent versus frequency of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 dielectric material at annealed 550℃ ~ 700℃ for 15 minutes... 79
Fig.4-12 The legend of hysteresis loop of BM versusB0......80
Fig.4-13 The modified Sawyer-Tower circuits for remnant polarization and coercive filed measuring............80
Fig.4-14-(a) PE hysteresis loop of the Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si substrate at annealed 550℃ for 15 minutes.......81
Fig.4-14-(b) PE hysteresis loop of the Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si substrate at annealed 600℃ for 15 minutes.......81
Fig.4-14-(c) PE hysteresis loop of the Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si substrate at annealed 650℃ for 15 minutes.......82
Fig.4-14-(d) PE hysteresis loop of the Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si substrate at annealed 700℃ for 15 minutes.......82
Fig.4-14-(e) PE hysteresis loop of the Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 on Pt/Ti/Si substrate at annealed 750℃ for 15 minutes........83
Fig.4-15 Pyroelectric coefficient of Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 thin at annealed 650 ℃ for 15 minutes..............84
Fig.4-16 Pyroelectric coefficient of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film at annealed 550℃ ~ 700 ℃ for 15 minutes..........85
Fig.4-17 Voltage response of Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 thin film at annealed 650 ℃ for 15 minutes by back etching technology.....86
Fig.4-18 Noise voltage of Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 thin film at annealed 650 ℃ for 15 minutes by back etching technology.......87
Fig.4-19 Noise equivalent power of Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 thin film at annealed 650 ℃ for 15 minutes by back etching technology....................88
Fig.4-20 Detectivity with the Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 thin film at annealed 650 ℃ for 15 minutes by back etching technology......89
Fig.4-21 Specific detectivity with Pb0.75Ca0.25TiO3 thin film at annealed 650 ℃ for 15 minutes by back etching technology....90
Fig.4-22 Voltage Response of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film at annealed 550℃ ~ 700℃ for 15 minutes by surface v-groove etching technology...................91
Fig.4-23 Noise voltage of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film at annealed 550℃ ~ 700℃ for 15 minutes by surface v-groove etching technology...............92
Fig.4-24 Noise equivalent power of Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film at annealed 550℃ ~ 700℃ for 15 minutes by surface v-groove etching technology....................93
Fig.4-25 Detectivity with the Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film at annealed 550℃ ~ 700℃ for 15 minutes by surface v-groove etching technology....................94
Fig.4-26 Specific detectivity with Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin film at annealed 550℃ ~ 700℃ for 15 minutes by surface v-groove etching technology....................95
Fig.5-1 The PIR array imaging measurement system.......96
Fig.5-2-(a) The array cell signal (no hand to approach).......97
Fig.5-2-(b) The array cell signal (one hand to approach)......97
Fig.5-3 The external amplifier of PIR image sensor......98
Fig.5-4 The 8051 simulator and peripheral circuit........99
Fig.5-5 The data of PIR array sensor for the hand movement....100
Fig.5-6 The image of PIR array sensor for the hand movement...101
Fig.5-7 The measuring system of the pyroelectric infrared.....102
Fig. 5-8 The data of PIR array sensor of the measuring system of the pyroelectric infrared for a light bulb.........103
Fig. 5-9 The image of PIR array sensor of the measuring system of the pyroelectric infrared for a light bulb...........104
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