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研究生(外文):Chin-Ting Huang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Study of Planar Inverted-F Antenna for WLAN Applications
外文關鍵詞:AntennaPlanar Inverted-F AntennaWLANPIFA
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本論文主要是針對應用於無線區域網路之平面倒F型天線做分析與探討,以傳統平面倒F天線為主要的架構基礎,延伸設計成雙頻帶操作、寬頻帶操作與三頻帶操作,在雙頻帶操作設計,即是將傳統平面倒F型天線的輻射體板上中央蝕刻矩形槽孔並在槽孔內則蝕刻U型金屬線且在邊緣端使用短路棒,逹成操作於2.45GHz及5.8GHz頻段之雙頻平面倒F天線,低頻與高頻的阻抗頻寬分別為7.3%與2.9%。此外,在寬頻帶操作方面,是將傳統平面倒F型天線的輻射板外圍植一個矩形環金屬片,造成天線激發兩個相鄰近模態,在將這兩個共振模態拉近而增加操作頻寬,使得平面倒F型天線有寬頻的效果,實際量測阻抗頻寬有26.1% ,且涵蓋5GHz WLAN全部的頻帶範圍。最後在三頻帶操作設計方面,利用三條輻射金屬片之間相互耦合激發模態方式,逹成天線操作頻寬涵蓋目前WLAN所制定2.45GHz、5.2GHz與5.8GHz頻段規格,在低頻2.45GHz頻段阻抗頻寬為7.3%,而在高頻5.2GHz和5.8Hz頻段阻抗頻寬為17.8%。文中並詳細探討這些天線的實驗結果特性。
In this thesis, our main objective subject is to discuss and analyze the PIFA in wireless LAN(WLAN) application. The designed structures for dual band, broad band and triple band operations are based on the conventional PIFA. A dual band structures is designed by utilizing a U-shape metal sheet with an the etched aperture in the central region of the conventional PIFA, with shorting pins at the edge to achieve the dual operating frequencies of 2.45GHz and 5.8GHz. The impedance bandwidth is respectively, 7.3% and 2.9% at the lower and upper frequencies. For the broadband operation, a rectangular annular metal sheet surrounding the conventional PIFA radiating conducting is implemented. The annular conductor would induce two modes in close vicinity to each other. The overlapping of these two modes enabled operation at wider bandwidth. With this design, the measured impedance bandwidth has been extended to 26.1%. It means that the entire 5GHz WLAN will be covered by the proposed design. Finally we also implemented triple band structure by mode coupling of three metal sheets in which radiation can be achieved at 2.45GHz、5.2GHz and 5.8GHz, with impedance bandwidth of 7.2% at low frequency 2.45GHz, and 17.8% at higher frequencies of 5.2GHz and 5.8GHz.
文 字 目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
文字目錄 iv
圖形目錄 vi

第一章 序論 01
1.1 概述 01
1.2內容提要 03

第二章 平面倒F型天線 06
2.1 概述 06
2.2平面倒F型天線設計 14
2.3模擬分析與實驗結果 17
2.4心得與討論 22

第三章 應用在WLAN之雙頻平面倒F型天線 24
3.1 概述 24
3.2雙頻平面倒F型天線設計 25
3.3模擬分析與實驗結果 28
3.4心得與討論 34

第四章 應用在WLAN之寬頻平面倒F型天線 35
4.1 概述 35
4.2寬頻平面倒F型天線設計 36
4.3模擬分析與實驗結果 39
4.4心得與討論 47

第五章 應用在WLAN之三頻平面倒F型天線 48
5.1 概述 .48
5.2三頻平面倒F型天線設計 48
5.3模擬分析與實驗結果 51
5.4心得與討論 59

第六章 結論 60
參考文獻 61
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