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研究生(外文):Sheng-Kai Tsao
論文名稱(外文):Anti-nonlinearity Techniques for B3G Wideband Software Defined Radio Receivers
指導教授(外文):Ching-Hsiang Tseng
外文關鍵詞:Bandpass samplingSoftware defined radioLow-noise amperfierNonlinear distortionDigital front end
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In recent years, various wireless communication systems were developed for different applications and in different environments. In the near future, it is very likely that the 2G, 2.5G, and 3G standards will be integrated into an entirely new standard. The software defined radio(SDR) is a potential technique to accomplish such integration. The idea of SDR is to place the analog-to –digital converter as near to the antenna as possible, so as to minimize the required analog front end (AFE) circuit. This ensures that most functions of the SDR can effectively reduce the required sampling frequency. However, the low noise amplifier in the AFE will generate nonlinear distortions. In the circumstances, there will be harmonic and inter-modulation bands which can interfere with the desired band. Therefore, using the conventional bandpass sampling technique does not yield a good result. In this thesis, we propose a new approach to find the valid bandpass sampling frequencies for SDR front end with nonlinearities. By considering the nonlinear distortion bands as part of the multiband input signal, we find suitable bandpass sampling frequencies which yield an aliasing-free sampled output. This guarantees that the nonlinear distortion bands are not overlapped with the desired signal band is the sampled signal. Hence, the effects of the nonlinearities can be reduced. By applying the proposed method to the B3G SDR
receiver , the goodness of the proposed method is verified.

Keywords:Bandpass sampling, Software defined radio , Low-noise amperfier, Nonlinear distortion, Digital front end
1 緒論
1.1 B3G時代與軟體無線電系統
1.2 研究動機與目的

2 無線通訊系統的發展趨勢
2.1 B3G時代與軟體無線電系統
2.2 使用軟體無線電實現B3G系統
2.3 利用數位前端的方式整合前端方塊
2.4 用帶通取樣原理完成數位降頻
2.5 接收級放大器所產生的非線性行為

3 抗非線性失真之帶通取樣法
3.1 使用多組訊號帶通取樣技術克服單組訊號經非線性放大後之干擾
3.2 以另一種方式求取三組射頻訊號之帶通取樣技術

4 抗非線性失真之多組射頻訊號帶通取樣法
4.1 抗非線性失真之兩組射頻訊號帶通取樣法
4.2 兩組三階非線性帶通取樣演算法
4.3 三組三階非線性射頻訊號帶通取樣條件分析

5 多模軟體無線電接收機之電腦模擬
5.1 以軟體無線電實現之多模架構
5.2 接收GSM三頻訊號
5.3 對任意鄰近GSM訊號接收
5.4 接收B3G之多模訊號
5.5 模擬雙模與三模SDR接收機

6 結論
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