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研究生(外文):Sin-Bin Huang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of ZnSe Heteroepitaxy Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors with ITO Electrode Integrated with NMOS Transistor
指導教授(外文):Chung-Cheng Chang
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在元件製作方面,利用硒化鋅薄膜製作之金半金光檢測器(ITO-ZnSe-MSMPD),採用銦錫氧化物(Indium Tin Oxide)ITO當透明電極並與傳統之金(Au)電極做比較。而銦錫氧化膜(Indium Tin Oxide)ITO使用磁控濺鍍法沉積,並進行不同退火程序實驗以改善銦錫氧化物之光穿透度以及導電度。而由實驗得知以提升穿透率以及導電率的ITO為電極之光檢測器,亦有較高之光電流及光響應度。
在元件整合方面,我們製作N型金氧半場效電晶體(N-MOSFET)與ZnSe-MSMPD 作整合之技術研究。完成ZnSe-MSMPD和N-MOSFET整合於同一晶片之製作,同時進行特性測試分析,證明此種元件亦可應用於光電積體電路(OEIC)之製作。
In this thesis, the low cost IR furnace chemical vapor deposition system is used to obtain the ZnSe epilayers. The quality of ZnSe epilayers is analyzed by the XRD, SEM and photoluminescence (PL) measurement.
The ZnSe epilayers was used to be the MSM photodetectors and their electrode was used ITO and Au materials. In additions, a new annealing technology was found to enhance the transparency and conductivity of ITO layers. The MSM photodetectors has better photocurrent and the photoresponsivity also since the electrode improvement.
In addition, MSM photodetectors and N-MOSFET are integrated to research the OEIC technology. The integrated technology is successful, In the future, in this experiment that this technique can be used to the OEIC fabrication.
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………….……1
1-1 Overview………………………………….…….1
1-2 Outline……………………………………..……3

Chapter 2 Theoretical Analysis of and ZnSe/Si Heteroepitaxy…….………………………....4
2-1 Introduction …………………...………..…...….4
2-2 Growth Processes ……………………………....5
2-2-1 Kinetics of Epitaxial Growth…………… ...5
2-2-2 Gas-Phase Mass Transfer…………………..7
2-2-3 Boundary Layer Theory……………………8
2-2-4 ZnSe/Si Heteroepitaxy……………………10
2-3 Two-Step Growth Process……………………..11
2-4 Wet Etching…………………………………….12

Chapter 3 Quality Analyses of The ZnSe Epilayer on Silicon ……………………………………..…14
3-1 Introduction……………………………….……14
3-2 ZnSe Epilayer Morphologies………………….14
3-3 Crystallographic Properties…………………...15
3-4 Photo-Luminescence Properties……………....17
3-5 Conclusions……………………..………………18
Chapter 4 Investigation of Improving the Transparency and Conductivity of ITO Thin Films…………………………………….20
4-1 Introduction…………………………………….20
4-2 Experiment……………………………………..21
4-3 Results and Discussion…………………………22
4-3-1 Transparency………………………………22
4-3-2 Resistivity…………………………..……..23
4-3-3 Surface morphology……………………….24
4-3-4 XRD patterns………………………………25
4-3-5 Exception………………………………….25
4-3-6 Elements Analysis………………………....26
4-3-7 Annealing Time…….……………………...27
4-4 Conclusions…………..….……………………...28

Chapter 5 Theory and Fabrication of ZnSe/Si Metal –Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector ………………..……………...30
5-1 Introduction……………..……………………..30
5-2 Theoretical Analysis…………………………...31
5-2-1 Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Junction…....31
5-2-2 Photocurrent Mechanisms……………..…32
5-2-3 Photocurrent Responsivity………………..33
5-2-4 Quantum Efficiency………………………34
5-2-5 Response Speed………………….………35
5-2-6 Dark Current……………………………..36
5-3 Results and Discussion………………………..37
5-4 Conclusion……………………………….…….48

Chapter 6 Design and Fabrication of MSMPD-MOSFET Integrated Photo-Receiver………………………………39
6-1 Introduction……………………………………39
6-2 Device Fabrication……………….……………39
6-3 Results and Discussion………………………...40
6-4 Conclusion……………………………………...41

7-1 Summary……………………………………......43
7-2 Further………………………………………….44



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