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研究生(外文):Cheng-Tang Liao
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Fishing Composition of Torch-Lighted Fishery in the Northern Waters of Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ming-An Lee
外文關鍵詞:Torch-Lighted FisheryFishing CompositionNorthern Waters of Taiwan
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本研究於2000年至2003年期間,委請17艘在台灣北部海域從事火誘網漁業活動之標本船,利用其填報之每日漁獲記錄資料,透過單位努力漁獲量(CPUE)及漁獲頻度(Catch frequency)之分析,來考察台灣北部海域火誘網漁業之漁獲組成及其CPUE之變動特性。根據四年來標本戶漁業活動位置之分布顯示,其作業漁場主要是分布在25~29˚N、121~126˚E、海底等深線在100~200 m之間的東海陸棚海域中,且由衛星遙測表水溫影像及漁業活動位置之頻度分布可知,其作業漁場約可劃分成兩個海域,一是分布在26˚N以北、122.5˚E以東之黑潮暖水與大陸沿岸冷水交換混合的潮境鋒面海域,另一則是分布在26˚N以南、122.5˚E以西的彭佳嶼附近之冷水渦週邊海域。此外,由標本戶之漁獲記錄得知,台灣北部海域火誘網漁業之漁獲魚種多達25種以上,其中以鎖管(Loligo edulis)及鰹類有較高之漁獲水準,且由ANOVA迴歸統計檢定之結果顯示,此二魚種在年間及月別CPUE之變動上,均有顯著之負相關。再者,由四年來年間及月別平均CPUE之變動則顯示,台灣北部海域火誘網漁業之漁況,在年間及月別上均有不同之變動型態,至於其漁況之變動與短、中、長期自然因素變動之關係,則於文中討論之。
This study aimed to examine the species composition and resource fluctuation of torch-lighted fishery by using the frequency-distribution analysis of CPUE and catch in the northern waters of Taiwan in 2000 to 2003. Seventeen sample boats of torch-lighted fishery were committed to collect the historical data of fishing condition. According to the fishing activity data show that the fishing ground is mainly located at the area of 25~29˚N and 121~126˚E where isobath between 100~200 m in the continental shelf of East China Sea. However, the satellite images show that the fishing grounds were distributed in the mixing waters of Kuroshio and Mainland China coastal waters. There are more than 25 species of fishes caught in the fishery. Among them, squid (Lologo edulis) and skipjack were the two major species with the higher CPUE more than 150 kg/ boat-day. ANOVA test shows that the CPUE of squid was negatively related to skipjack by month and year at 90% significance level. In this study, the catch fluctuation, distribution pattern and regime shift of the fishery were also discussed with respect to environmental factors.
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------Ⅰ
Abstract --------------------------------------------Ⅱ
前言 ------------------------------------------------1
一、火誘網漁業之定義及現況 --------------------------1
二、火誘網漁業所面臨之問題 --------------------------3
三、研究目的 ----------------------------------------4
材料與方法 ------------------------------------------5
一、漁業活動資料之收集 ------------------------------5
二、資料彙整與分析 ----------------------------------5
三、衛星遙測影像資料之收集 --------------------------7
結果 ------------------------------------------------8
一、作業漁場之季節分布特性 --------------------------8
二、作業漁場中衛星遙測表水溫之分布結構 --------------9
三、台灣北部海域火誘網漁業之漁獲魚種 ----------------11
四、漁獲魚種CPUE及漁獲頻度之分析 --------------------13
五、火誘網漁業漁獲量變動之分析 ----------------------14
討論與結論 ------------------------------------------19
一、台灣北部海域火誘網漁業蓬勃發展之原因 ------------19
二、影響火誘網漁業漁況之因素 ------------------------20
三、結論 --------------------------------------------25
謝辭 ------------------------------------------------26
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------27
表 --------------------------------------------------34
圖 --------------------------------------------------51
附錄1 -----------------------------------------------65
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