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研究生(外文):Yung-Yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The study of acute toxicity and induced metallothioneins by copper in rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus
外文關鍵詞:Siganus canaliculatusCu heavy metalAcute toxicityCu-induced metallothioneins (MTs)
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近年來由於台灣工業快速發展,但環境保護工作並未落實,使得自然生態環境慘遭嚴重破壞,本研究選定在台灣沿海海域分布甚廣之長鰭籃子魚(Siganus canaliculatus) 作為污染指標之魚種,並選定工業廢水中主要污染成份之一的銅(Cu,Copper),研究在不同銅濃度下對長鰭籃子魚的生殘之影響,同時也將針對不同溫度及鹽度下之生殘影響進行探討,以作為工業廢水管理之參考。
本研究亦將針對銅對長鰭籃子魚的急性毒性試驗,魚體所產生的金屬硫蛋白(MTs)進行分析比較。實驗設計上,分別以銅濃度、溫度、鹽度作為控制項目,實驗時間為每四小時紀錄一次,共96小時。並採用Logistic Curve 及其之Master curve 模式進行死亡率之解析,穫致簡便實用之銅濃度對長鰭籃子魚急性毒性影響之結果。而在金屬硫蛋白(MTs)的定量分析上則採用螢光反應法進行分析。結果無論在0.6 ppm或是0.3 ppm的浸漬下皆是肝臟快速累積、鰓則是較慢累積,對於重金屬浸漬,當體內產生的MTs到達一定的量之後,MT的量即不再增加甚至會有降低的現象顯示MTs結合重金屬有一定的承載力(carry capacity),亦即當體內MTs量達到飽合時,即不再增加有類似的結果。
Owing to the rapid development of industry in Taiwan recently, the protecting job of environment had never been put into effect so that marine environment of nature was destroyed seriously. This study chooses Siganus canaliculatus, which distributed widely along the coastal water of Taiwan, to be an indicating organism of water pollution. Also, this study chooses one of the primary toxic of industrial waste–water, copper, to research the influences of different copper concentration on Siganus canaliculatus in the conditions of various temperature, salinity and soaking durations.
Resultly, the acute toxicity of copper on Siganus canaliculatus and Cu-induced metallothioneins were analyzed. In the acute toxicity test, an adapted lethal logistic master curve of copper to Siganus canaliculatus was obtained. As well as, the Cu-induced metallothioneins (MTs) in livers increase quickly and in gill increase slowly in 0.3 ppm and 0.6 ppm copper solution. But, the MTs quantity does not increase when reach a fixed consistency, even reduce. It shows that MTs have a fixed carry capacity to combine metal.
第一節 研究動機..............................5
第二節 文獻回顧..............................7
三、金屬硫蛋白(Metallothionein; MTs)...10
1. 死亡曲線之特性........................24
2. 半致死時間(T50)與銅濃度之關係.......25
3. 死亡曲線之Master Curve................25
4. 半致死濃度結果比較....................26
5. 溫度對於浸漬死亡率的影響..............26
6. 鹽度對於浸漬死亡率的影響..............27
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