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研究生(外文):Shiuling-Ling Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Economic Impact of Decision Rules of CCSBT Management Procedure on the Operation of Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chin-Hwa Sun
外文關鍵詞:Management ProcedureOperating ModelDecision RuleTuning Level
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南方黑鮪保育委員會(CCSBT) 為制訂一套明確且透明之全球總可捕獲量(TAC)訂定機制,自2000年5月召開管理策略工作小組以來,即積極發展管理程序(MP),並預訂於2004年第十一屆年會完成並確定MP。台灣已於2002年8月30日正式加入成為CCSBT延伸委員會和延伸科學委員會之會員,而CCSBT所發展之管理程序,將影響未來全球南方黑鮪(SBT)總可捕獲量之訂定,並進而影響台灣未來之漁獲配額。
按CCSBT在第三屆管理程序工作小組會議所採基本參考案例之模擬結果,倘將資源回復的管理目標訂為2022年產卵母族群的資源量為2002年之1.1倍水準,則業者在未來9年將面臨TAC必須大幅減少31.59% 至 49.70%之衝擊,惟倘將資源回復的管理目標訂為0.9,則TAC在未來9年之調降幅度將可減少至11.47%以內,且資源量亦可於2032年達到2002年之1.1倍水準,由此顯示,倘MP將導致短期TAC大幅調降,並讓業者預期在20年後TAC將大幅增加,則未來又將產生過度投資之問題,並不合理;為顧及產業之穩定經營,對於四套決策原則之選擇,建議採短期TAC波動幅度較小之D&M_03和TAI_03。
For the purpose of establishing a transparent mechanism for deciding the global Total Allowable Catch (TAC) of Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT), the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) has constructively developed the Management Procedure (MP) to manage the global TAC since 2000 started in the Management Strategy Workshop in May, 2000. According to the timetable, MP will be finalized and decided at the Extended Commission of the eleventh annual meeting of CCSBT in October, 2004. Since Taiwan has become a member of the Extended Commission and the Extended Scientific Committee of CCSBT since 2002, the implementation of MP will impact on Taiwan’s quota directly.
This study analyzes the SBT import market in Japan to show the fluctuation of imported price from Taiwan and conducts a survey to estimate the operation cost of SBT fishing fleets in Taiwan annually and during the SBT fishing season from June to October. Based on the official report of the Third Meeting of the Management Procedure Workshop (MPWS3) of CCSBT, which was held in April, 2004, four candidate decision rules, FXR_01, HK5_01, D&M_03 and TAI_03, was selected. This study tries to evaluate their performances through the TAC projection on various stock-rebuilding tuning levels and to analyze their impact on the operation of SBT fishery in Taiwan.
This study shows that, in 2002, although the SBT harvest accounts for only 1.07% of the total harvest of Taiwanese tuna longliners in Indian Ocean, the average revenue of SBT harvest for seasonal target SBT fleet can cover about 12.5% of their annual operating cost and about 36.88% of their operating cost during the fishing season started from June to October. Since the number of fishing vessels caught SBT accounts for 33.7% of the total number of fishing vessels in Indian Ocean of Taiwan in 2003, it is worth to know that the availability of SBT quota would promise the Taiwanese fishing fleets enough incentive to fish for SBT during June to October. In order to mitigate the fishing pressure of other fishing ground in Indian Ocean, it is important to maintain the current quota of SBT for Taiwan.
According to the results on the performance of the reference case proposed by CCSBT during MPWS3, if the rebuilding tuning level for the SBT stock will be achieved in 2022 is set as 1.1 times of the SBT stock in 2002, the industries will face a dramatic decrease of TAC for 31.59% to 49.70% in the following 9 years. If the tuning level target is set for 0.9 times of the stock in 2022, the industries will face a minor decrease of TAC for 11.47% in the following 9 years and the stock in 2032 would eventually be rebuild to 1.1 of the stock in 2002. It shows that it is unreasonable that if the MP would lead to a dramatic TAC reduction in the short run and to make the industry expect a dramatic TAC increase 20 years later, then the industry would over-invest again in the future. Taking into account of economic stability of the industry, a suggestion was proposed regarding how to choose the best decision rules from the four candidate decision rules. Both decision rules, D&M_03 and TAI_03, are therefore recommended to choose to show the ability to reduce the TAC fluctuation in the short run.
目 錄
謝詞 ……………………………………………..…..…………………i
目錄 ……………………………………………..…..…………………vi
表次 ……………………………………………………………...…. ...viii
圖次 ………………………………………………..…..…. ……..…....x
本文使用英文略語表………………………………..…..…. ……..…....xii
第壹章 緒論………………………………………………..….………..1
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………..…….…….……...1
第二節 研究目的………………………………..…….….….……..3
第三節 研究範圍………………………………..…….….………...4
第四節 研究方法與步驟……………………….….….….………...4
第五節 資料來源……………………………….. .…….……..…... 5
第六節 論文架構與研究流程…………………..….…….. . .… .…6
第貳章 南方黑鮪保育委員會(CCSBT)與全球南方黑鮪漁業概況. . …8
第一節 CCSBT之組織架搆與功能 . . …………….…. .….…… 8
第二節 全球南方黑鮪漁業概況 ...….……….……………...…..14
第參章 CCSBT管理程序之架構內容及文獻回顧 ………………… 28
第一節 CCSBT發展管理程序之過程及相關文獻………………28
第二節 CCSBT管理程序之架構及目的....….….... ..…....……… 33
第三節 CCSBT管理程序之決策原則……………….….…………44
第肆章 台灣南方黑鮪漁業經營之成本收益分析.………………….. .51
第一節 台灣歷年南方黑鮪出口產值及市場價格分析.….…….. . .51
第二節 台灣南方黑鮪漁業作業概況及成本結構問卷調查結果. ..61
第伍章 CCSBT管理程序決策原則模擬結果比較暨其對台灣南方黑鮪漁業經營之影響評估………………….…….….……... .. . . .. .69
第一節 CCSBT管理程序決策原則模擬結果之分析.…. …. . . . .. 69
第二節 CCSBT管理程序決策原則之模擬結果對台灣南方黑鮪漁業經營之影響評估………………….…….….……... .. . . . 86
第陸章 結論與建議…………………………………...….……….... . .96
第一節 結論.…. …….. . …………………………...….………..... . 96
第二節 建議.…. …….. . …………………………...….………..... . 97
附錄一 南方黑鮪漁業經營成本問卷調查表………………………...103
附錄二 CCSBT管理程序第一階段之模擬運作模式….………….... 106
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