In recent years , sailing has become more recognized as an ocean leisure activity in Taiwan . However, because of the sailboat’s large size and inconvenience in transporting and storing of the boat,the popularity has been limited . The modern design of a sailboat is focused on the size and shape of the sail and the streamline of the hull . The bigger the sail and more streamlined of the boat , the more power and speed to the sailboat . It dose not focus on the volume of the boat , thus reduces the portability and convenience . To make the sailboat more portable and comfortable , this study proposes a method to hold up the hull of the sailboat . The hull of the sailboat is cut into four pieces and linked together by a set of the linkage rods and an air bag . These four pieces of hull are folded up for storage , and can be stretched out into a complete firm hull of the sailboat when the aided air bag is inflated . In this design , the size of the hull of the sailboat is reduced and can be put inside a large suitcase and loaded on top of the roof of a car to become more portable .