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研究生(外文):Cheng-Han Chang
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Modeling for the Atomization ofLiquid Films Issued from Airblast Nozzles
外文關鍵詞:Airblast NozzlesLiquid FilmsAtomization
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Fuel jet and atomization process are important factors to improve the performance and emission pollution of the gas turbine combustor. Airblast nozzle is a main way to supply fuel and to produce spray with atomization. Therefore, there has been great quantity of resources used for designing airblast nozzles in the industry. However, the physics process of fuel spray is still not fully understood, especially in the primary atomization area near the nozzle. A complete atomization combustion model must be provided to resolve these problems, including continuous liquid film motion, wave mechanics on the two-phase interface, and atomization mechanism of primary and second breakup. In the present study, cone film motion model will be coupled with wave dynamics model on the two-phase interface for instability analysis in order to establish a atomization model of airblast nozzle.
In the present study, liquid film dynamics model will be first set up for two annular liquid film jets of swirling hollow cone shape and non-swirling bell shape. Then, based on the surface wave theory, the growth rates of unstable wave on the surface will be analyzed, which are related to liquid film thickness, velocity, viscosity, surface tension, and pressure in the combustion chamber. The liquid film dynamics model and liquid film surface wave analysis are combined to establish primary atomization model of liquid films, which can predict liquid film flow structure (i.e. film velocity, spray angles, and film thickness etc.) and atomization characteristics (i.e. film breakup length and droplet size). Finally, comparison with other experiment data will be made to verify the calculated results of present study model.
目錄------------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅰ
圖目錄---------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅱ
符號說明-------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅴ
第一章 簡介----------------------------------------------------------- 1
1-1 研究動機---------------------------------------------------------- 1
1-2 文獻回顧---------------------------------------------------------- 5
1-3 研究目標---------------------------------------------------------- 12
第二章 研究方法------------------------------------------------------- 14
2-1液膜動力模式------------------------------------------------------- 14
2-2液膜表面波不穩定理論----------------------------------------------- 22
2-3液膜斷裂與霧化模式------------------------------------------------- 26
2-4模式聯結程序------------------------------------------------------- 32
第三章 結果與討論----------------------------------------------------- 35
3-1環狀液膜動力分析--------------------------------------------------- 35
3-2液膜表面波不穩定分析----------------------------------------------- 46
3-3空氣式噴嘴霧化分析------------------------------------------------- 53
第四章 結論與建議----------------------------------------------------- 68
4-1結論--------------------------------------------------------------- 68
4-2建議--------------------------------------------------------------- 70
參考文獻-------------------------------------------------------------- 72
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