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研究生(外文):Hong-Zhi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Simulation on Arrangement of Frozen Food in a Refrigerator
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摘 要


In the study, the cooling of an object in a refrigerator is investigated. The main parameters include the location of inlet of air flow, the distance of frozen food away from ground, and the partition of frozen food on the bases of a same volume. In the analysis, the software of I-DEAS was applied to solve the three dimensional flow field and temperature distribution numerically. The purpose of the present study is to find an appropriate arrangement with a proper time to achieve the required cooling situation.
The results show that the increase in the number of the inlet increases the cooling rate and a more uniform temperature distribution is detected. As the loop between inlet and exit of air flow is shortened, the circulating effect is pronounced. The frozen food raised from the ground and the partition of frozen food can both promote the cooling rate as well as the improvement in uniform temperature profile inside the frozen food, Through the present study, it provides an important reference to the industrial application.
目 錄







第一章 緒論..............................................1
1-1 前言..................................................1
1-2 文獻回顧..............................................3
1-3 研究目的..............................................7
第二章 數值方法..........................................8
2-1 簡介..................................................8
2-2 物理模型..............................................8
2-3 基本假設.............................................10
2-4 統御方程式...........................................11
2-5 紊流模式.............................................12
2-6 數值求解程序.........................................14
2-6-1 基本元素有限體積法簡介.............................14
2-6-2 離散方程式.........................................15
2-7 數值模擬程序.........................................17
第三章 熱傳分析.........................................24
3-1 紐塞數...............................................24
3-2 熱傳量...............................................26
第四章 結果與討論.......................................27
4-1 格點測試.............................................27
4-1-1 不同時間階誤差量討論...............................28
4-1-2 不同時間格點對CPU運算時間討論......................29
4-2 冷凍室對不同位置與數量出風口之討論...................29
4-2-1 冷凍室之熱流場分析.................................30
4-2-2 冷凍室之溫度冷卻特性...............................32
4-3 不同冷凍物品擺放位置之影響...........................34
4-3-1 冷凍物品及周圍之熱流場分析.........................34
4-3-2 冷凍室與冷凍物品之冷卻速率.........................37
4-4 冷凍物品做數個分離部份之探討.........................38
4-4-2 冷凍物品與冷凍室之冷卻速率.........................40
4-5 不同冷凍物品擺置與分離對紐賽數之討論.................41
第五章 結論.............................................73

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