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論文名稱(外文):The Runner Design Study of Aluminum Alloy in Die Casting
指導教授(外文):CHANG-PIN LIN
外文關鍵詞:Die CastingDie DesignRunner AnalysisProcess Simulation
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關鍵字: 壓鑄製程、模具設計、流道分析、製程模擬
Die Casting has become a common and important manufacturing operation for technology industry in Taiwan, and it has drawn a lot of attentions from both the academic and industrial research projects. One of the major phases in die casting production is the design and analysis of die-casting die that ensures higher product quality and longer die operation time. Apart from consulting past production experience, a common approach is to carry out exhausted process simulations on a computer by running reliable analysis software. In this dissertation, design parameters, including runner position, injection angle and superficial cross-section ratio, were planned to simulate different die-casting processes and determine the most appropriate die-casting die design. Temperature and pressure data on 16 positions around the die were picked and studied for their effects on the quality of the product and life of the die. Finite-element analyses were then executed to calculate the stress, strain, and deformation of the die during the casting process. Flow-3D and ANSYS were chosen for their common use in industry and proven reliable results.

Key words: Die Casting, Die Design, Runner Analysis, Process Simulation
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
章節目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2研究動機與目標 2
1-3研究方法 2
1-4文獻回顧 3
1-5論文架構 6
第二章 壓鑄與鋁合金材料性質 8
2-1 壓鑄法簡介(Die Casting) 8
一、冷室壓鑄法 (Cold Chamber Die Casting): 8
二、熱室壓鑄法 (Hot Chamber Die Casting): 9
2-2 壓鑄用合金材料 10
2-3 壓鑄用合金基本鑄造特性 11
2-4 壓鑄用鋁合金 12
2-5 合金元素對壓鑄用鋁合金之影響 13
2-6 壓鑄製品的缺陷 14
第三章 模流與應力分析理論 17
3-1 商用軟體Flow-3D簡介 17
3-2 模流理論 18
3-2-1 理論基礎 18
3-2-2 牛頓流體 19
3-3 特殊技巧 20
3-3-1 FAVOR法 20
3-3-2 VOF法 22
3-4 Flow-3D流場基本假設 23
3-5 有限元素分析軟體 24
3-6 有限元素法 24
3-7 ANSYS分析之基本架構 25
3-7-1 元素、截面及材料定義 25
3-7-2 繪出幾何圖形 25
3-7-3 分格 26
3-7-4 負載及夾持 26
3-7-5 分析 26
3-7-6 結果 27
3-8 模具材料選用 27
3-8-1 壓鑄模具鋼 28
3-9 壓鑄模具材料(SKD61)的熱處理 29
3-9-1 SKD61鋼材熱處理之三個步驟 30
3-10 ANSYS之基本假設 31
第四章 壓鑄澆流道設計 32
4-1 模具設計時應該收集的資料 32
4-2 鋁合金(A380)規範及性能 34
4-3 澆流道系統設計 35
4-4 澆口設計 37
4-5 溢流井和逃氣道之設計 38
4-5-1 溢流井設計 39
4-5-2 逃氣道設計 39
4-6 流埸模擬規劃 40
第五章 模擬結果與討論 44
5-1 鑄造壓鑄過程分析 44
5-2 模擬結果 44
第六章 結論與未來展望 75
6-1 結論 75
6-2 未來展望 76
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