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研究生(外文):Chuan-Tung Huang
論文名稱(外文):On Study of Heat Flow Fields in the Fin Array of the CPU by FLOTHERM Packge
外文關鍵詞:FLOTHERMheat transferheat transfer coefficientNusselt numberforced convection
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Nowadays, with continuous development of technology, computers not only are developed towards light and handy, but also can be operated at a high speed. However, the high speed of the central processing units (CPU) increased the heat source from the chip dramatically. In order to decrease the load on computers and prevent any possible heat concentration, how to increase the heat dissipation efficiently is therefore becoming one of the keys to the CPU thermal designers.

Based on simulation software, FLOTHERM, this study was divided into four parts. Firstly, three kinds of fins were compared (one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional) , the errors of the conduction heat transfer analytic solutions and numerical solutions were within 2.0%. It is proved that this software’s accuracy and availability in the heat conduction analysis. Secondly, according to the results obtained from correlation of experimental Nusselt number, the longer the thermal entrance region in the rectangular tube, the higher the convection heat transfer coefficient. It was different from the formula we used before. Thirdly, the relationships between different Reynolds number and the thermal entrance region were examined, it was shown that Nusselt number would be higher if Reynolds number were higher, but the length of the thermal entrance region would not become longer even though Reynolds number became larger. Finally, an experiment on the staggered fin array and the plate fin array was studied to evaluate the convection heat transfer coefficient and the heat transfer rate. In the case of maintaining the same area of heat dissipation, it is proved that the staggered fin array was more thermally efficient than the plate fin array.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 IV
符號說明 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2文獻回顧 2
1-3研究動機 6
第二章 研究方法與理論分析 7
2-1 FLOTHERM CODE 簡介與基本架構 7
2-2基本假設 8
2-3統御方程式 9
2-4離散化方法 10
2-5 SIMPLE演算法 13
第三章 結果與比較討論 18
3-1散熱鰭片熱傳分析與驗證 18
3-1-1 一維散熱鰭片 18
3-1-2 二維散熱鰭片 25
3-1-3 三維散熱鰭片 28
3-1-4固體熱傳導格點數討論 30
3-1-5 FLOTHERM於熱傳導場的適用性 32

3-2層流場熱傳分析比較 32
3-2-1矩形管熱傳分析與驗證 32
3-2-1層流場熱入口效應 35
3-3紊流場熱傳分析比較 36
3-3-1對流熱傳遞經驗式與數值解之紐塞數比較 36
3-3-2不同雷諾數下局部紐塞數與熱入口區之影響 37
3-4實例研究─平板鰭片與交錯式平板鰭片比較 38
3-4-1格點測試 39
3-4-2熱傳分析比較 40
3-4-3熱流場分析 40
第四章 結論與未來展望 42
4-1結論 42
4-2未來展望 43
參考文獻 44
附圖 48
附錄 97

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