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論文名稱(外文):Modeling of the hybrid dynamical system and application in the remote HVAC control
外文關鍵詞:Hybrid Dynamical SystemRemote ControlSupervisory controlHVACModeling
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在現代工業控制過程中,由離散事件系統和連續變數系統組成的混合動態系統的控制應用逐漸發展成為重要的課題。尤其在大型工業控制系統中,利用混合系統的監督控制技術可以簡化控制問題的複雜度和提升控制的效能。能源管理系統是一個包括不同性質元件的複雜控制系統,其控制動作包括連續系統的控制和離散事件的發生,如系統啟動、停止等。為了有效的監控能源管理系統以達成節能和設備管理的目的,混合系統的監督控制技術成為一個可行的方法。在本研究中,首先針對能源管理系統中最重要的分散式控制空調系統﹙Decentralized control of heating, ventilating and air conditioning , HVAC system﹚,建立一個混合動態系統模型,其中包括四個主要的運作事件模式。然後以Multiple Lyapunov Function 理論驗證其模式切換的穩定性,並以此為基礎訂定系統的性能規格。接著為了進行監督式控制,提出一個描述HVAC混合動態系統的更簡化的離散系統受控體模型,並進行監督式控制的設計。本文中還將提出一個網路上的遠端設備架構,使用以java程式為基礎的行動代理者做為資料交換的工具,然後規劃一個監督式控制架構,針對不同的情形進行控制。最後本文以一個遠端HVAC系統元件(風扇)的啟停控制實驗來驗證架構的可行性。
In modern industrial control system, the applications about the hybrid system composing of a discrete event system and a continuous state system are developing to an important issue. Specially, in the large-scale industrial control system the system’s complexity can be reduced by using the supervisory control technology of a hybrid system. As a result of an energy management system is a complex control system including many components with different properties. The control actions include continuous state signals and discrete events such start the system, stop the system etc. For efficient monitoring and control the energy system such that the objectives of energy conservation and facility management are achieved, the supervisory control technology of hybrid systems is a feasible method. In this research, first the decentralized control HVAC system which is the most important and complex system in the energy management system is modeled as a hybrid dynamical system. The model includes four event operating modes. Then the switching stability between different modes is analyzed by using multiple Lyapunov function, and the system’s performance specifications are determined. The simplified discrete event plant model of the HVAC system is provided for supervisory control, and the supervisory control architecture is designed. A agent-based energy management in communication network is discussed in this dissertation. The java program based Mobile Agent is the tool for information exchange. A supervisory control architecture in the remote control system will also be provided, then a simple communication and control experiment is proceeding to verify the structure’s capability.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Motivation 1
1.2. Remote HVAC control 5
1.3. Research process and contribution 7
1.4. Organization of the dissertation 8
2. Methodology and Theory 10
2.1. Modeling of the hybrid dynamical system 10
2.1.1. General model. 10
2.1.2. The DES plant model 15
2.2. Stability analysis of the state switching 19
2.3. Hybrid automaton 23
2.4. Supervisory control of the hybrid dynamical system 24
3. Control Analysis of the HVAC system 31
3.1 System Description 31
3.2 Physical model 33
3.3 Servo controller design 36
3.4 Simulation results 39
4. Hybrid Modeling of the HVAC System and Control Analysis45
4.1. Hybrid modeling of the HVAC system 45
4.1.1. General hybrid model 45
4.1.2. The DES plant model design 51
4.2. Stability analysis of state switching 57
4.3. Hybrid automaton and switching trajectories 64
4.4. Supervisory control analysis of the HVAC system66
4.4.1. Supervisory control architecture 66
4.4.2. The supervisory control exampl of the hybrid HVAC
system 67
5. RemoteControl of the HVAC System 69
5.1. The decentralized intelligent control system 69
5.2. Information exchange between control network and
information network. 72
5.3. Introduction of Mobile Agent 73
5.3.1. Why is Mobile Agent? 73
5.3.2. Design of Mobile Agent 73
5.3.3. Mobile Agent transmission module 74
5.3.4. Mobile Agent and Aglet system 74
5.4. The Agent-based remote control architecture 76
5.4.1. Management and control level 76
5.4.2. The Agent-Based IEMN architecture 78
6. Remote Supervisory Control Implementation 84
6.1. Remote supervisory control 84
6.1.1. Remote supervisory control design 84
6.1.2. Remote supervisory control architecture 86
6.2. Remote supervisory control implementation 89
6.2.1. Mobile Agent for remote supervisory control 89
6.2.2. Mobile Agent program testing 93
6.2.3. Control process 94
6.3. Result and discuss 94
7. Conclusion 98
Reference 100
Appendix A: System stability analysis 107
Appendix B: BACnet network Communication process 110
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