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Author (Eng.):Chia-Lung Lin
Title (Eng.):Alignment & System Integration of Nanowriter System
Advisor:葉超雄葉超雄 author reflink李世光李世光 author reflink
advisor (eng):C.-S. YehC.-K. Lee
Narrow Field:工程學門
Detailed Field:機械工程學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2004
Graduated Academic Year:92
number of pages:82
keyword (chi):奈米科技週期性結構指向性
keyword (eng):Nanotechnologyperiodic structuredirectional beaming
Ncl record status:
  • Cited Cited :2
  • HitsHits:132
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The thesis work can find its foundation form the extraordinary optical transmission phenomena published in Journal Nature in 1998. The focus is to utilize the focusing and directional beaming phenomenon, which is strongly influenced by the subwavelength period structure, in an engineering system. In 2002, D. J. Lin, a master graduate of our team had completed his thesis on the qualitative analysis of directional beaming. In 2003, L. B. Yu, a Ph.D. of our group had proposed a new viewpoint on directional beaming.
With an attempt to capitalize on the above-mentioned research, our team has been trying to create a nanowriter machine. In this dissertation, works was done to analyze design parameter of optical head, to design the components needed, to program the GUI (graphical user interface) and to optimize the alignment method needed. We attempted to improve lithography technology by using the nanowriter system even though the underlying physical understanding related to directional beaming is still incomplete.
Finally, according to direct writing test results done by this newly developed machine, the nanowriter system was found to be stable and reliable. Nonetheless, line width and writing quality did not meet our original expectations. The profile of period structures and other design parameters were proposed to be the underlying mechanism for this less than perfect performance.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言與研究動機 1
1.2 研究背景與文獻回顧 3
1.3 論文架構摘要 6
第二章 原理 7
2.1 奈米結構表面電漿指向性 7
2.1.1 透鏡聚焦所面臨的物理極限 7
2.1.2 奈米結構之光傳指向性發現 9
2.2 指向性傳遞的物理機制 10
2.2.1 表面電漿 10
2.2.2 週期性結構與表面電漿的交互作用 14
2.2.3 可能的物理機制 17
2.3 數值模擬方法 18
2.3.1 RCWA理論 18
2.3.2 利用FDTD與RCWA估算指向性結果 24
第三章 系統架設 27
3.1 直寫儀光學頭設計與製作 27
3.1.1 模擬與分析 27
3.1.2 決定製作參數跟銀磨基版製備 33
3.1.3 光學頭之檢驗與修正 36
3.2 光機系統設計 40
3.2.1 光場條件 40
3.2.2 機械結構與規格 40
3.2.3 間隙良策方法與架設 45
3.3 曝光光阻之選擇與調整 48
3.3.1 光阻規格與特性 48
3.3.2 調整後光阻特性與製備方法 50
第四章 奈米直寫儀之建構與校準 51
4.1 工作環境 51
4.2 光路校正方法 53
4.2.1 光路架構 53
4.2.2 光路調整程序 55
4.3 運動平台控制系統 57
4.3.1 PID控制基本架構 58
4.3.2 XY軸運動控制 62
4.3.3 Z軸控制 65
第五章 刻寫結果分析與討論 67
5.1 初步曝光結果 67
5.1.1 系統架設條件 67
5.1.2 曝光結果不佳的情形 68
5.1.3 分析改進 70
5.2 較佳的曝光結果 72
5.2.1 Z軸參數最佳化方法 72
5.2.2 光阻塗佈製程的改善 75
5.2.3 曝光結果 75
第六章 結論與未來展望 77
6.1 結論 77
6.2 未來展望 78
參考文獻 80
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1. Directional Beaming by Interaction of Dielectric Nano Surface Structure and Metal :
2. Research and Development of Power-Efficient Wireless Sensor Network
3. 直角稜鏡之間隙剪影板架構之設計與實驗
4. Study of Nanoimprint Fabrication Method for Nanowriter Optical Head
5. Development of Optical and Electrical Biotech Methodology :An Optically Multi-functional Biochip System and Innovative Electro-Chemistry Methodology
6. Study of a Paraboloidal Lens-based Surface Plasmon Resonance Instrument for Bioaffinity Interactions of Molecules in a Biochip
7. Theory, Numerical Simulation, and Experiment for Directional Beaming by Surface Plasmon Diffraction
8. Design and Construction of a Full-field Three-dimensional Transient Strain Metrology System
9. Design and Development of Two New Improved Interferometer Configurations: A New Photothermal Modulated Semiconductor Laser Source and an Optimal Operating Point for
10. Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Verifications for Developing Design Flow of Piezoelectric Transformers
11. Design and Experimental Setup of a Wavefront Analyer Based on Air Gap Shear-Plate Technology
12. Study of Nanoscale Surface Profile Fabrication by Atomic Force Microscope Technique
13. Design and Construction of a Rotating Analyzer-based Dual Polarized Waveguide Interferometer for Biomedical Applications
14. 奈米直寫儀之校準與系統整合
15. Simulation and Fabrication of Sub-wavelength Structures for a Nanometer Feature Enabled Lensless Laser Writers
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