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研究生(外文):YU CHANG-FU
論文名稱(外文):A Digital Watermarking Technique for 3D Models in the Mesh Spectral Domain through Vertex Location Selection
指導教授(外文):Fahn Chin-Shyurng
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Watermarking provides a mechanism for copyright protection of digital media by embedding information to identify the owner of the media. Most of such researches have concentrated on watermarking “classical” data types of objects, for example, texts, 2D still images, 2D movies, and audio data. Numerous technique papers on watermarking these objects have been published. Recently, the popularity and importance of 3D data objects, such as VRML, MPEG4, and various 3D geometric CAD data, have increased and gradually prompted the investigation of how to watermark 3D objects. In this thesis, we propose a watermarking technique that embeds data into the model consisting of 3D polygonal meshes. The technique is based on a mesh spectral decomposition for watermarking a 3D model. The watermarked 3D model can resist the attacks of random noises altering vertices, resection of a part of the model, and so on. To exclude from conspicuous changes, we will select proper vertices where the watermark is embedded into a 3D model. After those vertices are selected, we adopt a genetic algorithm to determine the best assignment of the watermark added to vertices that can increase imperceptibility and robustness. The experimental results reveal that the best assignment using the genetic algorithm is more imperceptible and robust than a random assignment does. This is why we use the genetic algorithm to find the best position of embedding a watermark after selecting proper vertices from a 3D model. The experiments also prove our watermarking technique possesses high capability of resisting random noises.

第一章 緒論
第二章 相關研究
2.1 2D模型浮水印技術
2.2 3D模型浮水印技術
2.2.1 3D的離散餘弦定理
2.2.2 3D的小波轉換
2.2.3譜域(spectral domain)演算法
2.2.4 綜合比較
第三章 浮水印演算法
3.2.1 多邊形的網格譜分析
3.4 遺傳演算法
3.4.1 遺傳法則
第四章 實驗結果與分析
第五章 結論與未來發展
5.1 結論
5.2 未來發展

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