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研究生(外文):Hung-Yi Lee
論文名稱(外文):Using a Bitemporal Relation-based Reliable Auditing Mechanism on the Organizational Privilege Accountability
指導教授(外文):Dwen - Ren Tsai
外文關鍵詞:bitemporalprivilege policyRBACPMI
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角色基礎之存取控制(role-based access control, RBAC)分離使用者、角色與權限,藉由賦予角色存取權限,再對映使用者至角色之運作,讓使用者獲得正確適當權限。RBAC具有授權管理、階層式角色、最小特權、授權分工與受體分類等特性。
本研究以RBAC理論結合雙時間資料庫運用在企業內部多變的環境下,同時使用憑證授權政策對資料庫做雙時間管理,偵測企業系統及資訊的使用情形,並將違反事件即時告知稽核人員,做出適當處置。本研究是研究在PKI (public key infrastructure)及PMI(privilege management infrastructure)架構下企業資料庫系統稽核管理,希望能透過有效憑證記錄管理,確保資料完整性,同時對合法使用者做有效稽核。
The RBAC (role-based access control) separated user, role, and privilege. It provides roles with access rights, maps users to roles, and grants users with appropriate privileges. The RBAC comes with many characteristics such as, privilege management, hierarchy, minimum privilege, authorization separation, and object classification.
The bitemporal database will log account activities and process time indices, while authorized system users access and query any information. It can make data integrity, access control, and tracing accomplish certain level of security. It also can make effective audit and monitor on misbehaviors of employees.
Traditional certificate management systems use normal databases. In these systems, the storage and maintenance of certificates are implemented by replacing old certificates with new ones. This makes data audit a tough task. Managing authorization policies and certificate data adopting bitemporal databases, auditors can check and analyze certificate data, and then find out suspicious data.
This study applied the RBAC theory, combining with bitemporal databases, to the complex enterprise environments. We also use certificate authorizing polices bitemporally managing the databases. Our system can detect the usages of enterprise systems and data. The system can also report violations to the auditors. Auditors can thereby properly react. This work focuses on enterprise auditing management of database system under PKI (public key infrastructure) and PMI (privilege management infrastructure). Hopefully, through effective certificate record management, data integrity is ensured. At the same time, legal users can be audited effectively.
中文摘要 ..................... iii
英文摘要 ..................... iv
誌謝辭  ..................... v
內容目錄 ..................... vi
表目錄  ..................... viii
圖目錄  ..................... ix
第一章  緒論................... 1
  第一節  研究背景與動機............ 1
  第二節  研究目的............... 2
  第三節  研究範圍與架構............ 3
第二章  文獻探討................. 4
  第一節  角色基礎存取控制........... 4
  第二節  雙時間關係資料庫設計......... 7
  第三節  存取控制............... 9
  第四節  授權管理基礎建設簡介......... 12
第五節  授權管理基礎建設加入授權管理政策... 15
第三章  稽核運用在權限管理模型.......... 18
  第一節  憑證................. 20
  第二節  憑證發行............... 22
  第三節  憑證運用在權限管理.......... 28
第四節 稽核運用在雙時間關係......... 35
第四章  實做模型................. 56
  第一節  稽核政策之制定............ 56
  第二節  系統設計............... 62
第三節  製造業採購作業之稽核......... 66
第五章  結論與未來研究方向............ 74
  第一節  結論................. 74
  第二節  未來研究方向............. 75
參考文獻 ..................... 76
附錄A  XML授權政策............... 80
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