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研究生(外文):Fu-Hua Yao
指導教授(外文):Yuh-Chang Wei Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:Newspaper industryProduction DivisionAutomationCompetency
  • 被引用被引用:25
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The newspaper industry has existed for long time and is known as a traditional form of media. A newspaper is a medium for transmitting information. Its main function is to distribute news and information. After the relaxation on the newspaper ban, the number of competitors increased and the Taiwan newspaper market became fiercer. Automation has become the trend enabling newspaper industry players to face market and environmental challenges and increase their competitiveness. In addition, possessing outstanding personnel is an important competitive factor for all participants. In the middle of this industry revolution, pure labor is insufficient. The purpose of this study focuses on "Which professional expertise should an excellent technical staff possess?" Based on the investigation of the professional expertise requirement and evaluation, players can use it as a reference to choose, train, reward, develop, and evaluate their employees.
This is an exploration study, which discusses and analyzes the necessary expertise required of the technical printing staff under an automated environment in the newspaper industry. The subjects are the newspaper industry players that have printing departments, pre-printing and related printing equipment. Moreover, the study adopts the questionnaire survey method. The following is the summary of the results:
1.After exploring the topic and analyzing the experts'' interviews, six professional expertise facets are necessary for the technical newspaper printing staff. After statistical analysis, three major expertise facets are found: "knowledge", "technique", and "attitude."
2.The study result indicates that the "knowledge" facet surpasses "technique" and "attitude." From that, complicated business processes, technical skills, and personal experience have been integrated, assisted, or replaced by new technology and equipment. Hence, the importance of the knowledge facet also increased.
3.Excluding the impact of their job natures on their knowledge and technical facets, the variables including staff amount, daily publishing volume, company’s established years, number of years of automation, examination of the nature of the employees'' job, and their seniority do not vary. Other variables under the influence of knowledge, technical, and attitude facets have obvious differences.
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究動機……………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的與問題……………………………………… 3
第三節 研究假設……………………………………………… 4
第四節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………… 5
第五節 名詞解釋……………………………………………… 6
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………… 8
第一節 自動化相關文獻……………………………………… 8
第二節 報業自動化相關文獻………………………………… 17
第三節 國內報社印務部門自動化之現況…………………… 21
第四節 職能相關文獻………………………………………… 26
第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………… 46
第一節 研究對象……………………………………………… 46
第二節 研究流程……………………………………………… 48
第三節 研究方法……………………………………………… 49
第四節 研究工具……………………………………………… 53
第五節 正式問卷內容說明…………………………………… 58
第六節 資料分析方法………………………………………… 60
第七節 問卷之信度與效度分析……………………………… 61
第四章 資料整理與分析…………………………………………… 62
第一節 回收問卷之特性描述分析…………………………… 62
第二節 問卷變數之因素分析………………………………… 70
第三節 各構面之變異數分析………………………………… 77
第五章 討論………………………………………………………… 103
第一節 基本資料……………………………………………… 103
第二節 印務部門技術人員專業職能評量指標……………… 106
第三節 不同變項對知識面職能需求之差異分析…………… 107
第四節 不同變項對技能面職能需求之差異分析…………… 112
第五節 不同變項對態度面職能需求之差異分析…………… 116
第六章 結論與建議………………………………………………… 119
第一節 結論…………………………………………………… 119
第二節 建議…………………………………………………… 128
參考文獻…………………………………………………………… 130
附 錄…………………………………………………………… 138
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