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研究生(外文):Chi-chang Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Constructing the Service Quality Indicators of Incubator in University of Technology
指導教授(外文):Yi-shyuan Lin
外文關鍵詞:University of technologyIncubatorTenantService Quality Indicator
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多位專家學者研究發現,服務品質確實是影響創新育成中心營運績效的重要因素,欲有效經營創新育成中心,必需掌握創新育成中心經營的關鍵成功因素(key success factors, KSF)。事實上,創新育成中心所提供的服務項目固然重要,唯如何有效提升服務品質水準才是提高經營績效的關鍵因素。
The purposes of the research are to study the service quality indicators of Incubator of University of Technology, to compare the differences of the importance of the views on the service quality indicators between the participants, to compare the differences of the importance of the views on the service quality indicators among the participants with different backgrounds, and to provide concrete and viable suggestions to improve the service quality of Incubator of University of Technology.
In order to attend the purposes of the study, the main methodologies in this study are literature analysis and questionnaire survey, in which a self-designed questionnaire is used and entitled “the service quality indicators of incubator in university of technology”.
This study is for the incubators in the 22 universities of technology and for the tenants sponsored by Small and Medium Enterprise Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2003. There were 308 questionnaires distributed. 70 out of 88 incubators’ questionnaires were returned. The rate of valid retrieval was 79.55%. 168 out of 220 tenants’ questionnaires were returned. The rate of valid retrieval was 76.36%. The feedback rate of the overall effective questionnaire was 77.27%.
Synthesizing literature review and analyzing the questionnaire survey results, the major conclusions of the study are the following:
1.The quantitative indicators of the service quality of the incubator in university of technology include: more than 3 full-time staffs, nurturing rooms more than 700 square meter, the rate of occupation being more than 70%, graduated and survival rate being more than 60%, counseling the tenants more than 4 times per month, assisting the firms to apply for the government resources more than 2 times per year, assisting the firms to apply for the patents more than 1 time per year, launching professional training activities more than 24 hours per year, launching luncheons for a new line of products more than 3 times per year, the government subsidies and the incubators’ self-finance being more than 2,000,000 N.T. dollars per year and the firm''s matching funds being more than 1,000,000 N.T. dollars per year.
2.The major dimensions on the qualitative indicators of service quality are “Decision quality” and “Staff quality.” The minor dimensions are “Information quality”, ”Output quality” and “Equipment quality”.
3.The awareness of the service quality of the staffs in the incubators of the universities of technology is apparently higher than the service demand of the tenants.
4.The staffs of the incubators in public universities of technology pay more attention to nurturing service quality than those in private universities of technology.
5.The tenants of different industries have different demands in nurturing service.
6.In northern Taiwan, the incubators and tenants in universities of technology both comparatively emphasize the equipment quality.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
目 次 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 5
第三節 研究方法與步驟 6
第四節 研究範圍與限制 10
第五節 重要名詞釋義 11
第二章 文獻探討 13
第一節 創新育成中心之起源與發展 13
第二節 國內外創新育成中心之發展概況 34
第三節 服務品質內涵與構面 67
第四節 育成服務品質之決定因素 76
第五節 創新育成中心服務品質之構面與項目 82
第三章 研究設計與實施 95
第一節 研究架構 95
第二節 研究樣本與研究假設 97
第三節 調查問卷設計 99
第四節 問卷調查之實施 117
第五節 資料處理與分析 121
第四章 調查結果分析與討論 125
第一節 基本資料分析 125
第二節 服務品質量化指標分析 127
第三節 服務品質質化指標分析 132
第四節 綜合討論 152
第五章 結論與建議 159
第一節 結論 159
第二節 建議 164
參考文獻 167
附錄 175
一、調查問卷初稿(創新育成中心用卷) 175
二、調查問卷初稿(進駐廠商用卷) 179
三、調查問卷(初稿)審查會議專家名單 183
四、調查問卷(初稿)審查會議通知函 185
五、調查問卷(初稿)專家審查會議記錄 187
六、預試調查問卷(創新育成中心用卷) 191
七、預試調查問卷(進駐廠商用卷) 197
八、正式調查問卷(創新育成中心用卷) 203
九、正式調查問卷(進駐廠商用卷) 209
十、九十二年度育成中心自我評估表 215
十一、作者簡介 221
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