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研究生(外文):Ching-Jung, Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Students’Learning Achievement on Interactive Learning by Using Cooperative Network Assisted Learning
指導教授(外文):Ching-Jui, Keng
外文關鍵詞:corporative learninginteractive teachinginteraction levellearing effectiveness
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由於網際網路技術的進步,許多學者主張透過雙向的溝通、生動活潑的畫面和音效,取代傳統─單向、呆板的教學環境。這種以電腦為基礎衍生的教學活動(Computer-Based Training,CBT)已成為教學的趨勢。透過電腦系統支援,不僅模擬了教學情境、擴展了教學時空,更可進行個別化學習,記錄學習歷程,參與線上測驗,以得知學習成效;為了消弭缺乏互動所產生的疏離與孤立,許多數位學習系統導入合作學習的理論,鼓勵學習者彼此間的溝通交流,讓「學習」建構在良好的互動機制上。因而以多媒體、互動式之電腦科技為基礎的教學環境更替了傳統式電腦輔助教學(Computer Assisted Instruction, CAI)內容,以期創造出符合現代科技教育需求的教學環境,達到因材施教、適應學習者個別差異的教學目標。本學習系統最大的特色是在網路環境中,讓使用者可以在線上瀏覽課程與成員進行同步溝通,也能在討論版中進行非同步溝通,以從事各類合作學習活動,利用各項查詢與討論工具,不但能多元化學習內容也能提高合作學習動機,融入網際環境中學習成長。
As the improvement of Internet technologies, traditional teaching methods are changing. Many scholars proposed to apply computers to the teaching. Using two-way interaction, attractive graphics and sounds to replace the traditional one-way, cut-and-dried teaching methods attracts positive learning interests and improve the learning effects. This kind of teaching activity, Computer-Based Training; CBT, has become the trend. (Davis & Davis, 1990) If the teaching activities are out of the boundary of places, the multi-interactive virtual society will lead the knowledge economic toward highly creative.
However, technologies also decrease the frequency of interactions among human beings. By the support of computer systems, it is able to simulate the scenario, extend the teaching time and space, and proceed personalized learning. The learning history could be tracked to analyze his learning effect. On the other hand, many digital learning systems integrated the cooperation learning theory, which suggests the learners to communicate with others and make “learning” based on a good interaction mechanism, to decrease the isolation. As a result, the multimedia and interactive computer technology based teaching environment has replaced the traditional Computer Assisted Instruction, CAI. It help us create an appropriate teaching environment that fits well with the individual difference. Main features of the learning system are that users can browse the course online, synchronously communicate with members by chat, non-synchronously communicate with members by discussion board, and use all the inquiry and discussion tools. The multi-learning contents increase the learning incentive.
The research targets were the 3rd grade students from Department of Data Processing and Department of Accounting, National Lo-Tung Commercial Vocational School. The research applied Internet interaction level and co-operated Internet learning theory to set up groups with different level of cooperation and types of interaction for teaching. The hypotheses were tested by the Interaction mechanism and measurement methods. The results indicated that under the Internet assisted instruction environment with cooperation learning, high cooperation group had significant greater effects than low cooperation group. As for the type of interaction, there were no significant differences between high interaction group and low one. No significant differences were found among the four groups for the interaction of “cooperation” and “interaction”. The most frequently used method was group email. The preferred one was group chat room. And the one which was perceived most efficient was telephone.
The research contribution was applying cooperated Internet interactive system to develop the teaching model which is actually usable and increasing the learning effects. In general, learners had positive attitude toward the effects of cooperated Internet interactive teaching. Future research could pay more attention on the training of student’s cooperation skills and the design of interaction mechanism to enhance the learning system
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 xi
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究問題與目的 2
第三節、研究流程 2
第四節、研究範圍與限制 3
第二章、文獻探討 5
第一節、網路教學 5
2.1、網路教學的定義 5
2.2、網路教學要件 9
2.3、網路學習活動內涵 12
2.4、網路教學系統 13
第二節、合作學習及其對學習績效的影響 15
2.5、合作學習的定義 15
2.6、合作學習的特色與方法 17
2.7、網路合作學習 22
2.8、合作學習及其對學習績效的影響 25
第三節、互動性及其對學習績效的影響 27
2.9、互動性的定義 27
2.10、互動式學習 31
第三章、研究方法 35
第一節、實驗架構 36
第二節、研究變項 38
3.1、獨立變項 38
3.2、相依變項 40
第三節、研究假說 43
第四節、實驗設計 47
第五節、測量工具的編擬 50
第六節、研究對象 52
第四章 、結果與討論 53
第一節、經濟教學資源網站的評鑑 53
第二節、問卷信度分析 55
第三節、四種學習模組之先備知識分析 55
第四節、應用『高合作式網路輔助學習』與『低合作式網路輔助學習』教學模式對學習成果之影響 56
第五節、應用不同的互動類型於網路輔助學習模組上是否會分別對學習成果產生影響 63
第六節、應用四種不同合作程度與互動類型的學習模式會對學習績效、學習滿意度、師生互動程度、學習能力成長帶來正向的交互影響。 65
第七節、學習績效與學習滿意度在實驗前後的成長改變 67
第八節、不同性別之學習者在不同合作與互動程度下對學習成果之差異分析 70
第五章 、結論與建議 77
第一節、結論 77
第二節、建議 82
參考文獻 86
一、中文資料 86
二、英文部分 90
附錄一、國立羅東高商 經濟學 教學活動設計 95
附錄二、國立羅東高商 經濟學 單元活動學習單 96
附錄三、國立羅東高商 經濟學 單元活動課程簡報 98
附錄四、「經濟學進階」學習狀況調查前測問卷 103
附錄五、「經濟學進階」學習狀況調查後測問卷 105
附錄六、教學網站架構 111
附錄七、教學網站內容 112
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