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研究生(外文):Chih-Chung Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Political Elite of the Democratic Progressive Party:Analyzing the Structure of the Central Standing Committee(1986-2004)
指導教授(外文):Tsong-Jyi Lin
外文關鍵詞:Democratic Progressive PartyDPPPolitical EliteCentral Standing CommitteeElite RecruitmentElite Transformation
  • 被引用被引用:4
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This thesis studies the Central Standing Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party. It explores the elite structure and development process of DPP’s Central Standing Committee from 1986 to 2004 in aspect of social background, recruitment elements and the transformation pattern. By reviewing the literature, there are three major research questions:
First of all, what kind of social background did the DPP’s Central Standing Committees have? What was the percentage of variables? Secondly, faction influence and public employment experience (members of Congress and executives) are usually considered important for recruitment of DPP’s Central Standing Committee. Is it correct in reality? Why were the elites selected? Did recruitment of DPP’s Central Standing Committee consist with these elements? In addition, how did factions and public employment experience evolve in DPP? Thirdly, have the DPP’s Central Standing Committee ever occurred elite transformation? If it has, how did it transfer? Author collected information about social background and public employment experience of the elites and categorized them as a database to analyze above research questions by both quality and quantification ways.
There are there major findings of this study:
First, on the dimension of social background, results of the analysis indicated that: Male is 87.7% and female is 12.3%. Age of 40-49 years old is at most (35.1%). About ethnic groups, Hoklo is the majority (90.4%) and Hakka is in the next place (7%). Most of them are bachelor (44.7%), and major in Law (31.6%) or Politics and Administration (23.7%). Besides, the greater part elites who studied abroad graduated from America (17.5%).
Second, about the analysis of recruitment, the generality of committee members have background of faction and public employment experience (83.3% and 73.7%). On the other hand, this research studies and explains in depth why some people who didn’t have these advantages can get power. At the same time, the history of DPP is also classified different periods according to the development of these two recruitment elements.
Finally, author discusses elite transformation from three directions. On generation transformation dimension, average age of the elites in DPP is 48.2% and change ratio is 64.9%. Moreover, author finds most of them have Law or Politics specialty, but there isn’t technocratic trend in DPP. In the end, before DPP got power, it used separation model of ruling party and government. After it became the ruling party, it used fusion model of ruling party and government gradually. Nowadays, DPP starts to combine the two parts formally.
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 文獻檢閱 2
第三節 研究問題與方法 32
第二章 民進黨中常委社會背景分析 39
第一節 政治菁英之先天條件 39
第二節 政治菁英之後天條件 46
第三節 小結 52
第三章 民進黨中常委甄補要件分析 55
第一節 民進黨中常委之派系要件. 56
第二節 民進黨中常委之民代與行政要件 73
第三節 小結 86
第四章 民進黨中常委轉型分析 89
第一節 中常會成員之世代轉型 90
第二節 中常會成員之專業背景轉型 98
第三節 中常會之決策地位轉型 108
第四節 小結 114
第五章 結論 119
第一節 研究發現 119
第二節 檢討與建議 124
附錄一 民主進步黨黨章 127
附錄二 民進黨中常委之民代經歷分佈表 137
附錄三 民進黨中常委之行政經歷分佈表 139
參考書目 141
表 2-1 民進黨中常委性別分佈表 41
表 2-2 民進黨中常委年齡分佈表 42
表 2-3 民進黨中常委族群分佈表 46
表 2-4 民進黨中常委教育程度分佈表 48
表 2-5 民進黨中常委教育類型分佈表 50
表 2-6 民進黨中常委留學狀況分佈表 52
表 3-1 民進黨中常委派系背景分析表 58
表 3-2 民進黨中常委席次消長表 72
表 3-3 民進黨中常委民代與行政背景分析表 75
表 4-1 民進黨中常委年齡結構表 93
表 4-2 民進黨中常委汰換率分佈表 98
表 4-3 法政中常委分佈表 107
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