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研究生(外文):Mei-Chun Lai
論文名稱(外文):Softening the City: Fantasy and Flanerie in Urban Life
指導教授(外文):Tsung-yi Huang
中文關鍵詞:艾蜜莉的異想世界玻璃城市幻想漫遊者/ 女漫遊者卡爾維諾馬可瓦多保羅奧斯特軟城市
外文關鍵詞:AmelieCity of GlassFantasyFlaneur/ FlaneuseItalo CalvinoMarcovaldoPaul AusterSoft City
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Charles Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin think that the modern heroism exists in those who exert their subjectivity and face bravely the fragmentary and ephemeral urban life.
This thesis attempts to focus on how urbanites exert their fantasy and flânerie to reverse the reality, define their subjectivities, and express the spirit of the modern heroism. The three protagonists of Marcovaldo, Le Fabuleux Destin d''Amelie Poulain, and City of Glass all set out to explore the city like flaneurs/flaneuse and fulfill their dreams by action. The urban space is no longer the "hard" entity constructed of concrete cement and buildings, but the "soft" abstraction full of fantasy and flexibility. Marcovaldo, Amelie, and Quinn individually perceive the image of their own soft city by their urban experiences and imagination. For Marcovaldo, the city is a treasure bank inside which he finds precious traces of Nature to pursue his idyllic dreams. For Amelie, the city is her private playground to help others and play a game of love. She turns into a female flaneuse who subverts the traditional concepts of the gendered politics of walking and looking in the city. For Quinn, the city is a postmodern labyrinth where he tries to find his own subjectivity and identity by pretending to be a detective. They all loiter, look, and explore with their boundless fantasy to enunciate their subjectivities through the urban space.
Chapter One:
Idyllic Fantasy in the City: Italo Calvino''s Marcovaldo, or the Seasons in the City......................................11
Chapter Two:
Female Fantasy and Flanerie: Jean-Pierre Jeunet''s Le Fabuleux Destin d''Amelie Poulain......................................36
Chapter Three:
Quest for Subjectivity in a Postmodern City: Paul Auster''s City of Glass................................................58
Work Cited...................................................85
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蔡秀枝。<城市文本與空間閱讀>。《文化研究月報》(2001.5)。摘錄日期:2003年8月12日。取自http://www.ncu.edu.tw/~eng/csa/ journal/journal_park22.htm
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