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研究生(外文):Kung, Hsien-Kang
論文名稱(外文):The study of the framework for financial regulation and supervision of Taiwan and Singapore-Focus on Insurance regulation
指導教授(外文):Chen Ray
外文關鍵詞:Risk-Based ApproachFinance supervisionINSURANCE CORE PRINCIPLESMonetary Authority of Singapore
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Traditionally, most countries have regulated and supervised their financial intermediaries through multiple institutions. Since the trend of the Cross-Sectoral Operations in Financial Industry have developed as well as the financial products have become more and more diversified, market developments have made it more difficult to supervise the financial sector through separate agencies. It is necessary to provide improvement to various supervisory measures or to bring in new form of finance supervision system. Therefore, many countries had adopted the integrated supervision by creating a single regulator for the entire financial sector. In addition, the growing number of financial conglomerates blurred the distinction of financial business, added with the continual change of technology and the diversity and complexity of the present finance business. Thus, the supervision of financial institutions as countries around the world have moved to adopt risk-based supervisory approach.
Since 1970’s, Singapore government has devoted to the development of international financial center. Singapore established Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in 1971, and it is the first country adopted the integrated supervision. The openness of market in Singapore is higher and they established a good finance supervision structure that connection with international standard.
In July 2003, Taiwan Parliament passed the “Executive Yuan Financial Supervisory Commission Organizational Law” that will lead to the formation of the “Executive Yuan Financial Supervisory Commission” on 1july 2004.The Integration of financial supervision can effectively improve the effect of current financial check.
The main theme of this paper focuses on the issue of the study of the framework for financial regulation and supervision of Taiwan and Singapore. The first is to compare and analyze the framework for financial regulation and supervision of Taiwan and Singapore. Secondly, the regulation and supervision of the insurance sector is examined. From the comparison based on Singapore’s experiences and conditions as the development of the framework for financial regulation and supervision, it can be a reference for establishing financial supervision structure and insurance regulatory mechanism in Taiwan. Finally, some conclusive remarks and suggestions are submitted in the final place.
目錄 I
表目錄 II
圖目錄 III
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究範圍與方法 6
第四節 研究流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 金融監理概述 8
第二節 國際保險監理官協會與保險核心原則介紹 11
第三節 相關文獻回顧 20
第三章 保險業之風險與監理趨勢 23
第一節 保險業之風險 23
第二節 保險監理之新趨勢─風險基礎監理 28
第三節 英國風險基礎監理之實例 30
第四節 加拿大風險基礎監理之實例 37
第四章 我國與新加坡金融監理組織之探討 42
第一節 金融監理一元化之優劣分析 42
第二節 我國金融監督管理委員會之設立 49
第三節 新加坡金融管理局 56
第四節 我國與新加坡金融監理組織之比較 71
第五章 我國與新加坡保險監理制度之探討 80
第一節 我國與新加坡保險市場發展概述 80
第二節 我國保險監理機制 89
第三節 新加坡保險監理機制 102
第四節 我國與新加坡保險監理之比較 114
第六章 結論與建議 122
第一節 結論 122
第二節 建議 126
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