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研究生(外文):Wu, Kun-huei
論文名稱(外文):The Ideology and Practice of Theodore H. White
指導教授(外文):Thomas B. Lee
外文關鍵詞:IdeologyPultizer PrizePresidential ElectionNon-fiction
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論文名稱:白修德(美國新聞記者暨作家)的理念與實踐(1938-1960) 頁數:389
畢業時間及提要別:九十二學年度第二學期 文學博士 學位論文提要
研究生: 吳坤暉 指導教授:李本京 博士
二次世界大戰發生前後,中國戰區彷彿是磁鐵般吸引著來自世界各地的新聞記者,他們深入各地實地採訪,將所見所聞透過各種文字報導給世人。當時的傳播科技未臻發達,大部份訊息仰賴通訊員或記者之採訪記錄,因此記者個人的特質、社會價值的傳承、專業性的反應、個人的社經背景與信仰,對報導內容的客觀性產生舉足輕重之影響。曾任我國新聞局長暨駐美代表的沈劍虹大使論及國民政府形象在抗戰勝利前後遭受兩位外國記者嚴重之破壞;其一為紅星照耀中國(Red Star Over China)的作者艾德格‧斯諾 (Edgar Snow),其二為本論文研究的主要人物白修德(Theodore H. White)。
白修德視蔣介石為中國的民主英雄,認為國民政府是未來民主改革的希望,此觀點與亨利魯斯(Henry R. Luce)所領導的時代雜誌理念相當契合,白修德因此備受重用,魯斯對白修德有相見恨晚的感覺。然而這種惺惺相惜的情感卻維持短暫,白修德經由親身的觀察與接觸,逐漸對蔣介石與國民政府的印象出現負面的觀點,不信任與質疑的結果導致他由一個國民政府的支持者,轉變成中國共產黨的同情者,甚至被指為共黨同路人,他與魯斯的友好關係也因此決裂。
Title of Thesis: The Ideology and Practice of Theodore H. White Total Pages:389
from 1938 to 1960
Key Word: Ideology, Pro-Chiang, Communism, Cold War, China Policy, Presidential Election, Pulitzer Prize, non-fiction, Speech Criticism
Name of Institute: Graduate Institute of American Studies, Tamkang University
Graduate date: June, 2004 Degree Conferred: Ph.D.
Name of Student: Wu, Kun-Huei Advisor: Dr. Thomas B. Lee
吳坤暉 李本京 博士
Theodore H. White was born in a Jewish neighborhood of Dorchester on May 6, 1915, the second child and first son of David and Mary Winkeller White. White arrived in Chungking, China in 1939 and hired by the Kuomintang’s propaganda office as a writer. He soon became disillusioned with Chiang K’ai-shek’s government, and accepted John Hersey’s offer to become a stringer for Time Magazine. White’s relationship with Henry Luce and Time soured when his story of Joseph Stilwell’s dismissal in 1944 was rewritten to reflect Time’s pro-Chiang K’ai-shek bias. White resign from Time in 1946 and wrote, with colleague Annalee Jacoby, Thunder Out of China, an uncensored account of the Kuomintang’s approaching collapse and the rise of the Communists.
At the request of Stilwell’s widow, he edited a volume of Stilwell’s personal papers published in 1948 and worked briefly as an editor for the New Republic in 1947. Labeled as too sympathetic to the Chinese Communists and left wing in the post-war climate, White was unable to find work as a foreign correspondent for any major newspaper. Finally he was hired by the Overseas News Agency, a tiny foreign news service, as their Paris correspondent in 1948.
After O.N.A. went bankrupt in 1950, White spent three more years in Paris writing free-lance for The Reporter and other magazines. Also, he wrote a book entitled Fire in the Ashes. White returned to New York in 1953 and was hired as the national correspondent for the liberal magazine The Reporter. After that, he worked for the Collier’s. He finished two novels, The Mountain Road and The View from the Fortieth Floor. White had always been fascinated by American politics and decided in 1960 to follow the presidential campaign and write a book-length analysis. The Making of the President, 1960 won the 1962 Pulitzer Prize for nonfiction.
The main intention of this dissertation is to present White’s ideology and his influence. He is one of the most important reporters in the twentieth century. His controversial role during the China Civil War provides us another perspective understanding the background of Sino-American relationship. Besides, his novels and other books illustrate his own deeper thought and ideology.
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究主旨與目的……………………………………11
第二節 研究範圍與方法……………………………………15
第三節 資料來源與架構分析………………………………18
第二章 影響白修德人格與思想之因素背景…………………..19
第一節 家庭環境之影響……………………………………29
第二節 學校教育之影響……………………………………51
第三章 與中國結緣……………………………………………..52
第一節 造訪中國之因緣際會………………………………77
第二節 時代雜誌與中國……………………………………94
第四章 支持國民政府之信念……………………….………….95
第一節 與時代雜誌理念一致……………………………..113
第二節 塑造中國民主、希望的形象……………………..117
第三節 媒體對民主形象的影響…………………………..128
第五章 對國共觀點之轉換階段………………………………129
第一節 對國民政府失去信心…………………………….137
第二節 與時代雜誌決裂………………………………….151
第三節 中國驚雷的震撼………………………………….175
第四節 史迪威文件的爭議……………………………….184
第六章 樹立政治新聞報導之新風格…………………………185
第一節 離開美國前往歐洲……………………………….204
第二節 離開歐洲返回美國……………………………….215
第三節 撰寫一九六O年總統大選………………………237
第七章 報導作品中之理念與信仰……………………………238
第一節 寫作的心路歷程………………………………….248
第二節 作品中的自由理念觀點………………………….262
第三節 電視對白修德的影響……………………………..271
第四節 白修德面臨的危機………………………………..281
第八章 結論……………………………………………………282
一、 學術訪談
「七十五歲 時代誕生 冠蓋雲集」,聯合報,民國八十七年三月五日,第十九版。
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
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7. 邵玉銘。「一九四五年至一九四九年美國、蘇聯與國共四角關係之研究」,美國研究。第十期,民國六十九年六月。頁四。
8. 林靜華。「海明威筆下的戰時中國」,當代。第二十五期,民國七十七年五月。二三二至四一。
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11. 沈劍虹。「抗戰後期重慶外國記者群」,傳記文學。第四十六卷第四期,民國七十四年四月。頁五二。
12. 何宛倩。「中古中晚期歐洲猶太人悲情命運之探討」,東吳歷史學報。第二期,民國八十五年三月。
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14. 王石番。「美國總統與民意測驗」,美國月刊。第四卷第十一期,民國七十九年三月。頁五至十二。
15. 胡平生。「抗戰初期國共的軍事合作」,歷史月刊。第八十九期,民國八十四年六月。頁四四至四九。