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The purpose of this thesis is to examine the determinants of the types of CEO selection while replacing CEOs. In the literature, most studies of the CEO turnover refer to the relationship between corporation performance and the probability of CEO turnover, and only a few studies focus on the types of CEO selection. Therefore, we emphasize on the decisive factors for the board to select a suitable manager under kinds of CEO replacing situations, whether to choose a family manager for fewer agent problems or to choose a professional manager with better capabilities. Because we are interested in the problem of the choice of CEO, the sample consists of the corporations in which the CEO turnover actually happens. We aim at the change of the types of CEO turnover and investigate the effects of various factors on that change.
The data are collected from the listed companies in the Taiwan Stock Exchange between 1998 and 2002. We obtain 262 valid observations excluding financial companies. Several hypotheses relating the choice of the types of CEO to the agency cost, the manager’s ability, and the board structure are developed. Using the Probit econometric model, we find strong evidence to support proposed hypotheses. For further analyses, the sample is divided into different groups according to (1) the types of CEO before replacement, (2) the changes of EBIT before replacement, and (3) the industries. Regression results suggest that the effects of most variables on the choice of the types of CEO do vary across different subsamples.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法 3
第三節 本文架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧與假說建立
第一節 代理問題 6
第二節 經理人能力 9
第三節 董事會結構 12
第四節 經理人更換前類型、息前稅前盈餘變動量與產業別效果之假說建立 15
第三章 實證模型與變數定義
第一節 模型設計 17
第二節 變數定義 19
第三節 資料來源 27
第四節 基本統計量 29
第四章 實證結果
第一節 全部樣本下之迴歸結果 35
第二節 不同子樣本群下之迴歸結果 43
第五章 結論及未來研究方向
第一節 主要發現 50
第二節 未來研究方向 52
參考文獻 53
表3-1 變數定義 28
表3-2 全部樣本之基本統計量 32
表3-3 不同廠商特質下之基本統計量 33
表4-1 經理人更換決策之Probit估計-以全部公司為樣本 41
表4-2 經理人更換決策Probit估計之邊際效果-以全部公司為樣本 42
表4-3 經理人更換決策之Probit估計-以經理人更換前特性分類 47
表4-4 經理人更換決策之Probit估計-以息前稅前盈餘變動量分類 48
表4-5 經理人更換決策之Probit估計-以產業別分類 49
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1. 賴苑玲(民85)。國小實施資訊素養教育之實驗研究-以台中市國小五年級學生為例。書苑,45期,頁21。
2. 徐建國(民92)。高中三民主義教學規劃與實施。菁莪季刊,15卷2期,頁44-45。
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