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研究生(外文):Tzong-Heng Chi
論文名稱(外文):On Problems Induced by the Asymmetric Characteristic in Hypercube-Derived Machines
指導教授(外文):Huan-Chao Keh
外文關鍵詞:Complete Binary TreeEmbeddingFlexible HypercubeIncrementally Extensible HypercubeMulticasting
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In Massive Parallel Processing, many processor elements (PE''s) are together responsible for the calculation work. The communication network bridges all of PE''s to cooperate or coordinate each other. In other words, the whole effect mainly depends on the communication network whether it can make the PE''s work as they should do. Hypercube has been one of the most popular topologies because of its connectivity, regularity, and symmetry. But it has a weakness that is the node number must be power of two. Therefore many other hypercube-derived variants developed to make up this deficiency. We first propose a simple classification scheme to divide those variants into six types according to the degree of asymmetry. Hence we have found that almost all of the variants are members of type VI variant which is asymmetric. This type has two main characteristics: existence of shortcuts and unrestricted number of nodes. The shortcut means the possible existence of better routing algorithms then that developed for the Hypercube. They can then affect the efficiency. The difference between the node number and power of 2 can be regarded as another form in processor elements to break down. So in this thesis, we exploit these properties and investigate the influence which comes from the asymmetry on the communication and computation.
In the aspects of communication, we propose a multipurpose heuristic distributed multicasting algorithm customized for the Incrementally Extensible Hypercube. The algorithm follows the rules of (1) the closest image node routing and (2) the subcubes of higher dimension with higher priority. It is proven that the algorithm is better than others designed for the hypercubes. In the aspects of computation model, we propose algorithms for mapping complete binary trees into Flexible Hypercube separately by the two approaches: (1) bit ordering and (2) table lookup and item deletion. It holds dilation 4, congestion 1, expansion 2 and load 1 under the risk of O(n) faults.
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivation 1
1.2 Outline of the Thesis 9
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 12
2.1 Definitions and Notations 12
2.2 Hypercube-derived Graphs 15
2.2.1 The Hypercube Graph 15
2.2.2 The Supercube Graph 18
2.2.3 The Flexible Hypercube Graph 20
2.2.4 The Incremental Extensible Hypercube Graph 23
2.3 Embedding Complete Binary Trees 29
Chapter 3 A Simple Classification of Hypercube-Derived Graphs 38
3.1 From Graphs to Groups 39
3.2 Toward a Classification 43
Chapter 4 Embedding Complete Binary Trees into Faulty Flexible Hypercubes 49
4.1 The Big-Endian Algorithm 51
4.1.1 Examples for the Big-Endian Algorithm 53
4.2 The Small Ball Algorithm 54
4.2.1 Examples for the Small Ball Algorithm 58
4.3 The Correctness of Algorithms 67
Chapter 5 Multicast in Incrementally Extensible Hypercube (IEH) Graphs 72
5.1 The Multicast Algorithm in the IEH Graphs 73
5.2 An Illustrative Example 78
5.3 The Correctness of MULTICAST_IN_IEH 82
Chapter 6 Conclusions and the Future Work 87
6.1 Conclusions 87
6.2 The Future Work 89
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