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研究生(外文):Chen, Hung-Shiang
論文名稱(外文):Comparative study on Inventories Forecasting through Statistics and Neural Networks
指導教授(外文):Shih, Hsu-Shih
外文關鍵詞:Inventory forecastExponential smoothing methodRegress analysisNeural networksBackpropagation
  • 被引用被引用:15
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Forecast is the statement of what is expected to happen in the future. Forecasting is a vital activity for the organizations because managers need to make preparations for great uncertainties of the future. If wholesalers can accurately anticipate the demand for each week, they can manage inventory effectively; the manufacturer who can correctly forecast the retailer’s order can develop a meaningful logistical and production plan. Most of retailers and the manufacturers possess considerable historical sales data, taking advantage of these data, we expect to develop a new forecasting technique so as to provide managers more accurate information to reduce potential inaccuracy. Base on the forecasts, managers can plan accordingly and cut down manufactory cost further.
The purposes of this study is to investigate the influence of inventory under different forecast techniques, including both traditional statistics analytic methods (traditional analysis method) and neural network models (non-traditional analytic method) in order to figure out the most suitable models in different situations. Taking inventories of industries form the first quarter in 1996 to the third quarter in 2003 as example, and tendencies and season factors as explanatory variables, we estimate correlations among variables. Furthermore, we evaluate accuracy for each model by control chart and tracking signal techniques in order to determine the most suitable model under different scenarios so that we may apply these models in practice.
Forecasts are the basis for many decisions. Analysts always face difficulties with choosing meaningful data when they preparing for forecasts. Using historical inventory data as example, our research provides insights into each forecasting techniques and generalize some regularities from comparison between traditional statistics analytic methods and neural network models so that they can find a suitable technique accordingly, and improve forecasting quality.
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究背景 1
1.3 研究目的與方法 2
1.3.1 研究目的 2
1.3.2 研究方法 3
1.4 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 預測 5
2.1.1 預測特徵 5
2.1.2 預測條件 6
2.1.3 預測步驟 7
2.1.4 預測結果之衡量 7
2.2 統計預測方法 8
2.2.1 定性分析法 8
2.2.2 定量分析法 9
2.2.3 關聯性預測 12
2.3.4. ARIMA 13
2.3 類神經網路 14
2.3.1 類神經網路簡介 14
2.3.2 類神經網路預測之研究 14
2.3.3 倒傳遞類神經網路 16
2.4 預測誤差之衡量 16
2.4.1 追蹤信號 17
2.4.2 管制圖 17
2.5 預測模式選用與決策支援 18
2.6 本章小結 21
第三章 以統計預測方法預測存貨 22
3.1 模式導入 22
3.1.1 迴歸分析法 22
3.2 統計預測方法應用於存貨預測問題 23
3.2.1 資料來源 23
3.2.2 分析平台 24
3.3 分析結果 24
3.3.1 批發業 24
3.3.2 農畜水產業 26
3.3.3 燃料業 27
3.3.4 藥類化妝品業 29
3.2.5 鐘錶眼鏡業 31
3.4 本章小結 32
第四章 以類神經網路預測存貨 34
4.1 以MATLAB建構類神經模式 34
4.1.1 隱藏層神經元數 34
4.2 類神經網路應用於存貨預測實際問題 35
4.2.1 .MATLAB的網路運作 35
4.2.2實驗設計 35
4.2.3 分析實例 37
4.3 本章小結 42
第五章 比較分析與控制預測 43
5.1 結果比較 43
5.2 預測控制 45
5.2.1 指數平滑法 45
5.2.2 迴歸分析法 47
5.2.3 類神經網路 50
5.2.4 各預測模式之比較結果 52
5.3 模式選用與決策支援 53
5.4 統計方法與類神經網路之比較 54
5.5 類神經網路之優缺點比較 55
5.6 本章小結 56
第六章 結論與建議 57
6.1 結論 57
6.2 建議 58
參考文獻 59
中文部分 59
英文部分 61
附錄A 類神經網路相關附錄 63
A.1 類神經網路架構 63
A.2 人工類神經元模型 65
A.3 類神經網路分類 67
A.4 倒傳遞類神經網路 69
A.5 .MATLAB 的網路運作 71
附錄B 時間分解法簡介 73
附錄C 存貨實例數據(百萬元) 74
附錄D .SAS與MATLAB程式碼 75
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