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研究生(外文):ChingYi Tsai
論文名稱(外文):A Study on ECs'' Role in WTO Audiovisual Services Negotation
指導教授(外文):Chi-Chen Chiang
外文關鍵詞:WTO audiovisual negotiationEuropean CommunitiesTwo-level game theorywin-setcultural exception
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歐洲共同體(以下簡稱歐體,ECs)為WTO重要的成員之一,同時在全球經貿環境扮演舉足輕重的角色,尤其在WTO經貿談判場域。歐體代表會員國與其他WTO成員進行協商,因此,歐體進行對外談判前,必須先協調出會員國利益的最大化,對外口徑一致(one voice)並產生共同立場(common position)。為了觀察歐體在談判所扮演的角色,歐體與會員國的互動面向是不可忽略的,是故,本研究以WTO視聽服務貿易談判為研究背景,以雙層賽局理論(two-level game)為研究途徑,以描繪出歐體在進行WTO談判的具體輪廓。
本文主要分為三個部分:歐體內賽局(intra-ECs game)、歐體外賽局(extra-ECs game)及歐體談判角色分析 。歐體內賽局即歐體對內與會員國的互動形成共同立場的過程。視聽服務屬於歐體與會員國的共享權限,表決方式為一致決,加上歐體在視聽服務貿易議題上扮演「文化例外」的捍衛者,使其在此議題的立場趨向保守。歐體外賽局焦點則為歐體與美國在WTO視聽服務貿易談判的互動情況,主要分析兩者在此談判場域的議價區變化以及對談判結果的影響。最後綜合分析歐體在談判所扮演的角色,歐體分別於內賽局與外賽局,不同階段扮演不同的角色,於歐體內賽局可說是整合會員國利益之代表機制及傳達與彙整會員國意見的協調者角色,於歐體外賽局則扮演WTO視聽服務貿易談判意見領導者與為會員國爭取更進一步利益的角色。
The European Communities (ECs), one of the key members in the WTO, plays a significant role in the global trade system. The ECs represents 25 member states to negotiate with the other members of the WTO, the ECs has to coordinate and maximize its member states’ interests to achieve a common position before negotiations. In order to examine the role of the ECs in the negotiation processes, it’s essential to understand the interaction between the ECs and its member states. Consequently, this thesis is based on the audiovisual negotiations under the WTO, by applying “two-level game” theory , to sketch the picture of the ECs in the WTO negotiation processes.
The thesis is mainly composed of three parts, namely intra-ECs game, extra-ECs game and the analysis of the ECs’ negotiating role. Intra-ECs game is primarily to explore process that the procedures of achieving a common position between the ECs and its member states. According to ECs’ role, audiovisual services applied to the unanimity voting procedure, are defined to shared competences between the ECs and its member states. Also, the ECs is used to promote the concept of cultural exception in the audiovisual services in trade. The ECs thus tends to keep a conservative position in the negotiation. Extra-ECs game on the other hand focuses on the interaction between the ECs and USA in the WTO audiovisual services trade negotiation, analyzing two parties’ negotiation win-sets and their impacts on the negotiation results. In the end, a comprehensive analysis of ECs’ roles in the intra-ECs game and extra-ECs game is made by the thesis. In conclusion, the thesis finds that in intra-ECs game ECs plays a role in representing member states’ interests as well as coordinating the member states’ positions. In extra-ECs game, ECs instead plays a role in leading member states to negotiate in the WTO audiovisual services negotiation and struggling for further interests for its member states.
The thesis also would like to make some suggestions for Taiwan in negotiating with ECs under the WTO. First, Taiwan should have a clear understanding of ECs’ negotiation positions and potential factors. Then Taiwna has to find some opportunities interactions between Taiwan and ECs from these factors. Furthermore, facing international keen competition in audiovisual services, Taiwan should not passively accept the current measures of GATS; instead, Taiwan should support the concepts of global cultural diversities and cultural exceptions and collaborate with other WTO members to establish a more transparent and fairer trading system.
第一章 緒論................................................1
第一節 研究動機與目的....................................1
第二節 文獻探討..........................................4
第三節 研究方法..........................................12
第四節 研究範圍與章節安排................................22
第二章 WTO視聽服務貿易談判.................................23
第一節 視聽服務產業特性與談判議題之興起..................23
第二節 GATT/WTO視聽服務貿易談判的歷程....................29
第三節 WTO視聽服務貿易談判之爭議.........................35
第三章 體內賽局(intra-ECs game)分析........................45
第一節 歐體在視聽服務貿易權限劃分與決策方式..............46
第二節 歐體參與世界貿易組織貿易談判程序..................56
第三節 歐體在內賽局議價區與角色分析......................60
第四章 歐體外賽局(extra-ECs game)分析......................70
第一節 歐美視聽服務市場結構之差異........................70
第二節 歐體與美國在WTO視聽服務貿易談判之互動.............78
第三節 歐體在外賽局議價區與角色分析......................86
第五章 結論................................................93
第一節 研究摘要與發現....................................93
第二節 未來研究與建議....................................102
黃立、李貴英、林彩瑜, 《WTO國際貿易法論》,台北:元照出版公司, 2000年。
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