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研究生(外文):Hsu - Ching , Lin
論文名稱(外文):An evaluation model of risk exposure to the issue of cash cards-an example of a domestic card issuer
指導教授(外文):Dr . Jeng - Yan , Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Cash CardsCredit Risk Checking SystemT-TestLogistic Regression Model
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本研究主要目的在建立一個適用於現金卡發卡銀行之風險評估模型,係以國內某一現金卡發卡銀行的大台北地區(包括台北市、縣)38家分行為資料抽樣蒐集對象,樣本資料期間為2002年七月至2003年七月,資料內容為已核卡持卡人之個人申請現金卡資料,總共930個樣本,樣本中628個為正常戶,302個為逾期戶。本研究根據這些已核卡案件的申請書及銀行間所延用之信用評分表選出表列變數,以及目前未被銀行徵授信人員列為書面信用風險審核要素,但可能影響未來授信成敗、繳款正常與否的表外變數,運用SPSS統計套裝軟體,進行Logistic Regression迴歸分析,探討持卡人可能發生逾期違約的重要顯著因素,並建構信用風險評估模型,利用迴歸式可預測得知每個申辦者可能產生逾期之機率值。
本研究成果為經由樣本 t 檢定與Logistic Regression迴歸的量化分析,導出最終的LR模型,此模型不僅適合於目前一般發卡銀行之應用性,可快速而客觀的處理現金卡申請資料,更能提供發卡銀行徵授信人員在主觀判斷之餘,另外做為客觀判斷的參考值,以提昇現金卡信用風險審核之效果及減少逾期違約之發生。
In light of increasing popularity of cash cards adoption, banks are seen issuing cash cards and encourage prospect customers to hold multiple cards through relaxed approval and credit reference procedures, simply to attain market shares and making the goal on new issues. However, the above behavior has significantly undermined the creditworthiness of issuing banks, leading to increased outstanding debts, and thus higher risk of bad debts each year. Therefore, how to concurrently manage risk exposure to outstanding bad debts while augmenting new card issues remains a missing piece from the puzzle for banks. An audit system and risk evaluation model, therefore, may simply help the banks to solve this puzzle.
This research mainly aims at building a risk evaluation model that may be utilized by the cash card issuing banks. This research draws from 930 application documents filed by individuals in the Great Taipei Area (including the municipal and county regions of Taipei) holding approved cash cards issued by any of the 38 branches of a selected bank. The sample data is drawn between the period of July 2002 and July 2003. Out of the 930 samples drawn, 628 cardholders represent the norm, 302 cardholders have outstanding payments. With approved applications and credit rating chart popularly referenced by banks, tabulated variables are selected. As well, non-tabulated variables currently not referenced by credit checking officers as important documentations for credit risk reviews, but may impact on future credit success & payment promptness, are identified and included for Logistic Regression Analysis using SPSS statistics software system, to study significant explicit factors that may cause payment overdue or default by cash cardholders. Meanwhile, risk evaluation model is constructed, to attain probability of overdue payments by every card applicant.
The study discovers that amongst tabulated variables, applicants with less desirable application conditions result in lower credit rating variables and thus higher risk of credit default risk. For gender variable, male incurs a higher credit risk probability than female. As for the variable of academic background, applicants with higher education actually, by a rather embarrassing contrast, are more likely to incur overdue or default. Amongst professions including full time staff employed by the military, police, public and education agencies (not contracted), private corporate employees, self-employed persons, students, housewives, higher risks result when applications are filed to replace an existing card (G&M card limited). Lower income becomes a rather significant contributor to overdue due to reverse selection mechanism. As for the variable of housing condition, card issuing banks are generally only concerned with whether an asset is available on collateral for card applicants, but overlook potential blind spots (for instance whether housing is own by applicant or spouse), which may present credit risk. The validity of this variable is contrary to the prevalent opinion. As for credit history, which look at applicants’ use of checks and 1 year (3 year) credit cards records, issuing banks and credit review officers may simply approve of new card issues based on the absence of bad records, but possibly overlook some tricks to manipulate result of credit references. A factor not expected by the study and contrary to general knowledge, credit liabilities lower than 500,000 dollars, is actually an important contributing variable to overdue, that is, the lower a balance of credit liability, the more likely an applicant may overdue or default on cards. This may result from excess number of cards owned by a single cardholder or an oversight. In addition, amongst non-tabulated variables, applicants with zero or only one other cash card are most commonly found for overdue and default due to personal oversight, improper use initially, or the lack of understanding of interest calculations and payment deadlines. Applicants that have been recently referenced by other banks also tend to result in overdue and default, since the previous references may suggest applications filed with other banks (that is, applicants may be repeatedly applying or may have been previously declined.) When reviewing for approval, credit officers should consider the potential of excessively extended credits by an applicant, and whether other banks for various reasons may have declined such applicant. Therefore, besides making judgments based on systematic reference of tabulated variables, credit reviewers should consider enlisting additional non-tabulated variables to be used as basis of approval of decline after fully understanding the importance of these variables.
The result of this study is a LR model arrived at by conducting t-test and Logistic Regression quantitative analysis. This model is not only applicable to card issuing banks in general to process application data quickly and objectively, moreover, provides an alternate reference value to banks’ credit officers as a supplement to their subjective judgments. It is hoped that better result may be yielded for credit risk review on new applications, and consequently, reduced occurrences of overdue and defaults.
目 錄
中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
英文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------Ⅲ
誌 謝 辭 ----------------------------------------------------Ⅵ
目 錄 ----------------------------------------------------Ⅶ
表 目 錄 ----------------------------------------------------Ⅸ
圖 目 錄 ---------------------------------------------------ⅩⅠ
第一章 緒論 ------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究動機 ----------------------------------------------2
第二節 研究目的 ----------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究方法 ----------------------------------------------4
第四節 研究架構 ----------------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻回顧 ----------------------------------------------6
第三章 理論研究 ---------------------------------------------14
第一節 法源依據-巴塞爾資本協定 -----------------------------14
第二節 理論依據 ---------------------------------------------16
(一) 資訊不對稱理論 ---------------------------------------16
(二) 逆向選擇理論 -----------------------------------------17
(三) 道德危險理論 -----------------------------------------17
(四) 信用風險評估理論 -------------------------------------18
第三節 迴歸模型統計分析 -------------------------------------21
(一) 區別分析模型 -----------------------------------------21
(二) 迴歸分析模型 -----------------------------------------22
(三) 機率Probit分析模型------------------------------------24
第四章 研究設計與應用方法 -----------------------------------26
第一節 資料來源 ---------------------------------------------26
第二節 研究限制 ---------------------------------------------26
第三節 變數選取 ---------------------------------------------28
第四節 應用方法 ---------------------------------------------30
(一) 羅吉斯迴歸(LR)模型的基本觀念 -----------------------30
(二) 羅吉斯迴歸(LR)模型如何建立 -------------------------31
第五章 實證分析 ---------------------------------------------33
第一節 資料來源與內容 ---------------------------------------35
第二節 資料分析 ---------------------------------------------36
第三節 樣本t檢定(母體平均數差異的檢定) --------------------65
第四節 羅吉斯迴歸(LR)模型的建立 ---------------------------71
第五節 以Probit分析模型來檢視最終LR模型的統計強度 -----------97
第六章 結論與建議 -------------------------------------------99
第一節 研究結論 ---------------------------------------------99
第二節 研究建議 --------------------------------------------103
第七章 參考文獻 --------------------------------------------105
(一) 中文書目 --------------------------------------------105
(二) 英文書目 --------------------------------------------106
(三) 網路資料 --------------------------------------------107
附錄 -------------------------------------------------------109
附錄一 國內現金卡市場概況 ----------------------------------109
附錄二 比較平均數法之獨立樣本T檢定 -------------------------112
表 目 錄
表2-1運用統計方法建立信用風險評估模型之相關文獻彙整表 -------13
表3-1信用風險模型比較表 -------------------------------------16
表3-2信用評分制度評分表 -------------------------------------19
表3-3信用風險評估理論彙整表 ---------------------------------20
表3-4區別分析、機率Probit分析&羅吉斯Logistic迴歸模型之優、缺點 彙整表 ------------------------------------------------------25
表4-1現金卡逾期違約之高風險族群對象別 -----------------------27
表4-2變數選取表 ---------------------------------------------29
表5-0各變數之敘述統計值 -------------------------------------37
表5-1逾期戶與信用評級之間的交叉分析表 -----------------------39
表5-2逾期戶與性別之間的交叉分析表 ---------------------------41
表5-3逾期戶與年齡之間的交叉分析表 ---------------------------43
表5-4逾期戶與學歷之間的交叉分析表 ---------------------------45
表5-5逾期戶與職業之間的交叉分析表 ---------------------------47
表5-6逾期戶與年收入之間的交叉分析表 -------------------------50
表5-7逾期戶與婚姻狀況之間的交叉分析表 -----------------------52
表5-8逾期戶與住宅狀況之間的交叉分析表 -----------------------54
表5-9逾期戶與信用記錄之間的交叉分析表 -----------------------56
表5-10逾期戶與信用債務餘額之間的交叉分析表 ------------------58
表5-11逾期戶與持卡張數之間的交叉分析表 ----------------------60
表5-12逾期戶與近期是否有他行庫銀行查詢之間的交叉分析表 ------62
表5-13交叉分析中影響逾期之變數 ------------------------------64
表5-14t檢定衡量各變數的顯著性 -------------------------------67
表5-15交叉分析中影響逾期變數與t檢定顯著性變數之比較表 -------69
表5-16LR模型Ⅰ(表列變數)之分類表 --------------------------71
表5-17LR模型Ⅰ(表列變數)之參數估計表 ----------------------72
表5-18LR模型Ⅱ(加入表外變數)之分類表 ----------------------73
表5-19LR模型Ⅱ(加入表外變數)之參數估計表 ------------------74
表5-20t檢定與LR模型Ⅰ、Ⅱ顯著性變數比較表 -------------------75
表5-21LR模型Ⅲ之分類表 --------------------------------------77
表5-22LR模型Ⅲ之參數估計表 ----------------------------------77
表5-23LR模型Ⅳ之分類表 --------------------------------------79
表5-24LR模型Ⅳ之參數估計表 ----------------------------------79
表5-25LR模型Ⅴ之分類表 --------------------------------------81
表5-26LR模型Ⅴ之參數估計表 ----------------------------------82
表5-27五種LR模型具有顯著性變數彙整表 ------------------------83
表5-28最終LR模型之分類表 ------------------------------------86
表5-29最終 LR模型之參數估計表 -------------------------------86
表5-30本研究發現與重大貢獻之處 ------------------------------92
表5-31以E-views中Probit分析法驗證 ---------------------------98
附錄一表1 國內前五大現金卡發卡銀行發卡量與動用餘額 ---------110
附錄一表2 國內各家銀行目前所發行的現金卡名稱統計 -----------111
附錄二 比較平均數法之獨立樣本T檢定 -------------------------112
圖 目 錄
圖1-1研究論文架構圖 ------------------------------------------5
圖3-1迴歸分析步驟流程圖 -------------------------------------23
圖4-1Logistic Distribution曲線圖 ----------------------------31
圖5-0實證流程圖 ---------------------------------------------34
圖5-1逾期戶與信用評級之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 ---------------39
圖5-2逾期戶與性別之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 -------------------41
圖5-3逾期戶與年齡之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 -------------------43
圖5-4逾期戶與學歷之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 -------------------45
圖5-5逾期戶與職業之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 -------------------48
圖5-6逾期戶與年收入之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 -----------------50
圖5-7逾期戶與婚姻狀況之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 ---------------52
圖5-8逾期戶與住宅狀況之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 ---------------54
圖5-9逾期戶與信用記錄之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 ---------------56
圖5-10逾期戶與信用債務餘額之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 ----------58
圖5-11逾期戶與持卡張數之間的交叉分析集群長條圖 --------------60
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