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研究生(外文):Wenli Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Unmet Needs in Activity of Daily Living on Hospitalization
指導教授(外文):Kun-Yang Chuang
外文關鍵詞:long-term careunmet needhealth care serivce utilizationpropensity score
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資料來源包含社區調查與全民健康保險資料庫。社區調查資料來自九十年內政部「建構長期照護體系先導計畫」的第一年社區前測調查,研究對象為居住在嘉義市、三鶯地區、新店市、樹林市四個社區的失能者;且利用社區調查個案的身份證字號連結全民健康保險資料庫,追蹤個案於訪視後六個月內住院的情況。在本研究當中依變項除了「自述未滿足需求」以外,也以傾向分數(propensity score)的分析方法計算出每個個案的「未滿足需求傾向」,分別探討兩者對於住院的影響。以T檢定與卡方檢定進行雙變項分析,並使用邏輯斯回歸建立未滿足需求傾向分數和探討未滿足需求對住院的影響。
Many disabled living in the community need assistance in Activities of Daily Living. Unmet need occurs when they do not receive enough assistance. As a result, their independence and quality of life are greatly affected. Furthermore, unmet need may lead to institutionalization, or an increase in health care services. Thus, this research intends to explore the effects of unmet need on hospitalization among the disabled in the community.
Data used in this research came from the “Pilot Program for the Development of Long-term Care System in Taiwan”. Information was collected through face-to-face interviews from the disabled residing in Chia-Yi City ,San-Yin area, Hsin-Tien City, Shu-Lin Townships from June to September, 2001. Hospitalization data was collected from the National Health Insurance Bureau, In this research, both self-reported unmet needs and propensity for unmet needs were assessed. T-test and Chi-Square Test were used to compare difference between groups. Logistic regression was used to calculate the propensity score, and to identify correlates of unmet need and hospitalization.
The result show that one-fourth of disabled in the communities had unmet needs. After controlling for age, gender, household income, prior use of medical care service, and health status, those with higher propensity for unmet needs were more likely to be hospitalized within 6 months. Using the quartile 4 to be the reference, the odds ratio for quartile 3,2, and 1 are 0.66(95%CI:0.48~0.93), 0.56(95%CI:0.32~0.97), and 0.36(95%CI:0.15~0.86). Further examination revealed that the finding was significant only among those reported no unmet needs.
Unmet needs in activity of daily living are likely to lead to increased hospitalization, particularly among those with high propensity but reported no unmet needs. Therefore, they should be included in programs aimed to reduce unmet needs and hospitalization.
第一章 研究緣起 6
第一節 研究背景 6
第二節 研究目的 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 未滿足需求的定義 9
第二節 未滿足需求的盛行率 10
第三節 影響未滿足需求的相關因素 13
第四節 未滿足需求的影響 19
第五節 研究者對於未滿足需求研究的建議 21
第六節 影響住院的因素 21
第三章 研究設計與方法 23
第一節 研究架構與研究假設 23
第二節 研究設計 26
第三節 研究變項的操作型定義 29
第四節 統計分析方法 37
第四章 研究結果 38
第一節 樣本特性描述 38
第二節 雙變項分析 45
第三節 多變項分析 47
第五章 討論與建議 61
第一節 重要發現與討論 61
第二節 建議 66
第三節 研究限制與優點 68
參考文獻 70
圖3-1研究架構 25
圖3-2 ADL未滿足需求狀況之判定過程 30
圖4-1個案條件說明 39
圖4-2 未滿足需求傾向分數分佈情形 43
圖4-3未滿足需求傾向分數四分位中自述有未滿足需求的分佈情形 43
表3-1 各變項之操作型定義與測量 34
表4-1 個案基本特性以及研究個案與遺漏個案的差異比較 50
表4-2 失能者需要協助與自述未滿足需求情形 53
表4-3 失能者自述未滿足需求分佈情形 53
表4-4未滿足需求傾向分數的建立模式 54
表4-5 有無住院個案之基本特性分佈比較 55
表4-6 控制變項與住院之邏輯斯回歸分析 57
表4-7 自述未滿足需求與住院之邏輯斯回歸分析 58
表4-8 未滿足需求傾向與住院之邏輯斯回歸分析 59
表4-9 未滿足需求傾向與住院之邏輯斯回歸分析 60
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